This Week’s Astrology

“And it was at that age … Poetry arrived
in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where
it came from, from winter or a river…

and something started in my soul,
fever or forgotten wings,
and I made my own way,
that fire..” Pablo Neruda 

Uranus the planet of the Higher Mind –  sometimes called the Great Awakener – is strong in the sky this week. It is forming a harmonious alignment with Mercury – the planet of the lower mind. Both planets are in fiery signs making this a high energy time when it bodes well to heed innovative thoughts and to seek innovative solutions. It can be a time of breakthroughs and sudden illuminations. Pay attention to your dreams and nudges from your intuition.

Uranus continues to form a stressful aspect to Mars, the planet of action and Eris – the planet of discord and conflict. It bodes well to proceed with patience and restraint as it continues to be a somewhat volatile time when nerves can be frayed and irritability and anger more easily triggered.

Plan to stay active this week and use the energy creatively.

One of the Sabian symbols associated with the Mercury/Uranus trine is,”Through imagination a lost opportunity is regained.”


Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill’s, 360 Degrees of Wisdom


Uranus and Mercury Station Retrograde

“One is always surprised by awareness for everything is always new.” Peter Balin

Uranus will station retrograde Friday 7/13 at 5:49 am EDT and Mercury will station retrograde Saturday the 14th at 10:16 pm. For the next several days higher octave, visionary aspects are in play. So often what limits our ability to evolve in the outer world has to do with a limited perspective originating in our inner world. Pay attention to information that comes about your perceptual lens – the framework of assumptions, deeply held views and perceptions – that no longer serves you and inhibits your ability to move forward in an authentic, evolved way. Information leading to evolutionary leaps can abound under these aspects – sometimes coming to us in surprising, symbolic ways.