Mercury enters Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn

“The sweetness and generosity and politeness and humanity of the French has shown me how lovely life can be if one takes time to be friendly.” Julia Childs

“There are pleasures to be found where you would never look for them. “Marilynne Robinson

Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on Monday this week. The silver lipped Messenger god has been transiting  the late degree is Leo and in the process squaring Uranus. He will still continue to align with  Uranus in an out- of- sign square for a few days. But this influence which can bring surprises in communication and snafus with technology and travel, is on the wane.

This is helped by the Virgo ingress.  Mercury is the ruler of this sign and it brings a strength and practicality to the mind. Common sense can be strong with this placement.

It is a good time to get involved with service of some kind.

Mercury is quincunxing Pluto on Monday. The quincunx is an awkward aspect and indicates a need for adjustment. Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius this year and  backtracked into the 29th degree of Capricorn September 2. It will transit this degree through late November when the Lord of Transformation will enter the sign of Aquarius through 2044.

The 29th degree is considered the “karmic degree” astrology, giving any planet at this degree more significance.

This time frame, now through late November is a good time to review how things may have changed in your life or are in a process of transformation since 2008.

Also this week the Sun in Virgo will Be moving up to a square with Jupiter in Gemini. This is a good time for luck and good fortune. With both planets in Mercury-ruled signs it’s a great time for expansion in terms of thinking and planning – just be aware that Jupiter can be associated with excess- plans and ideas formed under this influence may  be great in nature but in need of tempering.

Venus is Virgo is moving up to a beneficial trine to Jupiter. This is a wonderful aspect for having fun, positive thinking and experiencing the pleasure side of life. It’s a good time to get out and socialize with friends and allies.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A woman reading tea leaves.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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