Notes on the Week Ahead

“Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.” Carolyn G. Heilbrun

As we head into next week’s New Moon on Friday planetary influences suggest it is a good time to get busy with projects and plans. A lot can be accomplished with a clear focus. Do watch for the tendency to overwork which may lead to becoming exhausted or accident prone.

Take extra care when traveling or moving about and be attentive to the possibility of impulsiveness on the part of others. it is a good week to heighten awareness about how you direct your personal power as breakthroughs or revelations can emerge about this area of life.
Mars is opposite Uranus at the time of the New Moon. This influence suggests that there may be surprising or unanticipated events which may be hard to integrate at the time.
 There is  also increased energy for a fresh new start.
Providing extra time for rest and rejuvenation will be beneficial for clarity and integration as nerves can be frayed and tempers on a short fuse.
One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.”
Friends – I have gift certificates available for the holidays. I am reading a book called “Tales of Accidental Genius.” This title reminds me of a good Tarot or Astrology reading when an unexpected or surprising perception emerges opening the door to new opportunities.
Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.   Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Venus and Juno

“Maturity and energy in our work is not granted freely to human beings but must be adventured and discovered, cultivated and earned. It is the result of application, dedication, an indispensable sense of humor and above all a never-ending, courageous conversation with ourselves, those with whom we work and those whom we serve. It is a long journey; it calls on both the ardors of youth and the perspectives of a longer view. It is achieved through a lifelong pilgrimage.” David Whyte.
As Venus and and Juno form a favorable alignment this week and Jupiter moves closer to the North Node of destiny and life path, it bodes well to think about the commitments in your life – personal as well as professional – and how you would like to evolve those commitments into the future. Venus and Juno are in the partnership sign of Libra and so it is wise to consider how you would like to evolve the relationships involved and what you are willing to do to make that happen.