A Busy Time in the Starry Heavens

“A self is always becoming. Being does not mean becoming. We run so fast that it is only when we seem to stop-as sitting on the rock at the brook-that we are aware of our being.” Madeleine L’Engle

“If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey to the stars?” G.K. Chesterton

Mars, the planet of action and desire, is now in the fiery sign of Leo and is opposing Pluto and squaring Jupiter and the North Node. This is a very dynamic mix and bodes well for overcoming obstacles and taking action. There is a lot of power and energy to be harnessed with this influence if blockages can be overcome. It’s best to keep a very clear intention of what you would like to accomplish.

It is a significant time now and throughout the summer for personal growth and evolution. It bodes well to provide extra quiet time to integrate events and intuitions.

The Sun has moved into Gemini. This ushers in a more sociable time as this quicksilver sign is a lover of communication and activity.

Venus the goddess of love and beauty is moving up to a tense aspect with Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This can bring up issues related to love , self esteem and abundance.  The journey of Chiron involves the process of wounding and healing that goes on throughout our lifetimes and is evolutionary in nature – leading to increased wholeness.

Mars is moving up to a tense aspect with the Lunar Nodes indicating a threshold time. This week provides good timing to look at what karmic or inherited patterns are  no longer useful. With the Mars/Pluto energy it’s a good week to set new intentions that involve transformation – especially since we are still at the beginning of a New Moon cycle.

Venus is moving up to a sextile with Uranus this week. This can bring about positive changes in relationships and relationship dynamics.  Feelings and desires can be expressed in more healthy directions.

Jupiter, the beneficent planet of expansion and luck, is moving up to conjunct the North Node of life path and destiny. This is in influence now and exact next week. Check your chart to see where this alignment (3 degrees of Taurus)  is occurring.  There can be new opportunities with this influence and a clearer indication of the life path that lies ahead for you in terms of stability, security and pleasure.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mercury Retrograde Winds to an End

” The mysterious and elusive god Mercury presides over all times and places of transition, all crossroads.” Caroline W. Casey

“Love, the Supreme Musician is always playing in our souls.” Rumi

If you’re mulling over new ideas it’s best to wait until after the Mercury station on Mother’s Day this year – May 14 – to implement them. That’s when Mercury will station  direct at  5 degrees of Taurus conjunct the North Node of life path and destiny and Jupiter- the planet of hope and expansion. This combination of planets is likely not only to make things clearer but to widen perception and  may offer alternative solutions.

Venus is now in Cancer and making  favorable aspects to Mercury and the North Node in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. This can help with communication – particularly with family members and close friends. Venus’s touch here can add a more considerate,  sensitive  element and Saturn can provide stability and longevity.

Mars is trining Neptune this week – creating a good time for the imagination and for creative projects.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below.”

Sabisn symbol from Lynda Hill

This Week in Astrology with Mercury and the Lunar Eclipse

“Though the spring is late and cold,
Though the uproar of greed
And malice shudders in the sky,
Pond, stream and hilltop raise
Their ancient songs:

The robin molds her mud nest
with her breast; the air
is bright with breath
of bloom, wise loveliness  that asks
nothing of the season but to be.” Wendell Berry

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

I was speaking with a friend the other day. She owns a small cafe in Cambridge and was thinking of opening a second location in another part of town. In talking about her future plans, she said “I keep going back and forth about it and can’t seem to decide.”

Mercury is now retrograde indicating that it’s best to review plans and consider alternatives, but if possible to delay making any significant decisions until a few days after Mercury goes direct – this month on May 14.

Mercury has been traveling with Uranus and after the direct station on the 14th, will move up to conjunct Uranus again on June 4. This time frame – (now through early June) is a good time to be open to futuristic and  innovative solutions.

Pluto  in Aquarius will station retrograde on Monday this week and prepare to retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11.

