June’s New Moon in Gemini

“Mercury has many aliases, one of which is Hermes, the Magician. Hermes presides over magic, education, culture and the connective language of correspondences in which the world is written. Hermes invented the alphabet and all means of communication. All alphabets were originally thought of as magically invocative. Not only words but letters were considered divine, each a simultaneous honoring and summoning of the force behind its symbol.” Caroline W. Casey

Mercury, the Magician and Roman god of many disguises is very much alive and among us now through the New Moon at 12 degrees of Gemini on Monday. In the Tarot deck Mercury is associated with the card of the Magician – the first card – associated with beginnings and how we create things. It is the card associated with single minded focus and concentration.

Mercury  in astrology is associated  with a bright, witty, curious, fast moving mind which needs to watch out for mental overload and becoming scattered and stressed. Do take more care with communications of all kinds now – especially impulsive speech and action.

At the time of the New Moon in Gemini, the Sun, Moon and Mercury will all be in this quicksilver sign – making today through the middle of next week – a good time  to provide for extra downtime for rest, rejuvenation and the integration of information.

It is wise at this time to keep  the Magician’s power of  focus and concentration in mind and to stay calmly in the present moment. The Jupiter Neptune square is active now forming a challenging aspect to the Sun and Moon. There can be a tendency for illusion and  upset due to fast moving communications.

New Moons bode well for setting and reaffirming intentions. Best to strengthen your resolve for your commitments. Venus is in a supportive aspect to Pluto, Saturn and the South Node indicating the wind is at your back for endeavors which involve transforming or improving self esteem, financial affairs and relationships with others. It is a good time to commit or recommit to that kind of process now.

Mercury is the messenger of all the gods and governs the wind and the  birds- who are often regarded as messengers themselves. Do make some time for a walk in the woods or a park or somewhere special to you and raise awareness of the wind and our feathered friends.

One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is,”Two people at widely different points, are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Dreams, Aspirations and This Week’s Astrology

“Genuine commitment is a journey into the unknown.” Madonna Kolbenschlag

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

This is a good week to think about commitments – and by that I mean commitments of all kinds – business, romantic, friendship family etc.  Juno in mythology was married to Jupiter who was renowned for his romantic liaisons. Juno kept her wedding vows but with resentment, jealousy and often acts of revenge. The one time Juno attempted to leave Jupiter, he fell ill and near death without her.

This story can illustrate the complex nature of commitments and how we are or aren’t attached to them. Juno is prominent in the sky this week boding well for thinking about the commitments we have made and would like to make for the future.

Neptune is making a favorable aspect to Juno this week indicating that there can be inspiring ideas about commitments but also the need to make sure that aspirations have solid footing  in order to avoid disillusioning experiences.It also bodes well with any new endeavors to make sure all the information is in.

Jupiter is squaring Neptune now and this can be a time of  dreams and which can make manifest desired goals in the future – again with the caveat that the plans are built on solid ground, with a non- wavering commitment and that avoidance or evasion is not part of the picture.

Juno has been making a favorable alignment to the North Node of destiny and life path  – both in the sign of Cancer. This will be exact on Thursday.  There can be significant events and significant people who come into our lives now and point the way to the future. It is a good time to think about your soul’s aspirations- where you are and where you want to be on your life path and raise awareness for signs and signals that point the way.

Saturn is transiting opposite Juno this week too. This too can bring in karmic people and events. It is also a reminder of the importance of the seriousness of commitment and the willingness to persevere and hold the light during challenging times. It can also be a reality check of some kind about where plans need to be shored up.

With Pluto and Saturn conjunct the South Node now there is the ability to look below the structure of the way plans and commitments have been made in the past. This can be done by looking to the origin of commitments and where you were emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.then  You may have outgrown certain needs that you looked to partnerships to fulfill or may have felt you needed a certain kind of attachment that is no longer necessary.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A master instructing his disciple.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill