Amelia’s Blog

Wednesday’s New Moon in Taurus

“In dreams begins responsibility.”W.B. Yeats

The New Moon is Wednesday at 10:26 PM EDT at 3 degrees of Taurus. Taurus is a sign that values comfort, safety and security. It is an earth sign – and one associated with springtime and the rebirth of nature.

New Moons are a good time for setting intentions. On the evolutionary scale  are living in a liminal time – a time of “in between” -both personally and collectively.

Saturn is now squaring the Sun and will be making this challenging aspect to both the Sun and Moon on Wednesday. This can indicate a weighty time when limitations can be felt more strongly and responsibilities and commitments may feel more burdensome. There can be delays and snafus  with projects.

The Moon will also be conjuncting Uranus – the planet of surprises and the unexpected. This can indicate a need to make a break for freedom in some way. There can be increased tension as well.

It’s best under these influences to commit or recommit to intentions  and also be willing to persevere and persist despite obstacles that may present themselves or the way things look at any given time.

It’s also a good time to be open to innovative ideas and solutions that are akin to breakthroughs and can move things forward in unexpected way.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

The Sun Squares Pluto and Eris

“The answer is not in technique, but in taking a path with heart.” Michael Ray

“One must choose in all things a mean, just and good… Error and confusion dwell in the extremes.” Pythagoras

There are some challenging aspects this week involving the Sun, Pluto Chiron and Eris.It is a week when frustration may more easily arise. This can originate in a sense of powerlessness or the inability to advance things in the ways you would like. It is best to set your sights on incremental progress, to stay in the present and to keep your vision on the short term, rather than the long term. Things can easily get out of proportion this week and it’s wise to make an extra effort to stay balanced.

It is also a time with Mercury conjunct Eris, that old pain or old painful patterns may arise to the surface more easily. The Sun is squaring Pluto now and squares indicate the need to overcome things. In this area as well it’s wise to stay in the present and look to another level of resolution if necessary.

I have a good friend who is a Tarot Card reader and she told me that when she enters a challenging or stuck situation, she will remind herself to “raise the vibration” to come from a higher level of consciousness. This is a good week for that with Venus in Gemini conjunct Vesta. This indicates a good time to bring more inspiration into thinking, speech and communications.

Aspects towards the end of the week indicate a more harmonious atmosphere.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,

A white triangle is seen; it has golden wings.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Tuesday’s Full Moon in Libra

“Saturn in Aquarius is about our individual responsibility to the collective.” Jessica Murray

“‘The bamboo for prosperity,’ a Japanese friend explained to me,’the pine for long life, the plum  for courage.. the plum for courage because the plum puts forth blossoms while the snow is still on the ground.’ “Anne Morrow Lindebergh

The Moon waxes full Tuesday at 18 Libra at 10:35 PM EDT. This is a relationship Moon and a a good time to look at the balance we strike in connecting with others in terms of  independence and cooperation. What is being brought to light at this time is what is out of balance both personally and globally in order to work towards solutions.

Aspects to Venus indicate it’s a favorable time  to work on healing what is out of balance in your own life and in your interactions with others.

It’s a good time to learn about ways you might take incremental steps to help create a more sustainable future for the planet – and  work to bring things into balance in that way as well.

Venus is conjunct Vesta at this time. The Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, named for her were the “keepers of the flame” and kept the sacred fires of Rome alight. It’s wise to keep levels of inspiration high at this time. The  current Pluto/Jupiter conjunction indicates a good time to turn inward and develop inner resourcefulness as the  outer systems we ordinarily rely on are taxed or overburdened. This planetary duo is associated with conversions in a religious sense and provides good timing to deepen spiritual or religious belief systems.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “After the storms of winter, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.”

Neptune, Mercury and the Upcoming Retrograde of Venus

“Traveling at night
The headlights were bright
And we’d been up many an hour
And all through my brain
Came the refrain
of home
and its warming fires.

And home sings me of sweet things
My life there has its own wings
To fly over the mountains
Though I’m standing still.” Bonnie Raitt

“As adults we often have less confidence in, and are more judgmental about, our art. But when you let go of that, it’s so fun to simply make marks on paper.” Elizabeth Murray

Mercury, the Winged Messenger, continues his travels with Neptune, the planet of dreams, visions and the imagination throughout the week. This is a very creative duo.There are aspects to Mercury , Mars and Saturn that indicate its wise with creative projects to include the pragmatic side of things that need to be done – for instance planning, editing etc.

If you have children at home this is a great time for activities that involve expanding the imagination – reading fairy tales or myths , painting, singing and dancing for example.

Friday Venus will move out of Taurus into Gemini. The sign of Gemini likes a lot of space in relationships- this airy sign values objectivity and distance, unlike the water signs that like intimacy and closeness. Venus is about to enter the territory which will be part of the  upcoming Venus retrograde period which lasts from May 13 to June 25.

There will be two eclipses during the  Venus retrograde period indicating a significant time for reevaluating a number of things ;  our relationships, our means of communicating our feelings, our finances and our values in general. It is also a good time – being Venus – for reevaluating our relationship to compassion and altruism.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Venus retrograde is,”Three fledglings in a nest high up in a tree.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mars Enters Aquarius

“To know how to wonder and question is the first step of the mind toward discovery.”Louis Pasteur

Mars- the planet of action and desire- is now newly in the sign of  Aquarius. This is a mental sign and can signal of a shift in consciousness.

Aquarius  is the sign of new discoveries. It is the sign which governs taking new approaches to solving problems.

Best to apply this kind of thinking now – to be open to new perceptions that shift the landscape going forward.

It’s also wise to keep strong personal boundaries as Neptune and Mercury travel together throughout the week.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A council of ancestors is called to guide a person.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Mars Dances with Saturn, Pluto with Jupiter

“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”Rabindranath Tagore

It’s a busy week  ahead in the starry heavens.

Mars will change signs Monday moving from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius. This brings Mars  the planet of action, drive and ambition, up to a conjunction to Saturn. This duo in effect now and through much of next week, can easily contribute to a sense of frustration – especially over the inability to move forward or make progress with projects. It’s often heard in astrological circles that Saturn in the brakes and Mars is the gas and so when these two get together things tend to slow down and there’s friction. It’s best to proceed with Saturn’s rules; keep your eyes on the long haul, be patient and take your time. Avoid overdoing, overexerting and overworking.

On April 4 Venus leaves the sign of Taurus and heads into the more curious, sociable sign of Gemini. This will provide good timing for gathering information and for more levity in conversations.

Mercury is in Pisces and widely conjunct Neptune all week . This aspect is good for the imagination, for meditation and spiritual evolution. It can be fuzzy on the details and sometimes cause confusion in conversation and thinking.  Neptune rules fog and when partnering with Mercury it can be like driving in heavy fog.

Jupiter and Pluto are together this week also – exact on the 4th.  It’s wise under this influence  to look for opportunities which may not have been visible before. It is a soul deepening aspect and indicates that through self mastery and regeneration, personal growth and expansion  be achieved. Jupiter rules faith and Pluto, regeneration.

The Theosophists considered this influence to bode well for setting off on a spiritual quest to find a belief system which is appropriate for a person’s current state of evolution.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A glass bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Tuesday’s New Moon in Aries

“Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity.” Goethe

The New Moon is Tuesday  at 4 degrees of  Aries at 5:28 AM EDT. Aries  is the sign of new beginnings and this time presents a good time to start something you may have been putting off for awhile –  start a new book, start a new healthier diet, take a yoga class online. There is considerable energy at this time which bodes well for taking action on something new.  It bodes well to get and keep active.

The New Moon is conjunct Lillith and Chiron. the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This combination can contribute to short tempers and irritability. It’s best to watch that any new intentions are made from a positive point of view rather than fear.

The Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron indicates a good time to grow in a direction of increased inner wholeness. Uranus makes a favorable aspect at this time – encouraging us to seek innovative solutions.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A square brightly lighted on one side.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


The Spring Equinox

“A vision carries a personal responsibility to carry out its directive.” Marie Baptiste

“We need a broader vision to match the world in which we act with an image that includes the forest and the trees.” “Mary Catherine Bateson
Today, March 19 marks the time of the Spring Equinox as the Sun enters the sign of Aries. The Equinox ushers in a new cycle and at this time there are significant aspects indicating the importance of new or renewed vision.
The things we have endeavored to achieve –  our hopes and dreams  for our lives – today reach a certain place of completion and are ready for a new awareness and a fresh start.
As we sow seeds in the Spring, this time bodes well for seeding our visions and aspirations for the future – visions that move us away from outgrown, unproductive patterns and behaviors. Perhaps you would like to move in a direction of more patience and tolerance, less judgement, better communication skills in relationship or more attention to your spiritual life.
It bodes well to set aside some quiet time for today to dream the future for yourself and for our small planet and all her creatures.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A woman has risen out of the ocean and a seal is embracing her.”

Mercury Re-Enters Pisces

“Today I feel centered and time is a friend instead of an old enemy…We are one, the house and I and  I am happy to be alone – time to think, time to be.” May Sarton

“The way to an ecological way of life is to treat our houses as homes, our communities as homes and nature as home. It is the intimacy in each relationship that serves the welfare of the other; at root ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care.” Thomas Moore

Once when I was teaching in a small nursery school in New Hampshire, I had a little girl in my class whose family had recently moved from the city to a large sprawling farmhouse on a dirt road out in the country

In class one day we were painting our homes and instead of painting her house- as many of the children did – she painted the sun and sky and green fields and trees. I helped her to write something she wanted to add on the side of the painting and it said,”Happy in the heart, Happy way down deep.” This was an expression of her newly found love for the woods and fields surrounding her home and the joy and the tranquility she felt there.

Mercury, the planet of thought and communication has now re-entered the sign of Pisces. This is one of the watery signs of the zodiac and it’s placement here signifies a good time for deepening our connection to the spiritual and creative side of our lives. It is a good time for being grateful. It’s also a good time to slow down and appreciate our surroundings which we might rush by in the busyness and distraction of  everyday life normally.

Saturn will be entering the sign of Aquarius this week and moving one step closer to its conjunction with Jupiter in this sign in December. This conjunction speaks of the opportunity to build a healthier, more sustainable future through cooperation and collaboration.

Now is a good time to envision it.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Saturn Enters Aquarius , The Spring Equinox and This Week’s Astrology

“I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” Thomas Jefferson

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring;
I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear, I may):
I shan’t be gone long.—You come too.
I’m going out to fetch the little calf
That’s standing by the mother. It’s so young,
It totters when she licks it with her tongue.
I shan’t be gone long.—You come too.” Robert Frost


Saturn will end his foray through the sign of Capricorn Saturday 3/21 when this stern teacher enters the sign of Aquarius. Saturn is the planet which rules the structures of our world – the institutions, the government, the laws, the roads, bridges and tunnels that form our infrastructure. And wherever Saturn is transiting it exposes weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

Saturn’s move into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of innovation and futuristic thinking, will help us envision the ways that things need to be restructured or redesigned to build a stronger foundation for the future.  Cooperation and collaboration will go a long way in achieving goals.

Saturn will transit this sign for roughly two and a half years –  retrograding back into Capricorn from late May – late Sept.  During the retrograde time, it will bode well to revisit work and family commitments, long terms goals and the means and methods we employ to manifest our aspirations.

Venus has been conjunct Uranus recently and has been associated with a shake up or disruption around issues of security and stability. We are living in times of great change when an old way is dying and a new way is being born. It can present a good time to slow down and think about what provides a real sense of  abundance and security in your life – good health for example –  and how to move more in that direction if necessary.

Neptune’s transit through Pisces through 2026 is associated with confusion, illusion and misinformation. But it also is a reminder of the power of the mind and imagination-  as Buckminster Fuller wrote,”To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A white triangle is seen; it has wings.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill