Amelia’s Blog

Missing Fragments, Tarot Card Readings and Astrology Update

“Sychronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained  by cause and effect  and that is meaningful to the observer.” Carl Jung

I have a friend who has a consignment business in an antique shop in Vermont. Recently she posted a photo of a pair of well worn men’s Frye boots with a strap and gold buckle. Motorcycle boots, she called them. She explained that the boots – a classic-  were not for sale – she had sold them to man in the North Carolina  who had purchased them out of nostalgia.. He had owned a pair  like them some forty years ago.

When he received the boots he was surprised to look inside and see  his signature – which he had signed there years ago. His original boots had been mysteriously returned to him.

There is something about this story – the return  of something meaningful or the synchronicity and mystery of the event that reminded me of a Tarot Card reading.

Tarot readings are correlated with synchronicity and put us in touch with the magic and mystery of life. Perceptions can emerge in a reading which lead to solutions and a more expansive way of thinking.

The man who received his  boots in the mail must have experienced something like this as well – the mystery and  magic of life sometimes brought to us by synchronicity.

On the Astrology front, yesterday’s Solar Eclipse in LIbra was conjunct the planet of thought and communication – Mercury. There can be new thoughts and perceptions which emerge  during this Moon cycle which lead to new directions.

There can be new perspectives and connections in relationships as well.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A professor peering over his glasses at his students.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill

Wednesday’s Solar Eclipse in Libra

“Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen:
reach out, keep reaching out, keep bringing in.
This is how we are going to live for a long time: not always.
for every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting,
after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.” Marge Percy

Recently I was reading a post by Eric Francis- an astrologer and invstigative reporter -and he  was discussing the ancestral influences that can be seen in the charts of families through the generations. He wrote, ‘In families there are no new stories.”

This was a slight exaggeration of course. When looking at the charts of families through time, though,  you can often see both the gifts and the challenges that come down through the family lines. I thought of this today when I was looking at the chart for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on Wednesday October 2.

This is a South Node Eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra. The South Node governs patterns from the past that can feel comfortable or familiar but have a weakening effect or keep us from where we need to be going. These kinds of patterns usually have a history in the family – just as some illnesses do,

The Moon’s Nodes are karmic in nature and govern the life path. The North Node – which indicates what directions needs to be taken -is in Aries – the fiery, action- oriented sign. This indicates the next thirty days or so provide a good cycle to take action to  clearly identify and move away from these types of patterns.

Mercury is also conjunct the Eclipse and this connection  is a heads – up to watch for old thinking patterns that lead in a discouraged direction or undermine the desired journey forward.

This Eclise is bringing into focus relationships of all kinds- personal, professional, friendship – and the theme of balance and fairness. It can be a time of endings for some relationships as well as a time of setting better boundaries and working towards creating a more equitable partnership in others.

The Sun and Moon in Libra will be squaring Mars  – this can give extra energy when it comes to getting work done and overcoming obstacles. It can be short tempered, however.

There are also planetary configurations that indicate a good time for socializing – among them,  Venus in Scorpio forming a harmonious trine to Mars in Cancer.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill.




The Autumn Equinox 2024

“To go into the dark with a light, is to know the light,
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
And find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
And is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.” Wendell Berry

“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night,
fearful of the night.” Galileo

The Sun enters the sign of Libra on Sunday   9/22 ushering in the Autumn Equinox – a time of of growing darkness here in the northern hemisphere.

The Equinox is a time of balance and equilibrium illustrated by the equal time between day and night – making it a good time to restore and renew  balance and equilibrium.

The power at this time can be harnessed to effect new  beginnings and endings. Make some space for something new to enter your life.

We are in between eclipses now – the Lunar Eclipse in  Pisces on September 17 and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on October 2. The time between a Eclipses is a good time to reset habits or patterns you would like to change in your life.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn’t look to any distractions.”

An Astrologer or Tarot Card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.


Tuesday’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – with Dreams and Visions

“Don’t long for things, dear, create!” Dr Shirley Snow

“So hope for a great sea-change
On the far side of revenge
Believe a farther shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles
And cures and healing wells.” Seamus Heaney

The week starts off under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday 9/17 which occurs at  10:34 PM EDT at 25 degrees of Pisces.

This Eclipse has some very different elements to it- the  Moon will be conjunct the planet of dreams and the imagination, Neptune and squaring Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, pleasure and excess. This alignment bodes well for dreams and visions for the future with the awareness that the dreams may need to be tempered at some point.

It’s wise at this time to watch for overthinking and worrying with the Mercury/Saturn opposition  at play.

Neptune is associated with longing – longing for a different past, a different outcome etc. It’s better to tune into the optimistic. creative energy of this time.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A harvest Moon illuminates the sky.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Grand Trine in Earth – Pragmatics and Planning

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, copy wood carry water.” Zen koa

One of the perks of being a practicing astrologer is that on occasion,  an astrologer on a book tour or trip to our area would contact me for a visit. One such time, Bruce Scofield, an astrologer and author  in western Mass., came to visit. He is the author of several books on hiking trails.He also is the person I refer when clients don’t  have a birth time or accurate birth time because he practices rectification – the art of determining a person’s birth time by analysing the dates of important events in their lives.

At this time though, he was exploring a new hiking trail in close  proximity to where we were living. His first words when entered our farmhouse out in the country were, “What are the systems in this house?” meaning what were the routines etc to get chores done.

This struck me as a very sixth house question – as the sixth house – ruled by the sign of Virgo – governs this area of life.

Through September 22  or so  there is a grand trine in earth as the  Sun in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus form this  dynamic alignment.

The earth signs have to do with making progress through organization, planning and commitment to long term success.
It is about setting goals and taking action. The mountain goat, symbol of Capricorn, does not get deterred by setbacks – she keeps going.

