Missing Fragments, Tarot Card Readings and Astrology Update

“Sychronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained  by cause and effect  and that is meaningful to the observer.” Carl Jung

I have a friend who has a consignment business in an antique shop in Vermont. Recently she posted a photo of a pair of well worn men’s Frye boots with a strap and gold buckle. Motorcycle boots, she called them. She explained that the boots – a classic-  were not for sale – she had sold them to man in the North Carolina  who had purchased them out of nostalgia.. He had owned a pair  like them some forty years ago.

When he received the boots he was surprised to look inside and see  his signature – which he had signed there years ago. His original boots had been mysteriously returned to him.

There is something about this story – the return  of something meaningful or the synchronicity and mystery of the event that reminded me of a Tarot Card reading.

Tarot readings are correlated with synchronicity and put us in touch with the magic and mystery of life. Perceptions can emerge in a reading which lead to solutions and a more expansive way of thinking.

The man who received his  boots in the mail must have experienced something like this as well – the mystery and  magic of life sometimes brought to us by synchronicity.

On the Astrology front, yesterday’s Solar Eclipse in LIbra was conjunct the planet of thought and communication – Mercury. There can be new thoughts and perceptions which emerge  during this Moon cycle which lead to new directions.

There can be new perspectives and connections in relationships as well.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A professor peering over his glasses at his students.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill

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