“To live is so startling, it leaves time for little else.” Emily Dickinson
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson
The Moon waxes full in the fiery sign of Leo Wednesday at 8:53 AM EST at 24 degrees. The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius will be opposing the Full Moon as Uranus – the planet of the unexpected – will be squaring it.
This influence is very much with us now and there can be unexpected events, snafus with communications and technology as well as sudden surprising occurrences. It’s best to regard any setbacks as temporary with the Mars Retrograde.
Urnaus governs lightning and is interesting how after lightning strike the air can be of tension. Uranus governs the Higher Mind and Mercury the Lower Mind. Sudden realizations or awakenings are possible under this influence. It is wise to raise awareness about information which may surfaces that can represent a shift in thinking or awareness.
It’s wise for the next several days – as Emily Dickinson implies – to stay grounded and in the present.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”After a heavy storm, a rainbow appears.”
An Astrology or Tarot reading can be very helpful in navigating a path through challenging times. Get in touch if you’d like to schedule a reading.
Sabisn symbol from Lynda Hill