Mercury and the Lunar Nodes

“Behind our existence lies something else that becomes accessible to us only by shaking off the world.” Arthur Schopenhauer

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find that it is hitched to everything else in the universe.” John Muir

This week Mercury aligns with the Lunar Nodes which govern destiny and  life path. The Lunar Nodes are indicators of incarnational purpose or life mission in anyone’s birth chart.

Proactively, this alignment provides a good time to be open to information that may lead down another path towards resolving long standing or  challenging areas of your life. Best to put customary beliefs and responses aside for the time being and remain open to options.

It bodes well to raise awareness and provide quiet time when intuitive messages can be heard or come through.

One of the Sabian symbols for this alignment is, “A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.” Throughout time and in many metaphysical systems, birds have symbolized the arrival of messages. The four Pages in the Tarot deck symbolize this as well.

An astrologer or Tarot Card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.


Jupiter, The Magi and This Week’s Astrology

“Molnar believes that the wise men were, in fact, very wise and mathematically-adept astrologers. They also knew about the Old Testament prophecy that a new king would be born of the family of David. Most likely, they had been watching the heavens for years, waiting for alignments that would foretell the birth of this king. When they identified a powerful set of astrological portents, they decided the time was right to set out to find the prophesied leader.” David A Weintraub 

“All wisdom is given to us on loan.” Thomas Aquinas

Over the years there has been a considerable amount of speculation in both the astrological and astronomical communities about which planetary alignment the Wise Men or Magi of old were following in order to find a newly born king and bestow gifts upon him. There is always one constant in the speculations – whether it was Jupiter /Venus or Jupiter /Saturn or others, the planet Jupiter is always involved.

Jupiter the planet of wisdom, hope, expansion, benevolence and generosity is making powerful alignments in the sky this week. This gives the opportunity to expand understanding, vision and compassion. It can be a very growth oriented time and can open doors of opporuntity for  progress and transformation in partnership and relationship. Do proceed thoughtfully and carefully though, with any endeavors like this as there is powerful energy about with the sign of Scorpio involved.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Neighbors help in a house-raising party in a small village.’