The Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon is Tuesday 10/11 at 18 degrees of Aries. At the time of the Full Moon Saturn conjuncts the Sun and opposes the Moon. These are aspects that incline towards worry and a sense of limitation.
Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. And many visionaries believe that the astrology of 2012 indicates a pressing need for the evolution of consciousness to solve the problems that confront us at this time.
It is best under the influence of this Full Moon to shift to a higher level of perception, to listen to intuition, and to look to the magic – rather than the problems – inherent in situations around us.

October Astrology

“I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does…But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other side of the garden held its secrets for me also.” Oscar Wilde

September ended under the influence of the recent Venus/Saturn conjunction. Although often popularly described as a difficult aspect for love and money, Venus/Saturn is about serious commitment to core values. When there is a scarcity or perceived scarcity of money or love it provides excellent timing to review core values and to chart a new course accordingly.
The seriousness of the Venus/Saturn conjunction was offset a bit by the influence of the Mars /Jupiter aspect which is influence through October 9th. This aspect provides energy and enthusiasm to the seriousness of Saturn. There is a tendency to overdo with this aspect so it bodes well to increase awareness about doing things in a moderate way.
Through the 11th Venus will trine Neptune providing a good time for spiritual and artistic work. Life can look beautiful at a time like this because we tend to be looking through rose colored glasses. It is an idealistic influence and provides a good time to revisit higher aspirations related to bringing more love into the world. Romance can flourish under this influence – it is a good time for a romantic getaway or night out.
From the 8th through the 19th the Sun aspects Saturn boding well for work. A lot can be accomplished during this time. Be sure to include innovative approaches and techniques.
On the 9th Venus moves into Scorpio bringing more depth and intensity into relationships. As the sunlight wanes in the northern hemisphere the increased darkness reminds us of Persephone’s descent into the underworld. On a personal level it is a good time access what it is we feel passionate about and to include more space and time for it in our lives if necessary.
From the 9th through the 17th Venus is aspecting Jupiter – watch for extravagance and excess. It is a time when overspending and overdoing with food and drink are highlighted.
The Full Moon on the 11th is in Aries. The Libra/ Aries axis is about learning to advocate for individual needs diplomatically.
The New Moon is in Scorpio on the 26th at 3 degrees of Scorpio -providing a good time for intention setting.
Fantasy and romance abound at the end of October (the 28th through the 31) as the cosmic lovers Venus and Mars square Neptune.

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