The Sun Enters Virgo: A Choice Point

“The essence of health is an inner kind of balance.” Andrew Weil

“One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes.” Eleanor Roosevelt

The Sun enters  the sign of Virgo on Thursday this week. This ushers in a good time for getting more organized with endeavors – a good time to get down to the details and create more efficient systems if needed.

The sign of Virgo is associated with the Hermit Card in the Tarot deck. This card- in Waite’s deck -pictures a person on a mountain top in a hooded cloak shining a lantern on the path before her. The number of this card is 9 and it proceeds the card of change, the Wheel of Fortune which is number 10.

The Hermit Card governs discrimination as does the sign of Virgo, and represents the time before significant change – the time of weighing choices and options before moving forward. It represents the time of inner reflection – of looking back and looking forward – before taking action.

Virgo rules the sixth house  in the astrology chart . This house governs well being and the relationship between your health and your work life. It’s a good time to  to see if a  better balance can be struck  so that your  daily routines better support and build health and strength.

The symbol of Virgo is of the Virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. This symbolizes the harvest and the gathering in of what is needed for the winter. The recent Perseid Meteor showers herald the changing of seasons to come, as does this sign.

The Sun will transit the sign of Virgo through the 22nd of September.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Two guardian angels bringing protection.”



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