New Moon in Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

Tuesday’s New Moon (8:14 am EST) is at 0 degrees of Aquarius. This is the last New Moon in a series that occur on the day the Sun changes signs- this time into Aquarius. Be innovative about your life’s direction now and look for open doors. It is best to set intentions which come from a place of evolving inner wholeness.
Mercury stations retrograde on Wed the 21st at 17 degrees of Aquarius. I was listening to a lecture by the astrologer Rick Levine who mentioned that the three largest internet outages in history all occurred on a day when Mercury was stationing. So not that it is necessarily going to happen this time but do make sure important info is backed up pronto. Mercury will station direct Feb 12.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person.

Mars Squares Saturn

“If you love your work everyone benefits.” Whiteside & Engli

Mars is moving up to a square to Saturn – exact on Thursday the 15th and in influence through the 25th. This is a time which bodes well for work and a lot can be accomplished. Approach projects with moderation, avoid overwork and overdoing. Take breaks to allow for windows of creativity and inspiration. Mars is near Neptune now – best to bolster the immune system and provide plenty of down time.

With the final upcoming Uranus / Pluto square in March and a Solar Eclipse on the Vernal Equinox at 29 degrees of Pisces, this is a significant time and a time when there can be heightened tension. Moderation, spiritual development and regular restorative times will be very helpful.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Flight of the Phoenix.

Full Moon in Cancer

“People could see Artemis standing in the doorway…she helped people across thresholds.” Buffie Johnson

Throughout time rituals have been performed at powerful initiatory thresholds and this weekend’s Full Moon in Cancer is such a time. The Sun is conjunct Pluto opposite the Moon and squaring the Lunar Nodes and Uranus. It is an important karmic doorway – harness the powerful energies by defining clearly your intentions for where you are going and what is necessary to leave behind in order to make that happen.

Old emotional programming is highlighted here – any unproductive thought patterns which lead to self pity, blaming and lack of personal empowerment should left behind. Watch the amount of energy you waste fighting old battles. Saturn and Pallas Athena are together in the sky now and will assist with serious long terms commitments as long as there is the requisite commitment to patience and perseverance over time.

There are volatile energies about and conflict can arise suddenly. If this is the case for you, raise the vibratory level – focus on gratitude, stay out of self pity and avoid interpreting the present through an unproductive lens of the past.

It bodes well to practice moderation and focus on the future.

This Full Moon is about using the tools of higher consciousness to evolve your life in the direction of your karmic purpose. Chiron’s placement in Pisces indicates the need to integrate a higher level of consciousness in solving problems. On a global level it encourages us to take a “global community” approach – to move away from the use of violence and instead to consider the other myriad options and tools available.

The Moon waxes full at 14 Cancer at 11:53 PM Sunday Jan 4 EST.
Venus and Mercury are conjunct in early Aquarius.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Buffy Johnson in her book Lady of the Beasts.

Saturn and Pallas Athene

“Pallas Athene symbolizes the principle of creative intelligence giving birth to thought forms.” Demetra George

Saturn recently entered Sagittarius and will transit through this sign for roughly the next two and a half years (with the exception of a brief foray back into Scorpio this Spring.) Saturn is also now conjunct the asteroid Pallas Athene through January 9.

It bodes well under the influences to look at the structure and form or your life now and entertain ideas and opportunities for the life you would like to have in the future. Take a creative approach, think optimistically and in terms of broad horizons.

If your creativity feels blocked you might ask yourself why. Pallas was a wise defender of justice and was a feminist. Often the value of creativity can be undermined or undervalued as the result of assumptions based on patriarchal thinking.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George.

Mercury, Uranus and the Winter Solstice

Mercury is squaring Uranus now and will be exact on the 24th. Under this influence there can be snafus with electronics, communication and travel. It is a good idea to make sure all devices are backed up. Nerves can be frayed under this influence so extra patience is advised. It bodes well to watch speech and actions carefully now as Saturn is at 29 degrees. This is known as the “fated” degree and it may be hard to undo the consequences of words spoken or actions taken at this time.

There is significant planetary activity on the Solstice – a very powerful New Moon at 0 Capricorn at 8:36 pm EST following the Winter Solstice at 6:03 pm and the Uranus station at 5:45 pm Saturn is also preparing to enter a new sign on Tuesday.

Harness the dynamic power of this time to empower clear intentions related to your aspirations for building stability and security in your life, work, business endeavors and family. Commit to do the work , organization and collaboration necessary to make goals come to fruition.

It is wise also with Pluto and Venus together to strengthen intentions related to transformation in the areas of self esteem, self worth and financial well being.

Saturn in Sagittarius

“Ringmaster and Ringleader, Saturn’s province includes time, boundaries, laws of limitation and definition, form structure and authority.” Caroline W. Casey

Saturn is now transiting through the final degrees of Scorpio where it has been for roughly the last two and a half years. It will move into sign of Sagittarius December 23.
Saturn teaches us about authority and the rules of the road. It instructs us how to build enduring things in the world through patience, maturity and perseverance. Saturn’s influence can create considerable success in the long term.
To be well prepared to use this two and a half year transit, check the house/houses that Saturn will be transiting in your chart to see which areas of your life will be impacted.

Friends – I am offering short (15 minute readings ($30) and 30 minute readings ($60) about how Saturn in Sagittarius will be affecting your chart. Get in touch if you would like to book a reading.
I also have gift certificates starting a $30 for the holidays.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Making the Gods Work for You by Caroline W. Casey.

Uranus and Pluto Together Again

The Uranus/Pluto aspect – one of the ongoing major signs of our times – is moving up to an exact square on the 15th. This is the symbol governs surprising and sometimes shocking revelations which can undermine widely held perceptions. It has both a personal and planetary aspect to it.

On a personal level this aspect is associated with awakening – it can encourage us to deepen perceptions and move in a more evolved direction – not just in our personal aspirations but in our aspirations for the planet as a whole.

Eric Meyers – the noted astrologer and author- has written a great deal about the evolutionary threshold at which we stand. In a recent article in the Mt Astrologer he wrote, “We can choose to move beyond a preoccupation with our personal preferences and awaken to another dimension – one of soul connection to the intelligent flow of our lives.
At the Uranian level there is no need to move reflexively towards “positive” experiences or away from “negative” ones. Everything has evolutionary value and meaning and life itself continually serves as our greatest teacher.”

Full Moon in Gemini

“Freedom is necessary for choice and choice is necessary for wisdom and growth…the sacred world of love, wisdom, fiery intelligence, passionate will, imagination and delight – is a world of freedom. But it is also binding and connecting.” David Spangler

The Moon waxes Full Saturday December 6 at 15 degrees of Gemini at 7:27 AM EST. Uranus the freedom loving planet is a strong influence at this time making it a good time to free up perceptions and make space for new and creative ideas outside the usual sense of limitations. It is a time when a new sense of emotional freedom can be attained suddenly and this unencumbered energy can be very helpful in envisioning the future in new and innovative ways. There is a lot of fiery, restless energy now and it bodes well to prioritize a clear vision before action.

Intuition is strong at this Full Moon as well. One of the Sabian symbols is,”Two People, At Widely Different Points, Are In Communication By Means Of Telepathy.”

Mars, the planet of drive and energy will be in Aquarius for the next month or so. This provides a good time to be open to new and innovative ideas about how you direct your energy to attain your goals. It provides a shift from Capricorn’s traditional/tried and true approach to one that is more inventive.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. David Spangler quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra, Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Venus trines Jupiter

“Always it was our attitude that was the most important. If we looked at a situation negatively, it became negative. But if we made that extra effort, which was often very hard to do, we could truly make a situation new.” Eileen Caddy

This week we enter wise Jupiter’s optimistic realm. Venus in Sagittarius will be moving up to a trine with Jupiter – exact on Thursday and influence through the 11th. This beneficent pair brings hope, optimism and pleasure.
Just one caveat – watch for overindulgence and overspending.
Also do make an extra effort to keep communications clear and double check details through the 7th as confusion can be about as Mercury aspects Neptune.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Eileen Caddy quote from The Findhorn Garden.

Venus Trines Uranus

“They’re both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them,
Such certainty is beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.” Wislawa Szymborska

Venus and Uranus – the pair which is known for its very compelling love at first sight experiences and out of the blue love affairs has been widely in effect since the 19th and will be in influence through the end of the month. This is a high voltage duo. It is known for its surprising, exciting, unpredictable nature. If someone comes into your life under this aspect it bodes well to proceed with the Uranian maxim- “expect the unexpected.”
The recent fiery New Moon ushered in a time of discovery, exploration and adventure. It is a good time to broaden your horizons through both inner and outer journeys. Recently Andrew Smith, the Irish astrologer, author and astrocartographer, noted the correlation of a shift in place to a shift in perspective.
Through mid December Mars will trine Saturn. This is an excellent aspect for organization and planning. It bodes well for progress with work and goals in general.
Aspects bode well for a friendly holiday – although the Sun will be squaring Neptune – best to watch the weather and alter travel plans accordingly if necessary. Also do watch for overindulgence as it could lead to impaired judgement under the influences.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Wislawa Szymborska’s poem, Love at First Sight.