Wednesday’s Solar Eclipse in Libra

“Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen:
reach out, keep reaching out, keep bringing in.
This is how we are going to live for a long time: not always.
for every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting,
after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.” Marge Percy

Recently I was reading a post by Eric Francis- an astrologer and invstigative reporter -and he  was discussing the ancestral influences that can be seen in the charts of families through the generations. He wrote, ‘In families there are no new stories.”

This was a slight exaggeration of course. When looking at the charts of families through time, though,  you can often see both the gifts and the challenges that come down through the family lines. I thought of this today when I was looking at the chart for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on Wednesday October 2.

This is a South Node Eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra. The South Node governs patterns from the past that can feel comfortable or familiar but have a weakening effect or keep us from where we need to be going. These kinds of patterns usually have a history in the family – just as some illnesses do,

The Moon’s Nodes are karmic in nature and govern the life path. The North Node – which indicates what directions needs to be taken -is in Aries – the fiery, action- oriented sign. This indicates the next thirty days or so provide a good cycle to take action to  clearly identify and move away from these types of patterns.

Mercury is also conjunct the Eclipse and this connection  is a heads – up to watch for old thinking patterns that lead in a discouraged direction or undermine the desired journey forward.

This Eclise is bringing into focus relationships of all kinds- personal, professional, friendship – and the theme of balance and fairness. It can be a time of endings for some relationships as well as a time of setting better boundaries and working towards creating a more equitable partnership in others.

The Sun and Moon in Libra will be squaring Mars  – this can give extra energy when it comes to getting work done and overcoming obstacles. It can be short tempered, however.

There are also planetary configurations that indicate a good time for socializing – among them,  Venus in Scorpio forming a harmonious trine to Mars in Cancer.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill.




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