There is a Lunar Eclipse on May 5 at 14 degrees of Scorpio. This  eclipse is on the Taurus/Scorpio axis – Taurus ruling material things, safety and security and Scorpio ruling endings and the transformation of  form.  While Taurus rules the tangible things in life, Scorpio rules the intangible – the mysteries and complexities of life. With the Sun conjunct Uranus and Mercury conjunct the North Node and Vesta, there may be insights or revelations about these elements of life and bringing them into better balance.

Jupiter, the planet of good luck, optimism and expansion, will enter the sign of Taurus on May 16. Jupiter will be in Taurus for about a year and  under this influence it bodes well to enjoy the good things in life.  This influence – along with other cosmic influences can bring  prosperity and success.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A woman sprinkling long rows of flowers.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“Somebody  placed the shuttle in your hand:somebody who already had arranged the threads.”Dag Hammarskjold

The significant news this week in astrology is the Sun will conjunct the North Node of destiny and life path on Monday. This is a good time to focus on intentions for the future and to heed any intuitions that may arise related to this area – particularly between now and the second eclipse on May 5. The North Node in Taurus speaks of how we create stability, security and abundance as we move forward.

Vesta conjuncts the North Node on Monday as well bringing light and wisdom to the process of how we create a healthy path to the future – not only for ourselves but for the planet. The sign of Taurus rules resources in general.

Caroline Casey once wrote, “Saturn lays the tracks for the Reality train to follow.  The Sun will be sextiling  Saturn and this is a good time for being pragmatic and grounded and for  steady perseverance towards  attaining goals.

Venus and Chiron will be forming a favorable alignment this week indicating a good time to think about healing or processing old wounds on another level.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A bridge being build across a high narrow gorge.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda HIll

Mercury Stations Retrograde on Friday

“Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere) arranging
a window, into which people look (while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully.” e.e. cummings

Mercury stations retrograde Friday April 21  in the wee hours at 4:35 am EDT at 15 degrees of Taurus. The retrograde period will last through May 14 when it will station direct at 5 degrees of Taurus.

Mercury will station conjunct the Moon indicating that this time period will be good for developing psychic and intuitive abilities.   Mercury will be also be conjunct Uranus, the planet of innovation and the unexpected. This can lead to sudden  flashes of insight and original thinking.

With Pluto squaring the Sun there is transformative energy throughout the retrograde period -making this a good time to get things done.

It’s wise as always with Mercury retrogrades, to make sure important  information is backed up and to take more care with communication and travel.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”On the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water.

Aries Solar Eclipse and Mercury Prepares to Station Retrograde

“To see things in the
seed, that is genius.”Lao Tzu

The New Moon – when the two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon are conjunct, provides an excellent time for renewal and for an inspired, energized new start.

A Solar Eclipse is like a very powerful New Moon and while the influence of the New Moon is said to last for four weeks, the influence of a Solar Eclipse is said to last for six months.

This month’s Solar Eclipse is April 20 at 29 degrees of Aries.  Isabelle Hickey refers to people born under this Mars-rules sign as “the pioneers of the zodiac.”  Aries are good at starting things and are known for their courage, their strength and their leadership abilities. The sign of Aries is symbolized by the ram and people born under this sign have the ability to look at obstacles as a challenge and move through them in a courageous and highly determined  way.

The days leading up to the Eclipse provide a good time to explore new ways to move forward when facing attitudes, habits and beliefs that you’d like to change.

At the time of the Eclipse the Sun and Moon are squaring Pluto. This indicates the possibility of getting drawn into power struggles and strong feelings. It’s best under the influence.though, to focus on your goals instead and take advantage of the hope, optimism and expansion offered by Jupiter’s close proximity to the Sun and Moon.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The music of the spheres.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Uranus, Juno, Jupiter and the Upcoming Solar Eclipse

“Relationship is a cold word. It has no vibrancy, like, for instance, kinship, which immediately stirs something in the blood, or like love with its infinity of overtones.” Irene Claremont de Castillejo

The week starts off with Uranus, the planet of revolutionary changes conjunct   Juno, the asteroid of marriage and commitment. This pair has been traveling together for awhile now and reflects the  desire for more authenticity and freedom in relationships and the push back against it.

Uranus in Taurus also  brings the desire for freedom from traditions that have outlived their time. This can open the door to new opportunities in relationship and can also signal the need for more distance in others.

On Tuesday Venus moves out of the sign of Taurus into Gemini. Venus in this sign likes space in relationships. It’s a good time for getting together with friends and socializing. It’s also a good time for pursuing intellectual interests.

Venus at 0 Gemini will make a favorable alignment with Pluto on Tuesday as well, ushering in a good time to look at  any changes you’d like to make in the relationship sphere related to self empowerment. Pluto is the god of transformation and this provides a good time as well to look at any financial changes you’d like to make that could move things in a better direction.

The Sun moves up to favorable alignment with  Jupiter on Tuesday – bringing optimism, luck and a sense of expansion. With both planets in the adventurous sign of Aries, this provides a good time to take action on projects you would like to get started.

Venus will move up to a square to Saturn later in the week bringing a more serious time or a time when a sense of lack may be present.

We are heading into an Eclipse period now with the first Solar Eclipse on April 20 at 29 degrees of Aries. In a nutshell this is an eclipse that heralds a time of beginnings with a strong focus on courage, independence and action.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is.”A new continent is rising out of the ocean.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mercury Enters Taurus and Thursday’s Full Moon in Libra

“I like it better here where I can just sit quietly and smell the flowers.” Ferdinand the Bull

The fleet- footed god of thought and communication, Mercury enters the earthy sign of  Taurus on Tuesday this week. This can usher in a time when thinking and communication can become more focused and grounded.

It also is a good time to get out into nature and appreciate all that the natural world provides for us.

Mercury will travel direct  through much of April and then station retrograde on April 21 at 15 degrees of Taurus. The  retrograde period will last until May 14.

The Moon waxes Full this Thursday April 6 at 16 degrees of Libra. At this time the Moon is opposite Chiron and Jupiter, making this a good time to think about bringing more balance, diplomacy and harmony into relationships.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “After the storms of winter a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.”

Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

“We cannot suspend our values during the workday and think we will have them when we get back home. We’re all inter-connected. There is a spiritual dimension to business just as to individuals.” Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield

“Beauty awakens the soul to act.” Dante Alighieri

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, is now aligning with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. There can be surprises under this influence and also inspirations that seem to come out of nowhere. It provides  a good time to think about bringing more beauty and pleasure into your life.

This is also a good aspect under which to evaluate or reevaluate personal values and what is most important to us on a deep level. Venus rules finances and it’s a good time to explore innovative financial ideas but best to avoid risk taking -under this influence.

Mars and Saturn are in a favorable alignment now and provide a good time to accomplish things that may have been put to the side.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A symbolic battle between the disciples of might and the disciples of enlightenment.”



The Spring Equinox and the New Moon in Aries

“Come with me into the woods where spring is
advancing as it does, no matter what,
not being singular or particular, but one
of the forever gifts, and certainly visible.” Mary Oliver

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

The Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters the dynamic, fiery sign of Aries is Monday March 2o. The New Moon follows shortly thereafter on Tuesday the 21st at 1:23 AM.

This New Moon is at 0 degrees of Aries and is particularly powerful.  It offers a good time for a new start with determination, focus and drive. The Sun and Moon are  squaring Mars and forming a harmonious alignment with Pluto. Pluto and Mars are the powerhouse planets of the zodiac and this alignment  provides  the  power, energy and courage to move forward with desired initiatives and overcome obstacles.

Mars and Pluto are in a quincunx alignment indicating a good time to focus on how you use and direct your energy.  People born with the Sun in Aries are often able to accomplish their goals due to their energetic, single minded focus and clear goals.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill