Amelia’s Blog

Sunday’s New Moon in Gemini

‘The greatest insight, thought and art concerning the human condition and its divine aspirations are rooted in the phenomenon of inner vision.” Jose Arguelles

“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” Jonathon Swift

The New Moon this month is at 12:37 am EDT on Sunday June 18. The Sun and Moon will be conjunct at this time at 26 degrees of Gemini and forming a square aspect to Neptune – the planet of dreams and visions.

New Moons in general provide good timing for sowing the seeds for future visions.

The sign of Gemini governs communication and interactions, making this a good time to look at how we communicate- how well we listen and how open  we are to the thoughts and opinions of others. It’s a good time to think about improving communication skills.

The square to Neptune indicates a good time for dreaming, creative projects and spiritual endeavors. Saturn is transiting the sign of Pisces for the next two and a half years-  indicating a good time to bring creative and spiritual initiatives into concrete form.

There are three  supportive sextiles at the New Moon bringing stability into the mix.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at far cities.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Astrology Forecast for Week of 6/12/2023

“We are each called on  to inventory what structures of our lives we feel are in good working order and current with our values and beliefs, and which are needing to be broken down into their fundamental components and rebuilt anew.”Harry Seltzer

There were some significant planetary shifts over the weekend as Pluto retrograded back into the sign of Capricorn and Mercury joined the Sun in the sign of Gemini.

The sign of Capricorn rules form and structure and  Pluto is once again bringing his transformational touch to this area of life – in both the outer world and in our inner worlds as well. The retrograde period will last through mid October when Pluto will turn direct.  This retrograde period provides good timing to look at how you go about your life and structure  your time, energy and planning to see if you’d benefit from upgrades.As always with retrogrades, its a good time to tie up loose ends.

Mercury joins the Sun in Gemini ushering in a more curious, sociable time.

Saturn will station retrograde on Saturday at 7 degrees of Pisces quickly followed by the New Moon in Pisces on Sunday. The New Moon will be at 26 degrees of Gemini. (More on this later.)

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times,
In life after life, in age after age forever,
My spell bound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms
In life after life, in age after age, forever” Rabindranath Tagore

“Transformation comes from looking deeply within, to a state that exists before fear and isolation arise, the state in which we are are inviolably whole just as we are.” Sharon Salzberg

The week starts with Venus, having just entered Leo, moving up to an opposition to Pluto. When the goddess of love and beauty opposes  the lord of transformation, deep feelings can arise – particularly feelings of scarcity and feelings of sadness and loss.

The best use of the transit -which is in effect through Saturday – is to look to how to best transform old  and challenging beliefs about  love, abundance and financial well being. It’s also a good time to strengthen self esteem if necessary.

Venus /Pluto aspects throughout life can teach us about learning to love (in general) from a deeper and more profound perspective through the process of loss.

Mercury will be forming a harmonious aspect to Neptune later this week . Intuitive and psychic abilities are heightened during this time and its a good time to ascertain guidance from dreams,  meditation and creative work.

If you’ve been wanting to try something new Saturday will usher in a good time for that as the third  quarter moon forms a harmonious sextile with Uranus. It’s a good time for change and for taking steps in a new direction.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is.”An unexpected thunderstorm.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mercury, Uranus and the North Node

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein

“Revelation is a window on the journey of the soul.” F.Aster Barnwell

It’s wise to heighten awareness  today and for the next few days, as Jupiter, the plan of expansion and vision partners up with the North Node of life path and destiny. At the same time
Mercury is within orb of a favorable conjunction with Uranus. There can be sudden intuitions or breakthroughs  that open up the path to the future.

These aspects remind me of a man  who became well known in the realm of metaphysical publishing. In a lecture he gave he explained that every significant twist and turn in his varied career (he was originally an engineer) came as the result of synchronicity. He explained, for example, that one time he was walking down a busy street in Manhattan and stopped at a crosswalk  for a red light. There, flapping in the wind, was a flyer posted on a telephone pole. It was announcing a class in a field of spiritual study he had not heard of before and he decided to sign up for it.

