Amelia’s Blog

The Full Moon and the End of Mercury Retrograde

“What seas what shores what grey rocks and what islands
What water lapping the bow
And scent of pine and the wood thrush singing through the fog
What images return
O my daughter.”TS Eliot

“I know of the way of all things by what is in me.” Lao Tzu

Neptune, the sea god,  is a strong influence at the upcoming  Full Moon which is exact at 4:02 am on Sunday the 15th at 23 degrees of Gemini. The sea God stirs up storms at sea and can make visibility difficult. He also rules the fog which creeps in cloaking everything.

The Full Moon will be squaring Neptune which can bring some confusion- particularly about information.This  influence does bode will for intuition, creative visions and activity and spiritual growth and perspectives. It’s a good time to trust intuition.

Mercury will station direct – ending the retrograde period – after the Full Moon at 3:56 PM on Sunday also.  The god of communication and travel will come to a standstill at 6 degrees of Sagittarius

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




A Look at this week with Jupiter, Saturn and Mozart

“I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.” John O’Donohue

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Many spiritual traditions honor this time of year as a time of soul renewal. The Jupiter/Saturn square now in effect provides excellent timing for this kind of pause or retreat.

Jupiter is retrograde now in Gemini. This speaks of an inner quest to look at the big picture. Jupiter governs our beliefs and and how our beliefs shape our actions in the world. Over time beliefs can change and this time frame (the square with Saturn is in effect now and  will be exact at 14 degrees of Gemini/Pisces on December 24) bodes well for contemplating whether old beliefs have been outgrown – including beliefs about ourselves. A time to reclarify.

It is a time that calls for equilibrium and balancing  optimism with pragmatism and pragmatism with optimism.

On Monday Venus forms a harmonious alignment with the North Node and South Node. This is a time when information may surface about your life path. People can also enter your life at this time that can help you with your path forward.

Tuesday the Sun trines Chiron in fire signs (Sagittarius and Aries ) Chiron is the asteroid of the Wounded Healer making this a good time for healing or regenerating energy around creativity, self confidence and optimism.

Thursday Venus in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo. This is a stressful alignment as the Divine Lovers are at odds. Venus in Aquarius is a lover of freedom and has a somewhat detached nature while Mars in Leo craves attention. This alignment has been in effect for awhile and can cause friction in relationships.

Friday Mercury sextiles Venus. This a good day for harmonious conversations. It can help resolve problems and create alliances where difference of opinions exist. Helpful information may surface through intuition and dreams.

The Full Moon at 23 degrees of Gemini is on Sunday – more on this later.
One of the Sabian symbol for this time,”deep within the depths of the earth,new elements are being formed.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Hello Mars Retrograde !

“True power is the power to be connected to, the power to be in harmonious relationship with.” Diane Mariechild

“Natural events are potent because they act in accordance with how things work. They simply are. Study the natural processes; the light in the sky, the gravity of earth, the unfolding of your own ideas and insights, the emptiness of space and the fullness of life.” John Heider

Mars, the god of action and desire is slowing down now to station retrograde on December 6. He will come to a standstill at 6 degrees of Leo at 6:33 PM EST.

The retrograde periods of Mars occur  approximately every two years. This retrograde will last through February 23, 2025.

Mars is highly energized and has a strong  desire nature and a strong drive to keep moving  forward. The retrograde  period gives us time to slow down and review what actions we take to attain our aspirations.

The Mars retrograde will start in Leo and  retrograde back into Cancer. These alignments bring the focus to self esteem, creativity, courage as well as family life and relationships.

There is a Sabian symbol that I like to think about as connected to retrograde times.  It is,”an old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage.” This symbol is about reflection and assimilation of experience.

Mercury is retrograde now as well and will be until December 15th, making this a good time to recollect, reflect and reconsider.

One of the Sabian symbols of this time is,”The wonder of the constellations of stars in the night sky.”


Mercury Retrograde and Pythagoras

“A self is not something static. A self is always becoming. Being does not mean becoming, but we run so fast that it is only when we seem to stop- as sitting on a rock by the brook-that we are aware of our isness, of being.” Madeleine L’Engle

“One must choose in all things a mean, just and good…Error and confusion dwell in the extremes.” Pythagoras

This teaching of Pythagoras – about the importance of balance and equilibrium – will be helpful when applied to the astrological goings-on this week. Although Pythagoras- in our time – is known mostly for his Pythagorean Theorum,  he was a mystic who traveled and taught in Mystery Schools.