So this time frame creates a good opportunity to get back on track with commitments and intentions or to set new ones that are pragmatic in nature and backed by a solid commitment to the long term. A good time to set up new systems or make improvements to the current ones if necessary.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman is gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll she is reading.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill.


Mercury enters Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn

“The sweetness and generosity and politeness and humanity of the French has shown me how lovely life can be if one takes time to be friendly.” Julia Childs

“There are pleasures to be found where you would never look for them. “Marilynne Robinson

Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on Monday this week. The silver lipped Messenger god has been transiting  the late degree is Leo and in the process squaring Uranus. He will still continue to align with  Uranus in an out- of- sign square for a few days. But this influence which can bring surprises in communication and snafus with technology and travel, is on the wane.

This is helped by the Virgo ingress.  Mercury is the ruler of this sign and it brings a strength and practicality to the mind. Common sense can be strong with this placement.

It is a good time to get involved with service of some kind.

Mercury is quincunxing Pluto on Monday. The quincunx is an awkward aspect and indicates a need for adjustment. Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius this year and  backtracked into the 29th degree of Capricorn September 2. It will transit this degree through late November when the Lord of Transformation will enter the sign of Aquarius through 2044.

The 29th degree is considered the “karmic degree” astrology, giving any planet at this degree more significance.

This time frame, now through late November is a good time to review how things may have changed in your life or are in a process of transformation since 2008.

Also this week the Sun in Virgo will Be moving up to a square with Jupiter in Gemini. This is a good time for luck and good fortune. With both planets in Mercury-ruled signs it’s a great time for expansion in terms of thinking and planning – just be aware that Jupiter can be associated with excess- plans and ideas formed under this influence may  be great in nature but in need of tempering.

Venus is Virgo is moving up to a beneficial trine to Jupiter. This is a wonderful aspect for having fun, positive thinking and experiencing the pleasure side of life. It’s a good time to get out and socialize with friends and allies.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A woman reading tea leaves.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Monday’s New Moon in Virgo

“You are not the oil, you are not the air-merely the point of combustion, the flash-point where the light is born.”Dag Hammarskjold

The New Moon is on Monday September 2 at 9:55 PM at 11 degrees of Virgo. The Moon will be conjunct the asteroid Vesta. Vesta’s name is derived from sanscrit and means “shining.” Although not the largest of the asteroids, she is the brightest and the only one that can be seen from earth with the naked eye. The symbol for Vesta is the flame.

This close alignment with the New Moon in Virgo provides good timing to look at what it is that provides light or inspiration in your life.

Virgo is the sign associated with discrimination so this New Moon cycle ushers in a good  time for sorting through things, creating more organized systems and planning.

It’s a good time to look at he the body/mind connection in terms of health and daily routine to see if some improvements could be made.

Mercury is making a square to Uranus this week – which can bring some unexpected news and  events  as well as possible snafus with communications, travel and  electronics.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





Mercury Retrograde and the Hawk’s Cry

It’s a very warm, summer day here in New Hampshire. This morning when I walked out of the library, I heard a hawk’s cry and looked up to see two harks circling in the sky above me.

In Native American traditions, a hawk is considered a messenger. If you hear a hawk’s cry it is a sign to heighten awareness to receive a message.

This was a  good reminder for me as Mercury stations today – Wednesday August 28 – and it bodes well for a few days before and after Mercury stations to be aware of information that surfaces. These times can represent a culmination of information.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A carrier pigeon fulfilling her mission.

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mercury Retrograde Winds to an End

“Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible  things before breakfast.” Lewis Carroll

“Life is what happens when your’re making other plans.” John Lennon

Mercury is slowing down now in preparation to  station direct on 5:15 PM EDT on Wednesday, bringing an end to the retrograde period.

Mercury has been squaring Uranus during the retrograde period and this alignment will continue through September 9 or so. This can bring snafus with timing, communications and technology. On the bright side, Uranus/Mercury aspects are associated with innovation in thinking. Often inventors have this aspect in their natal  charts.

Uranus transits can be hard on the nervous system so it’s wise, if needed, to create extra downtime this week for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Venus is opposing Neptune this week. This can be an influence  that bodes well for creativity and inspiration when in a favorable aspect. In an opposition such as this though, there can be illusions about the Venus – ruled aspects of life – pleasure, romance and love as well as finances. It’s best to keep your feet on the ground and proceed  pragmaticaly  when making any decisions this week.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A fertile garden under the Full Moon.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill.

The Sun Enters Virgo: A Choice Point

“The essence of health is an inner kind of balance.” Andrew Weil

“One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes.” Eleanor Roosevelt

The Sun enters  the sign of Virgo on Thursday this week. This ushers in a good time for getting more organized with endeavors – a good time to get down to the details and create more efficient systems if needed.

The sign of Virgo is associated with the Hermit Card in the Tarot deck. This card- in Waite’s deck -pictures a person on a mountain top in a hooded cloak shining a lantern on the path before her. The number of this card is 9 and it proceeds the card of change, the Wheel of Fortune which is number 10.

The Hermit Card governs discrimination as does the sign of Virgo, and represents the time before significant change – the time of weighing choices and options before moving forward. It represents the time of inner reflection – of looking back and looking forward – before taking action.

Virgo rules the sixth house  in the astrology chart . This house governs well being and the relationship between your health and your work life. It’s a good time to  to see if a  better balance can be struck  so that your  daily routines better support and build health and strength.

The symbol of Virgo is of the Virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. This symbolizes the harvest and the gathering in of what is needed for the winter. The recent Perseid Meteor showers herald the changing of seasons to come, as does this sign.

The Sun will transit the sign of Virgo through the 22nd of September.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Two guardian angels bringing protection.”