Little did he know that it would eventually set him on a path to become the publisher of the internationally known company that circulated those books.

Uranus is the planet that governs synchronicity and when paired up with Mercury, there can be “sudden knowing” or sudden intuitions.  There can be breakthroughs about how to move forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A moving finger points to a significant passage in a book.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill



Saturday’s Fiery Full Moon in Sagittarius

” An adventure’, Gandolf says, is a ‘there and back again affair.’ A quest is a calling – never one’s own desire. No guarantees.” Tolkien

“‘The bamboo for prosperity’, an Asian friend explained to me, ‘the pine for long life, the plum for courage… the plum for courage because the plum puts forth blossoms while the snow is still on the ground.'” Anne Morrow LIndbergh

June’s Full Moon is this Saturday. It waxes full with the Moon at 13 degrees of Sagittarius and the Sun at 13 degrees of Gemini .

The sign of Gemini rules thought patterns established in the early childhood surroundings while the sign of Sagittarius governs things that open up broader horizons- such as journeys in the outer world and journeys in the inner world of philosophy and learning.

It’s a good time to broaden horizons.

At the time of the Full Moon, Mars in fiery Leo is conjunct Pallas Athene. Pallas is the asteroid of advocacy and symbolizes what you are advocating for in your life. The Mars/ Pallas conjunction can bring courage and a sense of adventure to pursue your aspirations. There can be a  willingness to be open to expanded visions going forward.

Saturn continues to form an inconjunct – an aspect requiring adjustment- to Mars. This influence – in effect all week- is a good aspect for accomplishing tasks. Just watch for overwork.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Two people at widely different points, are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



A Busy Time in the Starry Heavens

“A self is always becoming. Being does not mean becoming. We run so fast that it is only when we seem to stop-as sitting on the rock at the brook-that we are aware of our being.” Madeleine L’Engle

“If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey to the stars?” G.K. Chesterton

Mars, the planet of action and desire, is now in the fiery sign of Leo and is opposing Pluto and squaring Jupiter and the North Node. This is a very dynamic mix and bodes well for overcoming obstacles and taking action. There is a lot of power and energy to be harnessed with this influence if blockages can be overcome. It’s best to keep a very clear intention of what you would like to accomplish.

It is a significant time now and throughout the summer for personal growth and evolution. It bodes well to provide extra quiet time to integrate events and intuitions.

The Sun has moved into Gemini. This ushers in a more sociable time as this quicksilver sign is a lover of communication and activity.

Venus the goddess of love and beauty is moving up to a tense aspect with Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This can bring up issues related to love , self esteem and abundance.  The journey of Chiron involves the process of wounding and healing that goes on throughout our lifetimes and is evolutionary in nature – leading to increased wholeness.

Mars is moving up to a tense aspect with the Lunar Nodes indicating a threshold time. This week provides good timing to look at what karmic or inherited patterns are  no longer useful. With the Mars/Pluto energy it’s a good week to set new intentions that involve transformation – especially since we are still at the beginning of a New Moon cycle.

Venus is moving up to a sextile with Uranus this week. This can bring about positive changes in relationships and relationship dynamics.  Feelings and desires can be expressed in more healthy directions.

Jupiter, the beneficent planet of expansion and luck, is moving up to conjunct the North Node of life path and destiny. This is in influence now and exact next week. Check your chart to see where this alignment (3 degrees of Taurus)  is occurring.  There can be new opportunities with this influence and a clearer indication of the life path that lies ahead for you in terms of stability, security and pleasure.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mercury Retrograde Winds to an End

” The mysterious and elusive god Mercury presides over all times and places of transition, all crossroads.” Caroline W. Casey

“Love, the Supreme Musician is always playing in our souls.” Rumi

If you’re mulling over new ideas it’s best to wait until after the Mercury station on Mother’s Day this year – May 14 – to implement them. That’s when Mercury will station  direct at  5 degrees of Taurus conjunct the North Node of life path and destiny and Jupiter- the planet of hope and expansion. This combination of planets is likely not only to make things clearer but to widen perception and  may offer alternative solutions.

Venus is now in Cancer and making  favorable aspects to Mercury and the North Node in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. This can help with communication – particularly with family members and close friends. Venus’s touch here can add a more considerate,  sensitive  element and Saturn can provide stability and longevity.

Mars is trining Neptune this week – creating a good time for the imagination and for creative projects.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below.”

Sabisn symbol from Lynda Hill

This Week in Astrology with Mercury and the Lunar Eclipse

“Though the spring is late and cold,
Though the uproar of greed
And malice shudders in the sky,
Pond, stream and hilltop raise
Their ancient songs:

The robin molds her mud nest
with her breast; the air
is bright with breath
of bloom, wise loveliness  that asks
nothing of the season but to be.” Wendell Berry

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

I was speaking with a friend the other day. She owns a small cafe in Cambridge and was thinking of opening a second location in another part of town. In talking about her future plans, she said “I keep going back and forth about it and can’t seem to decide.”

Mercury is now retrograde indicating that it’s best to review plans and consider alternatives, but if possible to delay making any significant decisions until a few days after Mercury goes direct – this month on May 14.

Mercury has been traveling with Uranus and after the direct station on the 14th, will move up to conjunct Uranus again on June 4. This time frame – (now through early June) is a good time to be open to futuristic and  innovative solutions.

Pluto  in Aquarius will station retrograde on Monday this week and prepare to retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11.

There is a Lunar Eclipse on May 5 at 14 degrees of Scorpio. This  eclipse is on the Taurus/Scorpio axis – Taurus ruling material things, safety and security and Scorpio ruling endings and the transformation of  form.  While Taurus rules the tangible things in life, Scorpio rules the intangible – the mysteries and complexities of life. With the Sun conjunct Uranus and Mercury conjunct the North Node and Vesta, there may be insights or revelations about these elements of life and bringing them into better balance.

Jupiter, the planet of good luck, optimism and expansion, will enter the sign of Taurus on May 16. Jupiter will be in Taurus for about a year and  under this influence it bodes well to enjoy the good things in life.  This influence – along with other cosmic influences can bring  prosperity and success.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A woman sprinkling long rows of flowers.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“Somebody  placed the shuttle in your hand:somebody who already had arranged the threads.”Dag Hammarskjold

The significant news this week in astrology is the Sun will conjunct the North Node of destiny and life path on Monday. This is a good time to focus on intentions for the future and to heed any intuitions that may arise related to this area – particularly between now and the second eclipse on May 5. The North Node in Taurus speaks of how we create stability, security and abundance as we move forward.

Vesta conjuncts the North Node on Monday as well bringing light and wisdom to the process of how we create a healthy path to the future – not only for ourselves but for the planet. The sign of Taurus rules resources in general.

Caroline Casey once wrote, “Saturn lays the tracks for the Reality train to follow.  The Sun will be sextiling  Saturn and this is a good time for being pragmatic and grounded and for  steady perseverance towards  attaining goals.

Venus and Chiron will be forming a favorable alignment this week indicating a good time to think about healing or processing old wounds on another level.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A bridge being build across a high narrow gorge.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda HIll

Mercury Stations Retrograde on Friday

“Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere) arranging
a window, into which people look (while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully.” e.e. cummings

Mercury stations retrograde Friday April 21  in the wee hours at 4:35 am EDT at 15 degrees of Taurus. The retrograde period will last through May 14 when it will station direct at 5 degrees of Taurus.

Mercury will station conjunct the Moon indicating that this time period will be good for developing psychic and intuitive abilities.   Mercury will be also be conjunct Uranus, the planet of innovation and the unexpected. This can lead to sudden  flashes of insight and original thinking.

With Pluto squaring the Sun there is transformative energy throughout the retrograde period -making this a good time to get things done.

It’s wise as always with Mercury retrogrades, to make sure important  information is backed up and to take more care with communication and travel.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”On the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water.