One of the significant astrological events this week is on Monday, as Mercury stations  retrograde at 22 degrees of Sagittarius. At the time of the station, Venus will opposite Jupiter, square Neptune and  form an inconjunct with Uranus. This can be a restless and somewhat confusing time when keeping an eye on eqilibrium will be helpful.

Wednesday  holds some fiery, dynamic energy with the Sun in Sagittarius aligning favorably with Mars, the planet of action and desire, This bodes well for clarity and for getting organized and  motivated.

Venus squares Chiron on Wednesday also. Venus in Capricorn is reserved, responsible and traditional. Old issues of self esteem,  self worth and  abundance can arise under this configuration. It’s a good time to acknowledge  progress that has been made in these areas over time and consider any changes that might be desired moving forward.
On Thursday Neptune, now retrograde, makes a very positive alignment with Ceres the great mother and nurturer. This is a good day for idealism and for nurturing and caring for people who are important to us.

Saturday Pallas Athene, the goddess of diplomacy and strategy, moves out of fiery Sagittarius and into Capricorn. This, along with other influences this week, is a good time to look at where we have been holding on to old ideas, thoughts and behaviors for too long and would benefit from moving on.

“Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mercury Prepares to Station Retrograde

“Follow your inner tides, currents and revelations.”Eric Francis Coppolino.

“The act of contemplation is for the mystic, a psychic gateway: a method of going from one level of consciousness to another.” Evelyn Underhill

Mercury  stations retrograde  on Monday November 25 at 22 degrees of Sagittarius. Mercury will travel retrograde through December 15 when it will station and turn direct  at 6 degrees of Sagittarius. This is the fourth retrograde of 2024 and as we get ready to enter a new year, this provides a good opportunity to pause and reflect.

Sagittarius is the sign associated with the student of life for whom learning is never done. It provides a good time for reviewing our current beliefs and how events of the past appear in light of them.

Reflect. Rewrite. Renew.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An old owl perched high up in a tree.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Saturn Brings a Serious Tone, Uranus, Surprises

“We have this way of talking, and we have another.
Apart from what we wish or what we fear may happen,
We are alive with other life, as clear stones
take form in the mountain.” Rumi

On Tuesday Venus, the goddess of love and pleasure leaves the fiery sign of Sagittarius and enters the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn.  Venus is  Capricorn is  a lover of tradition, responsibility, commitment and hard work.

On Tuesday  Mercury in Sagittarius will move up to a  square to Saturn in Pisces.  And on Friday, Saturn, now transiting the sign of Pisces, will station and start moving direct once again – this time at 12 degrees of Pisces.

This week bodes well for planning, organizing and perseverance. Alot can be accomplished under this starry sky with Saturn’s influence.

In the old texts Saturn was associated with melancholy and so moods can be low under these aspects. . With Mercury square Saturn excess worry can be about. It’s a good time to see where limitations – perhaps some that are unnecessary – are present in our lives.

Issues that come up this week may be related to issues that arise during the upcoming  Mercury retrograde period which runs from November 25 to December 15.

The Full Moon is Friday – shortly after Saturn stations direct. The Sun, at 24 degrees of Scorpio – the sign of transformation, rebirth and complexity will oppose the Moon in Taurus, the sign of  sensuality, practicality and the tangible.

The Full Moon will align with Uranus – the planet of surprises and the unexpected. This is a freedom loving planetary pair. It can bring tension and excitement to the mix which can result in new perspectives and revelations. It’s best to stay open and receptive to change under this influence.

And right on the horizon, on the 19th, Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius for the long haul – through 2044.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A sword used in many battles, is now in a museum.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Dreams, Surprises and This Week’s Astrology

“Sometimes life is so surprising there’s nothing to do but live.” Emily Dickinson

“Last night as I lay sleeping.
I dreamt – marvelous error-
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said along which secret aqueduct,
oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?

Last night as I lay sleeping,
I dreampt-marvelous error-
That I had a beehive
Here in my heart
And the golden bees
We’re making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.” Anthonio Machado

The week starts off with Mars in a beneficial trine to Neptune. This is a lovely alignment – with both in water signs. Under this influence creative ideas can flourish and it’s a good time for spiritual growth.

