Mars, Adventure and Courage

“Mars is the god of desire: eros, feistiness, aggression, heat and activism. We draw up on Mars for courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.. When we dance with Mars, we enter the realms of fire, where qualities of bravado, courage and forthrightness are forged.” Caroline W. Casey

“Under the sky of pea soup
She is looking at her work growing away there
actively, thickly like grapevines or pole beans
as things grow in the real world, slowly enough.
If you tend them properly, if you mulch, if you water,
if you provide birds that eat insects a home and winter food,
if the Sun shines and you pick off caterpillars,
if the praying mantis comes and the ladybugs and the bees,
then the plants flourish, but at their own internal clock.” Marge Piercy

There’s plenty of energy and enthusiasm to be drawn upon during November for moving forward with new adventures, new projects and endeavors. Just with a couple of caveats due to the aspects Mars is making.

Mars is a strong influence now and through most of the month  as the Sun and Mars form an opposition to  Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Under this influence there can be excitement and enthusiasm for new endeavors and a desire to act on them quickly. But Jupiter’s influence often needs to be tempered as it can be  associated with over extending, overindulging  and extravagance.

Shortly after the Sun and Mars move out of the opposition to Jupiter, they move up to an opposition to Uranus which will be within orb widely through late November. It’s wise to provide extra down time during this time as nerves can be frayed and there can be unexpected  and sudden events.

On the 22nd the Sun will enter Sagittarius and form a square aspect to Saturn. This influence will tend to slow things down and may bring order and  movement to conflicts in need of resolution.

Throughout the month, its best to slow down and think things through thoroughly before acting.

One of the Sabian Symbols for this time is,”A quiet path through woods, brilliant in autumn coloring.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


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