Sunday’s Full Moon in Capricorn

“That full bellied Moon, she’s shinin’ on me.
She pulls on my heart like she pulls on the sea.” Gregory Alan Isakoff

Emotional tides run high at the Full Moon and Sunday’s Full Moon in Capricorn  at 6:17 AM EDT is no exception. It is a good time to stay grounded and maintain equilibrium.

The Moon in Capricorn, in general, provides a good time to look at goals and aspirations and assess whether your  efforts and strategies have been effective. And to think about putting others in place if not.

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun, the Moon and Neptune  are all at the 29th degree. The 29th degree in astrology signals a time when there can be more confusion than usual so it’s wise to exercise caution  with any decisions that need to be made at this time.

The Moon will be conjunct Pluto and the Sun will oppose it indicating a time which can be emotional and intense.

The Sun and Moon will be making good aspects to Neptune – which can provide insight and inspiration.

The pull to addictive  behavior can be stronger at this time.

Best to keep it simple. Strong boundaries and pragmatic solutions will work best at this time.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” Directors of a large business meet in secret conference.”


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