Amelia’s Blog

Changing Skies as Mercury Stations Retrograde

“There will be time, there will be time…
Time for you and time for me…
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of toast and tea.” TS Eliot

I was awakened by a text from a client this morning which said that due to an unexpected family situation, she needed to reschedule her reading until next week. And I thought – oh yes Mercury is stationing retrograde on Wednesday. Plans often change under this influence which extends for a few days before and a few days after the exact time of the station.

It’s wise around the time of planetary stations to raise awareness to heed any information that surfaces that represents a culmination of information.

The transit of the Trickster planet  will last from August 23rd ( at 3:59 PM EDT)  through September 15.  Mercury will retrace his steps stationing at 21 degrees of Virgo and  transiting down to 8 degrees of Virgo.

This time frame presents a good opportunity for  reorganizing- and  rethinking. It provides a good time to consider if there is a better balance that can be struck when considering your health, your diet  and your daily routine.

It’s wise as always to anticipate  possible delays, miscommunications and cyber snafus during this time. Best to make sure all important information is backed up.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Two guardian angels bringing protection.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



A New Moon of Surprises

“The  act of perception is always open-ended and unfinished.” David Abram

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, infinite.” William Blake

The Moon waxes new on Wednesday 8/16. New Moons offer a time of a fresh new start – ushering in a new 28 day cycle. They provide a good time to turn over a new leaf or start a new project.

The New Moon this month is at 23 degrees of Leo. It  forms a square with Uranus, the planet of  unexpected events. This is a high energy  combination and can lead to impatience and impulsive behavior. There can be surprises which may require course correction, but there can also be surprising and innovative solutions – as happens often with  Tarot Card readings.

It’s best to look at any needed changes or adjustments as an opportunity for personal growth.

There is also a very grounded, supportive trine in the earthy signs of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus as Mars, Uranus and Pluto align favorably. This can help move projects forward in a stable way.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Two girls playing with a ouija board.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

A Week of New Opportunities

“On every level of human life, compassion is the key thing.” Dalai Lama

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein

The next few days and into early next week is a time frame when there can be significant realizations and breakthroughs as Chiron trines the Sun, the Sun squares Uranus  and Venus retrograde backs to conjunct the Sun.

Chiron is the asteroid of the  evolutionary process of wounding and healing that occurs  over our lifetimes.  Chiron is also associated with the fragmentation that traumatic experiences can cause. In Peruvian shamanism this fragmentation is described as a piece of the soul splitting off. The process of soul retrieval brings back the fragmented piece to restore wholeness.

Barbara Hand Clow, who wrote one of the first books about Chiron, refers to Chiron as a bridge- “the rainbow bridge” – between Saturn and Uranus- the old and the new or the traditional and the innovative.

Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, is also associated with awakening. It is a good time to be open to perceptions that offer opportunities for change and growth and for moving in a direction of increased compassion and tolerance for self and others.

A little patience and down time  can go a long way – with Uranus so strong in the sky, it can be a nervy time.

The New Moon is Wednesday at 23 degrees of Leo.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Native Americans perform a ritual to the Sun.”




Insight, Inspiration and a Peek at This Week

“To be enlightened is to snap out of the movie of life.” Ken Wilbur 

“With each true friendship, we build more firmly the foundation on which the peace of the whole world rests.” Gandhi

Juno,the asteroid goddess of marriage and commitment, is in Cancer and this week is making a favorable alignment with Uranus, the freedom loving planet of surprise. This provides excellent timing to bring something new or exciting into relationships. This influence benefits growth in established relationships and  offers the opportunity to make new connections. 

It is a week when there can be sudden flashes of insight- it’s best to raise awareness  and be open to them – particularly about areas of life that could benefit from a new infusion of energy. Because Pallas and Uranus are involved, there can be insights or inspirations about how to shift strategies in a more effective way to achieve your aspirations.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The seed grows into knowledge and life.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





Venus Retrograde – An Underworld Journey

“I did think, let’s go about this slowly.
This is important…
We should take
small thoughtful steps.” Mary Oliver

“Street choir sing me a song for a new day.” Van Morrison

Venus is slowing down now to station retrograde on Saturday July 22. It’s always wise for two or three days before a planetary station and a few days after, to be open to intuitions or messages that may surface.

Venus is the planet related to what we put value on in our lives and governs areas such as self esteem, self care, intimacy, beauty, desire and money.

In many ways a retrograde period is like an underworld journey when we can come to see  more clearly the underlying patterns related to these areas of life in order facilitate positive change and personal evolution.   The retrograde period will last through September 3.

Uranus is now squaring Venus indicating a good time to allow yourself the freedom to entertain ideas through an innovative lens.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Daybreak-the luminescense of dawn in the eastern sky.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Monday’s New Moon in Cancer

“According to the Indian scholar Sir John Woodruffe, the root of the words man, mind and month all go back to the same Sanskrit root, man, one meaning of which is moon.” Alice O. Howell

The New Moon this month is Monday July 17 at 2:32 PM EDT. At this time the Sun and the Moon will be at 24 degrees of Cancer. The Sun and Moon will oppose Pluto and form a square alignment with the Lunar Nodes of fate and destiny.

This New Moon is a particularly  powerful time to set or reaffirm intentions. With Pluto’s involvement it is wise to be aware of  what needs to be  released in order to move forward.  Making this part of the intention will strengthen it.

The Lunar Nodes involvement indicates a significant threshold time for making decisions and moving forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A leader wrapped in an invisible cloak of power.”


Mars and Saturn Oppose and The Nodes Change Signs

“If you love your work everyone benefits.” Janhn Whiteside

“When Matisse was asked whether he believed in God, his response was, ‘Yes, when I’m working.'” Marion Woodman

Pallas Athene,  the warrior goddess of wisdom and strategy recently moved into the sign of Virgo joining Mars in this detail oriented sign. This provides a good time for efficiency and  analysis and for  breaking down big picture thinking into its various components. It’s a good time for thinking things through on a pragmatic level.

For the next ten days or so Mars in Virgo will be opposing Saturn. This is a good alignment for getting things done. Just watch for overwork. There can be a fair amount of frustration when these two planets join up – some astrologers describe it as driving with the brakes on. It’s best to avoid being overly critical – with self and others under this influence.

On Wednesday the North Node moves into the sign of Aries and the South Node into Libra for an eighteen month transit.  In a nutshell this transit is about taking action and moving  forward in a direction of increased authenticity.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The music of the spheres.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


July’s Full Moon in Capricorn

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” Thoreau

The Moon waxes full Monday July 3 at 7:39 AM EDT at 11 degrees of Capricorn. This Full Moon provides a good time  to consider what brings a sense of inner harmony and emotional fulfillment into your life and to create structures that support and sustain it. It’s a good time for a visit to a special place in nature.

The month of July holds some significant astrological activity.  The Lunar Nodes will move into the signs of Aries and Libra and square Pluto – indicating significant events.  Also Venus will station retrograde – the retrograde period will  last from July 22 to September 3. It will present a good time to review matters related to self esteem, personal values, love, autonomy, relationships  and finances.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is.”A student of nature lecturing, revealing little -known aspects of life.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Gill

Neptune and New Dreams

“Spirituality isn’t an escape from the world, but an expansion of the world. The spiritual dimension enriches and sustains us -it does not limit or deny us, Spirituality is a celebration of life and love.” Diane Mariechild”

“Hark now hear the sailor’s cry,
Smell the sea and feel the sky,
Let your soul and spirit fly
Into the mystic.” Van Morrison

Whenever  a planet stations – either direct or retrograde- there is a window of opportunity. Planetary stations can represent the culmination of information and its wise for three days before and three days after the station to heighten awareness for subtle intuitions or realizations that may come. Neptune will  station at 27 degree of Pisces Friday 6/30 and travel retrograde until Dec 6.

The retrograde period offers a good time to make some space for new dreams. It is also a good time for spiritual growth and for integrating a higher level of spirituality into everyday life.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A fertile garden under the Full Moon.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

On the summer solstice

The Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, is Wednesday June 22 at 10:58 am. Lorna Bevan who is an astrologer wrote this about it:

“The 4 Energy Acupuncture Points of the year- the Capricorn Winter Solstice, Aries Spring Equinox, Cancer Summer Solstice and Libra Autumn Equinox -are symbolic stages of an inner spiritual journey through time. These are particularly powerful points of Chairos- time out of time – lifting you briefly out of Chronos – calendar linear time.

At the start of the Cancer Sun Season, the Solstice reminds you to turn inwards and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. It’s a time to pause and wait for the energy planted in the Spring to reach full bloom. If the Spring represents action, Summer represents patience to trust that, with Cancerian nurturing, the seeds you planted during April and May’s eclipses will grow.” Lorna Bevan