Tuesday’s Full Moon

 “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Loren Eisley

 One of the Sabian symbols for Tuesday’s Full Moon at 18 Leo is,” A Houseboat Party Crowded with Revelers; the Water Reflects its Lights.” This symbol speaks of the sense of connection, of rejuvenation and re- creation that can occur when we spend time in celebration with kindred spirits. The sparkling water around the houseboat symbolizes opportunities for emotional and creative growth through joyful connection with others. The houseboat is held in place by an anchor – making this a good time to assess whether our lives are expansive enough with our current anchor or whether we need to cast off for new shores in some way. Another symbol associated with the Full Moon is “A Chemist Conducts an Experiment for this Students,” suggesting it is a good time to be in experimental mode – entertaining new ideas for the future that lead to broader horizons.

 Sabian symbol quotes from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill

Neptune enters Pisces

“The garden flew round with the angel

The angel flew round with the clouds,

And the clouds flew round, and the clouds flew round,

And the clouds flew round with the clouds.” Wallace Stevens

Neptune enters its own sign of Pisces today for a 12 or so year visit- dissolving the veils between realms and offering us the opportunity to be more fully in touch with the interconnectness of all life.

February Astrology

“It later became clear to me that no matter what we do in science or any other area, it will not help if we don’t find a way to be related to each other at a deep level.” David Bohm

 One of the significant planetary events of February is Neptune’s transit into Pisces on Feb 3 – a sojourn that will last for roughly twelve years.  Neptune the god of the sea rules the realm of dreams, of creativity, and of spirituality.  It also rules addiction – often referred to as a derailed spiritual journey.

This placement historically has correlated with a time of spiritual growth and awareness. Creativity can flourish.  Increased guidance will be available through intuitive channels and dreams. 

It bodes well under this influence to take steps towards living a more inspired life.

Mars continues in retrograde motion in Virgo throughout the month. Examine the use of personal energy in your everyday life. Looks for ways to lessen stress, build strength and get tasks done with more harmony and efficiency.  Set intentions for improvement.

Frustration and impatience can surface more easily with this Mars retrograde. As with all retrograde periods it is best to turn inward during this time rather than pushing too hard for progress in the outer world.

Testy relationship dynamics (in all types of relationships) are in play throughout the month and provide fertile ground to practice patience, compassion and understanding.  A dash of humor can help also!

Through the 7th Venus and Mars the celestial lovers are opposed – friction, disagreements and irritability can arise with this influence.

Venus will move up to a conjunction with Uranus on 2/9. This is a highly charged energy and is known in individual charts for its love of freedom, innovation and for its strong willed nature. Difficulties can arise in relationship dynamics that feel too controlling or limited. 

Love at first sight experiences or surprising and highly charged connections can occur under this aspect also. Just a word to a wise – very often relationships that start under this influence have a volatile or unpredictable nature to them.

The Full Moon is in Leo this month on 2/7. Saturn stations retrograde at 29 degrees of Libra on the day of the Full Moon. It is a good time to review the ways we have grown in the relationship sphere over the past two years – and to integrate any necessary lessons.

On the 8th Venus will move up to a square with Pluto. This aspect is associated with loss in love and can stir up concerns about not having what is needed in the areas of love, relationship and finances. It can also bring up issues related to control and power. Use the creative tension of this aspect for letting go of outmoded ideas about love, security and stability.

The New Moon is 2/21 at 2 degrees of Pisces – a very good time to access guidance from higher planes and set new intentions.

The Sun will enter Pisces on 2/19 aspecting Pluto and Jupiter. This will usher in a more expansive time.

All time mentioned are EST. quotes from Divine Sparks by Karen Speersta

The Sun enters Aquarius

“A self is always becoming…” Madeleine Engel

Over the next few days it bodes well to take some time to celebrate your own uniqueness. As the Sun moves into Aquarius and aspects other planets it provides good timing to appreciate how moving in a path of increased personal authenticity can bring a sense of expansion and abundance into your life.



Mercury Meets Pluto, Venus Joins Neptune

“When I was growing up Roman Catholic, we were bilingual in English and angels. Miracles could happen every day.” Carolyn Myss

 One of the reasons I love flying in jets is that regardless of the turbulence on the ground, the plane can fly up through the clouds to where the sun and horizon are visible.

There are profound and magical aspects today and for the next few days as Pluto conjuncts Mercury and Venus joins Neptune. It is an inspired time – a good time to be in touch with higher realms and to understand the power of higher forces in our lives.

January Full Moon in Cancer

“You know nothing about whereness. The only way to come to know where you are is to begin making yourself at home.” George Mac Donald

The Moon is full Monday January 9 at 2:30 am EDT at 18 degrees of Cancer. Cancer, the Moon’s sign, governs home, nurturing, mothering and the past. It bodes well under this influence to consider how we nurture ourselves and care for our emotional needs. Any improvements made in this area will impact positively on other aspects life.

January 2012 Astrology

“Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom let it flow,
In the rain and in the snow…
Plant your love and let it grow.” Eric Clapton
Well here we are in 2012. Welcome to a very transformative time on planet  Earth.
The month of January is a fertile time for sowing the seeds of intention and fortifying tender shoots.  Be very clear and be open to affirmations. Endeavors which involve transformation and innovation will receive support.
It is a good month to examine daily routines and how they contribute to or detract from the ongoing creation of good health.  Identify unproductive habits related to work, lifestyle, diet and move in a more vibrant direction. Apply innovative approaches and methods.
When frustrations occur or tempers flare, regard it as an opportunity to interact in a new way rather than automatically responding with an old perspective.
Significant time frames and dates for the month:
The Full Moon falls on 1/9 at 18 degrees of Cancer. This Moon is related to the recent eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn. It involves the evolution of matters concerning home, family, ancestry, ancestral inheritance as well as the dream life and its correlation to the mundane world. Under the light of this full Moon it bodes well to contemplate these areas of life. It is a good time to ask for advice from ancestors.
January 8 – 14 Mercury will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. It bodes well to think about how some traditional forms of thinking or being may no longer serve you and how you might organize your life to feel more effective and authentic.
From the 9th through the 18th Venus will conjunct Neptune.  On the 14 Venus will enter Pisces and conjunct Chiron. This period is an excellent good time for spiritual and creative growth. Chiron’s involvement indicates that it is a good time to heal old wounds through forgiveness and a spiritual approach.  
Mars stations retrograde on the 23 – more about this later.
A word about 2012- Author and Jungian analyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes has written about the importance of acknowledging the many small and large deaths which occur throughout our lifetimes. Not necessarily literal deaths – although that can pertain as well – but endings which are transformative in nature – small and large endings which hold the seeds of a new beginning. Births, graduations, marriage, divorce, job changes, moves – all these kinds of events represent the death of the old and herald the start of the new. This is what the aspects of 2012 – widely in effect through 2017 are about – a gate time which represents a significant time in personal and planetary evolution.

New Moon 12/24

“Love is most nearly itself
When here and now cease to matter.” TS Eliot

The New Moon on Saturday December 24 falls at 2 degrees of Capricorn at 1:06 PM EST. Jupiter and Saturn are a strong influence in the sky as is Chiron- the asteroid of the Wounded Healer.  Resolution of difficult situations and doorways into opportunity can come now through a creative or spiritual approach.



Winter Solstice

The Sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice Thursday December 22nd EST. At this powerful gateway the Sun will square Uranus and then move up to a square with Pluto – boding well for innovative and out of the box thinking. It is a good time to heed ideas that illuminate and evolve limited thought patterns. The Uranus/Pluto square – sometimes known as one of the 2012 aspects – is a wake up call about personal and planetary evolution.