The Venus Jupiter Conjunction and the Chariot Year

“A gift of any kind is a considerable responsibility. It is a mystery in itself, something gratuitous and wholly undeserved, something whose real uses will probably be hidden from us.” Flannery O’Connor

“The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.”  Gandhi

Yesterday I went into town to a local cafe to get a cup of cappuccino.

I stepped up to the counter and placed my order with a young woman. And as I was reaching for my wallet, I looked up and she, holding up a handful of dollar bills, said,”I have cash.”

I looked at her quizzically, not understanding what she meant and she said again,”I have cash. Your coffee is free. There is a little boy who comes in here with his father sometimes and he always leaves money for someone to have a free drink.”

The Jupiter/Venus was exact last week but is still widely in effect. This planetary duo is known for good luck, generosity and abundance.

Also on another note  in terms of numerology there is a Major Arcana card for every year. The card for 2023 is The Chariot – card about moving forward with focus and determination. In the Sharman/Caselli  deck  the card  depicts a Charioteer driving a cart pulled by two horses – one black and one white. The horses represent polarities or forces that must be kept in balance in order to keep moving forward. The horses wear blinders to avoid distraction and stay focused. The Charioteer wears a breastplate with an emblem of the Moon, signifying this card’s association with the sign of Cancer – a sign  symbolized by the crab with its hard outer shell – a reminder of the need for strong boundaries when moving towards goals or aspirations.

In general this indicates in 2023 it will be helpful when moving towards goals to keep distraction at bay, maintain equilibrium and overcome obstacles with focus and  determination.

A lot can be accomplished with  this approach this year.



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