Mars Moves into Taurus

“The world is but canvas to our imagination.” Henry David Thoreau

Mars has been transiting the late degrees of Aries and one of the Sabian symbols associated with this is,”Through imagination a lost opportunity can be regained.” This is a good symbol to keep in mind as we approach Saturday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

On the Vernal Equinox 2015

“Within you there remains an enchanted place where the colours are more luminous and the air more fragrant than ever; a place where marvels never cease; miracles and magic abound; and where fascination and enthusiasm breed creation. This place is called Aries.What an adventure lies ahead. The slate has been wiped clean. It is time to create afresh.”

Andrew Smith, Irish author and astrologer.

Saturn Squares Neptune

” Remember that you are at an exceptional hour in this unique epoch, that you have this great happiness, this invaluable privilege, of being present at the birth of a new world.” The Mother, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

One of the very strong influences throughout 2015 is Saturn square Neptune. Whenever planets are in a square aspect there is a need to build a bridge between the two energies – a need for reconciliation of seemingly conflicting forces. Squares are a call to action.

Throughout the year as these two planets form this configuration there is a call to make manifest your ideals on a more concrete everyday level. Another way to say this is to live your ideals and higher goals in a more pragmatic way.

It is important to have very clear aspirations and to stay in touch with them on a daily basis. It is also key to create a concrete framework through which those goals can manifest one step at a time and to be willing to be patient and persevering along the path.

The many rapid changes occurring in the world now, the many revelations about corruption in the business world and government which appear to thwart more ethical and idealistic models of evolution are a call to each one of us to move in a direction of higher consciousness in the way we construct our lives, interact with others and move in the direction of our destined calling.

The Jupiter/Saturn/ Uranus trine indicates support, guidance and sometimes surprising assistance from the spiritual world. Watch for signs as affirmation.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Quote from Karen Speerstra’s Divine Sparks