Venus is forming a square to Saturn. This is a down to earth alignment bringing good time to take care of business and for organization in general.

Mercury is moving up to an opposition to the planet of surprises, Uranus. There can be snafus with electronics and travel under this influence, so extra patience will be helpful. It’s wise to take extra caution when driving as there is an erratic side to this alignment and people can take sudden unexpected actions.

This alignment can be hard on the nervous system so it would be beneficial to provide some extra down time throughout the week.

Halloween is on Thursday this week and the veils are thin between the worlds. Mercury will be in a harmonious partnership with Neptune making this a great day for the imagination and for dreams. A good time for expressing emotions.

The New Moon in Scorpio is on Friday November 1 at 9 degrees of Scorpio.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


A look at This Week’s Astrology

“Hopes and dreams which  can no longer  be fulfilled in their original form  may need to be blessed and released, as the energy invested in them may be soon be needed elsewhere.” Melanie Reinhard.

“Though my soul may set in darkness,
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
to be fearful of the night.” Galileo

As the beginning of the week this week Venus in Sagittarius is aligning in harmony with the Lunar Nodes. This creates a significant threshold time to raise awareness about any guidance that surfaces related to self esteem, relationships, finances and what we value. The North Node points the way forward destiny – wise and the South Node indicates what needs to be let go of or released on our  evolutionary path.

Mercury in Scorpio is making a harmonious alignment with Saturn in Pisces early this week also. This brings a serious, down-to earth quality to thinking and to speech. It is a good time for planning, serious conversations and getting to the bottom of things.

The Sun is moving up to a challenging aspect to Pluto.The Sun is in late Libra now and Pluto in late Capricorn. The sign of Libra favors harmony and peace – sometimes at any price – whereas Pluto likes exposing dark and hidden things. This combination is exacerbated by a square from Mars in Cancer. This alignment has been in effect since last week. Tempers can be short, there can be more impatience and irritability as a result.

It is a high energy alignment and progress can be made with projects – just watch for overdoing.

The Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio on Tuesday. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it is a time of increasing darkness.  The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the Lord of Transformation, thus making this period – to the Winter Solstice- a good time for working on personal evolution, transformation and  letting go.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An old owl perched high up in a tree.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Missing Fragments, Soul Retrieval and the Full Moon

“There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost…” William Stafford

There’s plenty of fiery energy this week with Mars in Cancer making squares to the Sun and to the Full Moon on Thursday. It’s great for taking action.

Along with the get-up-and -go energy  comes a caution-irritability and tempers can run high and it can be an accident prone time if care isn’t used when moving around.

This Full Moon is conjunct the asteroid of the Wounded Healer, Chiron.  Chiron governs  the lifelong process of wounding and healing. Chiron also governs fragmentation.

In Peruvian shamanism, the belief is that when traumatic events occur, part of the soul fragments off. There is a soul retrieval ritual they perform which has to do with calling back the fragmented piece and restoring wholeness to the person.

There is an old  saying that the influence of  Full Moon is,”Three days coming and three days going.” It’s wise to raise awareness during this time about any intuitions that surface about restoring a sense of wholeness. One of the ways to do this, as Melanie Reinhart suggests, is to “listen to the whispers of your soul.”

The Full Moon Thursday October 17 is at 24 degrees of Aries at 7:26 AM EDT.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A woman possessed of more gifts than she can hold.”


Jupiter Stations Retrograde

“The sense of balance  maintains the right relationship between lightness and gravity, this is what it means to be a human being on the Earth, beneath the sky.”Robert Sardello

One of the significant transits of 2024 is the Jupiter/Saturn square and one of the important dates in that transit is this week on October 9 when Jupiter will station retrograde.

The planet Jupiter has to do with expanding our horizons – both outwardly in terms of travel and exploration and inwardly in terms of study and spiritual or religious growth.

The retrograde period will last through early February 2025.

There can be a feeling of tension or conflict when these two planets align as Jupiter governs expansion and Saturn values  contraction.  There can be restlessness too, and  a sense of indecision.

It’s always wise to take your time when these two are together and to keep to the moderate path.

The retrograde period provides a good time to entertain broad options for the future but keep in mind the plans may change over time with the retrograde.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Three fledglings in a nest high up in a tree.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill