Over the years social commentators have posited that the cultural myth of the United States is The Wizard of Oz. The curtain was pulled back a bit more this week as the demonstrations against the corruption of Wall Street turned ugly. Peaceful protesters were with beaten, sprayed with pepper spray at close range, handcuffed and dragged off to jail by police. Protestors commented that they were inspired by the demonstrations in North Africa. One young woman who had been blind for an hour from the pepper spray said she didn’t care what the police did – she was going to remain there. Another protestor wondered who the police were there to protect – the powerful corporate interests or the citizens who were protesting peacefully. We are living in a time astrologically which is a turn of the wheel of what went on in the sixties- a time when people took to the streets in an attempt to create a more just world As Uranus and Pluto move closer to an exact square in 2012 we are likely to see these kinds of demonstrations increase. One of the powerful organizing tools available now is the internet – governed by the planet Uranus. With the help of internet technology and communications this could be the generation that forms a global movement to effect change. Considering the kinds of challenges they are facing this is very good news.