Amelia’s Blog

The Spring Equinox Arrives !

“I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” Thomas Jefferson

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring;
I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear, I may):
I shan’t be gone long.—You come too.

I’m going out to fetch the little calf
That’s standing by the mother. It’s so young,
It totters when she licks it with her tongue.

I shan’t be gone long.—You come too.” Robert Frost

It has been a long snowy winter here in New England and the arrival of the Spring Equinox on Thursday is very welcome news! There are beautiful aspects that day with the Moon trine Venus and Mercury and opposing Jupiter. Plan a special event – even if it’s a walk in a park, greenhouse or a place in nature special to you to welcome the Spring!

On Monday this week the Sun moves up to a conjunction  with the North Node of destiny and life path. It’s a good time to raise awareness about  guidance on your evolutionary path forward. The conjunction is at 27 degrees of Pisces – a spiritual and creative placement. This aspect will be in effect for a couple of days. Providing some extra quiet time – for inspiration to flow into your life -will be beneficial.

The Sun is moving up to a conjunction with Neptune this week and will be exact on Wednesday. This is a good time for mystical and imaginative journeys that may inform your future. Dream big! Saturn near by is echoing the upcoming Saturn/Neptune ingress  in Aries  This is about taking action on our dreams and aspirations in a concrete way. This week provides a good time to expand the lens on what those initiatives and actions could be.

Thursday marks the time of the Spring Equinox (the Autumn Equinox in the southern hemisphere)  this year at 5:01 AM EDT as the Sun moves into Aries. This is a powerful time for setting new  intentions.

Venus is retrograde now and moving up to a sextile to Pluto. This provides a good time to review relationships and relationship dynamics based on your personal evolutionary path.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Friday’s Lunar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde

“Wrong was easy, gravity helped it.
Right is difficult and long.
In choosing what is difficult
We are free, the mind too
Making its little flight
Out from the shadow into the clear.
In time between work and sleep.” Wendell Berry

“Life is sending you signals.” Samuels and Carson

Friday’s Lunar Eclipse is at 24 degrees of Virgo at 2:55 AM EDT. Both Saturn – the sign of tradition, boundaries and limits and Uranus, the planet of innovation, surprises and the unexpected are playing significant roles. This can give a sense of a push and pull effect and contribute to indecision.

It’s a good time to reaffirm commitments particularly any having to do with improving health and daily routines. There can be breakthroughs and a strong desire to move away from old habits.

It can be a bit of a nervy time. Best to keep equilibrium in mind.

Mercury is slowing down to station retrograde on the 15th at 9 degrees of Aries.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Neptune and a Call to Action

“There are some people who
live in a dream world
And some who face reality.
And then there are those who
Turn one into another.” Erasmus

We are in an interesting time frame now. It is a good time to work on clarifying your visions for the future and preparing to take action on it in late April.

Mercury is slowing down to station retrograde on the the 15th. Mercury’s retrograde lasts through April 7. He will station retrograde at 9 Aries and backtrack to 26 Pisces.

Venus is retrograde now – she stationed retrograde at 10 Aries and will retrograde back to 24 Pisces  on the 13th of April.

The more significant news is that Neptune, the planet of dreams and visions will leave the sign of Pisces and enter Aries on April 18 and return to the sign of Pisces in August for a six month stay.

There’s a common theme here -with the emphasis on these two signs -Aries. the sign of beginnings, courage and  bold action – and Pisces, the dreamy, ethereal sign of the imagination.

This time frame – before the end of April –  the gives us space to dream about the future, consider and reconsider, and be ready to take action on desired  initiatives at the end of April.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A crystal gazer.”



as Neptune into Aries 4/18 back into Pisces 8/31, back into Aries 2/5/26, action based courage time to put dreams into action..Mercury 9 degrees of Aries , retro back to 26 Pisces on the 7th,Venus direct at 24 Pisces on the 13 april

call to action

Mars, Impulsivenss and Careful Planning

“Good things happen slow.” Stewart Brand

“Instead of time or space or past or future, the Hopi metaphysics has: The Manifest, The Manifesting, the Unmanifested.” George Johnson

Mars, the planet of action and desire is in Cancer now and starting to gradually gain traction moving forward.

The Mars Retrograde this time lasted  December 2024 through late February ’25.Often there are delays and setbacks with plans and decisions made under this influence.

In general after the end of a retrograde cycle, things can begin  to get traction after the planet reaches one degree past  where it it stationed direct. For Mars this is 18 Cancer and will happen on Monday 3/10.

It’s wise to take  things slowly and carefully as it will take Mars awhile to get up to normal speed.

Mars is associated with impulsiveness and it’s best to avoid that at this time. Careful planning and methodical actions will succeed best under this influence.

In general there can be reversals of actions and decisions made during the retrograde period. This applies both personally and globally.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”the seed grows into knowledge and life.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Retrogrades, Retrogrades, Retrogrades!

“We have no art. We simply do everything as beautifully as we can.” Balinese saying

“Venus doesn’t have hobbies, she has passions. Our attractions are our primary clues as to how we can make a unique contribution to the world.” Caroline W. Casey

Venus stations retrograde today – March 1, 2025 at 10 degrees of Aries. The retrograde transit will last through April 12 when she will station direct at 24 Pisces.

Retrograde transits give us a natural time to review , reflect and to entertain new ideas and possibilities. We are the midst of three retrograde transits – the recent Mars retrograde – (December 5  2024 -February 23, 2025), the Venus retrograde -March 1 – mid April) and the Mercury retrograde (March 15 -April 7.)

The Venus retrograde bodes well for reviewing budgets and  financial plans. Because  Venus rules beauty it is a good time for home renovation and redecorating. Also on a personal level, for creating a new self image with wardrobe, makeup etc.

Past lovers and friends may reappear under this influence. There may be karmic circumstances that arise that offer the opportunity to go through an old situation in a new way.

There can be frustration with the retrograde occuring in Aries – the sign that loves to take action.

In general, though,  it is a time through mid- April for review and reconsideration.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Dreams, Guidance, Intuition and the New Moon

“Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it. It will take as long as it wants,the rain. And as long as it talks, I am going to listen.” Thomas Merton

“Proceed from the dream outward.” Carl G. Jung

Thursday’s New Moon is at 9 degrees of Pisces. This New Moon ushers in a time – for roughly the next month – to be in touch with your intuition, your dreams and your spiritual and creative aspirations.

Jupiter in Gemini will be aspecting the Moon – indicating a good time to seek wisdom and guidance.

It bodes well to provide extra downtime – today and during this Moon cycle – to cut down on the noise and be touch with the stillness.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination.”

Mars Stations Direct Today

“All the obstacles along the way
Sometimes may feel so tremendous
There are guides and spirits all along the way
Who will befriend us.” Van Morrison

“We live in a cosmos that at its deepest level is made of unfolding relationships…manifestation is an act of participation. We grow what we wish from within ourselves.” David Spangler

Mars Stations direct today – February 23, 2025  at 9PM -ending his long backward trek from early Leo to 17 degrees of Cancer. Mars has been retrograde since December of 2024.

Mars governs our desire nature – what it is that we desire and how we assert ourselves to  go about getting it.

It’s wise for the next few days to heed any information that may  surface about this area of life for you.  This time frame offers an opportunity to move forward with more clarity and optimism.

One of the Sabian symbols for today is, “The seed grows into knowledge and life.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

The Sun Enters Pisces

“I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.” John O’Donohue

“The garden flew round with the angel,
The angel flew round with the clouds.
And the clouds flew round and the clouds flew round
And the clouds flew round with the clouds.” Wallace Stevens

The Sun moves out of Aquarius today and into the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces.  This ushers in (for the next month or so)  a good time for spiritual and creative work. It’s a good time to enjoy poetry, music and art and let more  inspiration flow into your life. It bodes well for retreats and renewal.

Later in the week Mercury in Pisces will square Jupiter in Gemini. It’s wise to keep a balance between thinking and feeling with these two in a challenging alignment and Jupiter’s tendency towards excess.

Neptune has been widely conjunct the North Node in Pisces and the alignment will be exact Friday. It’s wise to keep a positive view of the future. Best to pay attention to your dreams and intuitions.

Mars will be stationing direct on the 23rd – calling an end to what- for many- has been a  period of frustration and delay.

Venus will station retrograde on March 1 and the retrograde period will last through April 12. More on this later.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “a Hindu healer glows with a mystic healing power.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Sudden Surprises and Wednesday’s Full Moon

“To live is so startling, it leaves time for little else.” Emily Dickinson

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson

The Moon waxes full in the fiery sign of Leo Wednesday at 8:53 AM EST at 24 degrees. The Sun and Mercury  in Aquarius will be opposing the Full Moon as Uranus – the planet of the unexpected – will be squaring it.

This influence is very much with us now and there can be unexpected events, snafus with communications and technology as well as sudden surprising occurrences. It’s best to regard any setbacks as temporary with the Mars Retrograde.

Urnaus governs lightning and is interesting how after  lightning strike the air can be of tension. Uranus governs the Higher Mind and Mercury the Lower Mind. Sudden realizations or awakenings  are possible under this influence. It is wise to raise awareness about information which may surfaces that can  represent a shift in thinking or awareness.

It’s wise for the next  several days – as Emily Dickinson implies – to stay grounded and in the present.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”After a heavy storm, a rainbow appears.”

An Astrology or Tarot reading can be very helpful in navigating a path through  challenging times. Get in touch if you’d like to schedule a reading.

Sabisn symbol from Lynda Hill

A Peek at this Week in Astrology

“Uranus has an affinity for Aquarius, which comprises the whole community of creation. Intuition connects us to the larger dance of creation, and through the agency of synchronicity, keeps us all in touch with each other.” Caroline W. Casey

The week gets off the an inspired start as Mercury in Aquarius forms a harmonious alignment with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury in Aquarius can have  visionary nature and  a unique kind of brilliance. There can be important  revelations and realizations under this influence. It’s a good time to take an expansive, optimistic view. Jupiter is strong in the sky now – stationary- and readying to station direction on February 4.

The Jupiter/Mercury trine can help with clearing up communications – with one caveat – that Mars is still retrograde and can make this a more contentious time.

Venus will move out of Pisces and into Aries on Tuesday. Venus in Aries is direct and assertive. It’s a good idea to watch for impulsiveness for the next couple of weeks .

Uranus is a strong influence in the sky now through the Full Moon in Leo on the 12th. Nervous tension can be high under these influence and communications and technology can be wonky. It’s best to stay in the present and keep an eye on equilibrium.  Best to avoid  making impulsive decisions. And watch out for impulsiveness on the part of others.

The Full Moon in Leo is on the 12th – more on that later.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A large white dove bearing a message.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill.