Relationships, Commitments and Weekend Astrology

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both are transformed.” Jung

“Once the realization  is accepted that even between the closest of human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up.” Rilke

Juno, the asteroid of marriage and commitment is in Leo now and making a harmonious trine to the North Node in Aries and  a favorable sexile to the South Node in Libra.

The Nodes were said to govern fate and destiny in the old texts. A more contemporary interpretation would be that they reflect  path of  personal evolution.

The Nodes are karmic in nature and in a birth chart can reflect the tendencies that are passed down through the ancestors or through the blood lines and the path of personal evolution forward.

When the Nodes are a strong influence in the heavens, as they are now,  it indicates a particularly good time to look at what karmic patterns from the past need to be released in order to move forward on the path of personal evolution and growth.

Because Juno is involved at this time it bodes well to look at commitments in relationships of all kinds ( romantic, family, work etc.) to see if adjustments can be made to improve the direction they are heading in.

The North Node in Aries brings courage, insight and passion to the process of envisioning the road ahead. It’s a good time to heed any insights which emerge about the future.

Mars is making a tense square to Pluto now  indicating a good time to look at issues of power and how it plays out in your life. Do you feel appropriately empowered? When Pluto is involved there can be issues with power and control.

It’s best to get plenty of exercise under this influence and a good time to take on projects that require hard work and energy.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill


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