Synchronicity and the Solar Eclipse

“Sometimes the key arrives before the lock.” Rebecca Solnit

“Every time I have become aware of a synchronicity experience, I have had an accompanying feeling that some grace came along with it.” Jean Shinola Bolen

Uranus, the planet of the future and of the unexpected, is powerful at the time of this weekend’s Eclipse in Taurus.  This alignment reminds me of the Ten of Pentacles in Waite’s Tarot Card deck.

The Ten of Pentacles is a beautiful card – depicting a scene at a castle courtyard. Inside the gates there is a royal family – a father, a mother and a small child. The mother and father are talking with each other and the child is looking outwards towards the open castle gate.  Two white dogs stand near them also looking out.

This card is about the abundance and stability that family and community can bring into our lives. But it is also a card about seeing the magic in life.  Outside the castle gate stands a Magus – a wise man or magician. He has a long white beard and his heavy clock is embroidered with metaphysical symbols. The children and the dogs see the Magus, but the parents do not.   It indicates that in order to see the magic in life or the synchronicity in life, there  needs to be an openness, a certain kind of innocence and intuition.

The Solar Eclipse this weekend is on Saturday April 30 at 10, almost 11 degrees of the earthy sign, Taurus at 4:28 PM EDT.  Uranus, the futuristic planet of the unexpected is conjunct the Sun and Moon at this time. With heightened awareness there can be glimpses of the future or experiences with synchronicity that  point the way -both before the Eclipse and several days after.

This Eclipse opens a new cycle and is very positive in nature. It is  New Moon Eclipse and bodes well for intention setting.

One of the Sabian symbols at this time is, “A Red Cross nurse with warm sympathy.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Taurus

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightfowardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you for I know no other way… ” Pablo Neruda

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

Once when I was studying with a shamanic school out west, I called their office with some questions. The person who answered the phone couldn’t answer them so she went to find someone who could. When she returned she said,”I’m sorry, no one is here now. They all went up into the canyon for a ritual to celebrate the eclipse and they haven’t returned.”

Eclipses can be powerful in the personal evolutionary process and it is wise to honor these times with some kind of ritual or intention. Saturday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse , at 10 degrees of Taurus, is at 4:28PM EDT. It kicks off an eclipse cycle  which runs through late October.

There are no difficult aspects at this time. This opens doors into a desired future with greater ease. Uranus, the planet of the future and of the unexpected, is aligned favorably with the Sun, Moon and  Mars.

Uranus is the planet of awakening and if you have felt dormant in areas you feel passionate about, now is the time to awaken to a new sense of yourself that is ready to move forward in an energized and committed way. Uranus  aligning favorably with Mars brings a sense of excitement and adventure to new endeavors and more of a  willingness to take risks than usual.

Venus and Jupiter are conjunct- indicating good fortune for finances, love and pleasure.  And the eclipse is aligning favorably with the asteroid, Eros, ushering in an excellent time for love and romance.

Venus and Jupiter sextiling Pluto indicates a time that bodes well for personal transformation and growth.

It’s time for an adventure!

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman sprinkling long rows of flowers.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill






A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“On every level of human life, compassion is the key thing.” Dalai Lama

“Love is infinite in experience and meaning. So if you want to build anything, build it on a web of love, and it will be both ephemeral and timeless, momentary and enduring.”  August Jaccaci & Susan B Gault  from their book,  CEO, Chief Evolutionary Officer 

The veils between the worlds continue to be thin as Venus moves up to join Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces this week. This creates a very good time to grow in a direction of increased compassion, love and forgiveness.

Venus is squaring Vesta indicating a good time to look at the relationship in your life between pleasure and self care to see if improvements can be made. Good timing too to review personal boundaries in general to see if some revision is necessary in terms of strengthening in some areas and softening in others where there might not be as strong a need for protection now.

Mercury in Taurus will be making a favorable aspect to Pluto in Capricorn this week indicating a good time for deep thinking and investigative work- particularly about things related to stability, security and self care.  It’s a  good  influence for getting to the bottom of things.

Pluto will station retrograde on Friday giving Mercury extra power and depth at this time.

One of the Sabian symbols  for this time is, ” A woman reading tea leaves.”

Sabian symbol from Linda Hill