Impulsive Behavior, Confusion and a Peek at This Week

“Out of Ireland we come,
Great hatred, little room
Maimed me from the start

I carry from my mother’s womb
A fanatic heart.” W.B. Yeats

This verse is an excerpt from the  poem by William Butler Yeats called Remorse for Intemperate Speech.

Mars is conjunct Uranus now and this is an impulsive, somewhat volatile and accident prone combination. It’s wise to use moderation in thought and speech and be prepared for some impulsive and erratic behavior on the part of others. There can be sudden occurrences in the realm of Mars so it’s also wise to take extra care when driving.

It will be an influence through the 19th of the month.

Neptune recently stationed retrograde for the Sea God’s backward trek through the beginning of December. The station was at 29 degrees of Pisces. In astrology the 29th degree is known and the “Anaretic” or “fated’ degree. It symbolizes “coming to the end of a path”. It contains a certain kind of wisdom, gained through experience.

With Neptune in Pisces at the 29th degree there can be considerable  confusion and indecisiveness. With Neptune’s  boundry-less nature, it’s wise to have good boundaries in place in terms of thought and speech.

Through the 19th of this month, it bodes well to look at your path or journey to see what might be coming to an end.
The Mars/Uranus alignment can help with breaking free of outlived plans and behaviors. But it’s best to avoid impulsive actions and approach any decisions more carefully now with additional patience and insight.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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