Amelia’s Blog

Mercury Retrograde Ends Monday

“Revelation is as ancient as conscious humanity. All powerful initiators have perceived in one moment of their lives the radiance of central truth, but the light that they drew from it was refracted and colored according to their genius, their mission, their particular time and place.” Edouard Schure

“What is this face, less clear and clearer
The pulse in the arm less strong and stronger-
Given or lent? More distant than the stars and nearer than the eye.
Whispers and small laughter between leaves and hurrying feet
Under sleep where all the waters meet.” TS Eliot

Throughout time Mercury stations have been associated with a culmination of information. It’s wise within two or three days before and after the station to be aware of any information that surfaces that may evolve or bring  more wholeness to your understanding. The station will occur in late Aquarius – the sign of brother and sisterhood and a reminder that we inhabit a small planet and that we “are  all in this together” in terms of solving problems and creating innovative solutions for the future.

Most of the retrograde took place in the sign of Pisces which speaks of the spiritual side of evolution. It may be possible at this time to access information which can bring further resolution to emotional and spiritual questions. It’s a good time for meditation, journaling and creative work.

Mercury will station direct Monday at 11:49 PM EST. It’s better- if possible- to delay taking action on any new initiatives until later next week. Best to wait til all the information is in. And more may well surface given we are moving up to the Full Moon in Virgo, also on Monday.

Best to keep boundaries strong through next week, given the Pisces/Neptune influence which can lead to confusion, misinformation and unclear communication.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Venus, Uranus and Love Affairs

“When  love strikes and fires start to burn
And lonely years melt away and finally it’s your turn
And you say life is good, winter’s blowing cold
And love is forever and never will grow old.” Livingston Taylor

“Well, I’ll be damned
Here comes your ghost again
But that’s not unusual
It’s just that the moon is full
And you happened to call.” Joan Baez

Venus is moving up to a conjunction to the planet of the unexpected this week. Normally this alignment can presage a love -at -first- sight occurrence or the emergence of an unexpected or unconventional love affair. Given the aspect is occurring under the influence of the retrograde Mercury though,  it is more likely there could be a return of a lover from the past.

Neptune is moving up to the Sun indicating a spell -like atmosphere surrounding this. Something might beckon quite strongly one day and dissipate the next.  It is an illusory combination

Venus is squaring Saturn now indicating that it’s best to keep your feet on the ground if anything like this occurs. Saturn is the stern teacher and  it’s a wise to keep in mind what you had learned in the past.

These aspects in general are good for creativity and spiritual growth.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performance.”

An Astrologer or Tarot Card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Mercury Retrogrades into Aquarius and Venus Enters Taurus

“Today human evolution is at a turning point where an old paradigm and a challenging new awareness are uneasily trying to coexist. We are wedded to an outmoded view of the Universe and yet civilization is pregnant with a new, exciting and optimistic understanding of life.” Lipton & Bhaerman

” ‘It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Lewis Carroll

In the ancient writings about the legendary island, Atlantis there are descriptions about how this city- renowned for its innovation and scientific knowledge –  was designed. The Atlanteans were reputed to have very advanced knowledge of the power of thought and the use and direction of energy. One example of this was that large  chimes were strung above the city which,  when the winds came through, would cleanse and regenerate  the energy of the city.

Innovative and futuristic thinking is the realm of the sign Aquarius and Mercury will retrograde back into this sign this week bringing more clarity, direction and stability to the mental process. Venus will enter the sign of Taurus this week also. Venus in this sign is associated with the creation of stability and security. It is a sensual sign and enjoys comfort.  While transiting through the later degrees of this sign, Venus will make a favorable aspect to the Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction. This speaks of the birth of the new in the realm of the old structures that are facing significant challenges now.

Venus in Taurus is a lover of good food and good times and bodes well for gatherings with friends over the next month or so.

It’s a good week to get more grounded and to ascertain whether the power of your thought process can be used in a more positive and proactive way. With the retrograde Mercury it’s wise to retrace your steps and see if their are ways on your journey forward, you can better support your personal aspirations through innovative thinking. It’s also a good time to energetically support the work of the many people who are creating a more sustainable and healthy future for the planet.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces

“History says don’t hope
On this side of the grave
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up
And hope and history rhyme.

So hope for a great sea change
On the far side of revenge
Believe that a further shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles
And cures and healing wells.” Seamus Heaney

“Anything is possible under Pisces, for this sign rules the imagination where new discoveries can be visualized and then brought into manifestation. This New Moon is  occurring in the sign of Pisces, where the idea of miracles and cures to problems are a cornerstone of one’s belief system.” Ray Merriman

The New Moon is Sunday at 10:32 am EST ushering in a good time for the imagination, intuition and creativity. The Moon will join the Sun, Mercury and Neptune all in Pisces. Pisces is a watery sign and things that have been started  but have felt  frozen or stalled out may start to move slowly forward under this influence. The Moon, Sun and Mercury will be forming a favorable aspect to the South Node indicating a good time to let the old stories die that are disempowering and discouraging. There may be a karmic or  ancestral nature to these stories. This will help clear the way forward.

The Sun will be making a sextile to Uranus energizing this time and lending support to innovative practices and  solutions.

It’s wise to provide extra downtime for reflection and meditation during this time as it will strengthen intuitive powers. The Sun and Moon will be conjunct the retrograde Mercury – do keep track of any intuitive messages that come at this time. There may be intuitive guidance about the future.

It’s a good time for intention setting about your dreams and higher aspirations. Also a good time to envision a healthy future for our small planet.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mist.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mars in Capricorn and The Sun Enters Pisces

“What I saw among the Amish was the amazing amount of energy available to people who get pleasure from what they are doing and find meaning in the work itself.” Sue Bender

“The guy at the gas pumps
He’s got a lot of soul
He sings Merry Christmas for you
Just like Nat King Cole
And he makes up his own tune
Right on the spot
About whitewalls and windshields
And this job he’s got.” Joni Mitchell

The Sun enters the sign of Pisces Tuesday February 17th , joining the retrograde Mercury and Neptune, the planet of dreams and visions.

Mars the planet of energy, drive and ambition is in the sign of Capricorn now. This is the sign of the persevering mountain goat who – despite obstacles and set backs – climbs  to the top of the mountain with determination.  It’s a good time for work on projects that is already in process and for returning to work that has been started previously. Mercury retrogrades bode well for tying up loose ends. If it’s possible to put off new projects until March 10 or 11th, when Mercury is once again direct, it’s best to do so.

The asteroid Juno is also retrograde now making it a good time to review your commitments.

Having extra patience during retrograde periods can be very helpful.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A petrified forest, an eternal record of a life lived long ago.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mercury Stations Retrograde in Pisces

“Go inside a stone.
That would be my way.
Let somebody else become a dove
Or gnash with a tiger’s tooth
I am happy to be a stone.

From the outside a stone is a riddle.
No one knows how to answer it.
Yet within, it must be cool and quiet
Even though a cow steps on it full weight,
Even though a child throws it in a river,
The stone sinks, unperturbed,
To the river bottom.

I have seen sparks fly out
when two stones are rubbed,
So perhaps it is not dark inside after all;
Perhaps there is a moon shining
From somewhere beyond a hill –
Just enough light to make out
The strange writings, the star charts
On the inner walls.”  Charles Simic

The Winged Messenger, Mercury stations retrograde at 7:54 PM on 2/16 at 12 degrees of Pisces. The retrograde period will last through March 9 when it will station direct at 28 Aquarius.

Mercury retrograde periods present a good time frame for reflection and reconsidering. This particular retrograde period bodes well for reflecting on the quality of our emotional , spiritual and creative lives. It’s a good time for inner exploration and being open to mystery.

In some ways this retrograde period is like the Tarot Card of the Hermit.  It is a card of solitude in which a monk -like person,  dressed in a hooded cloak, stands on a mountain top holding a lantern in the darkness. It is a card about retreating from the busyness of everyday life in order to access inner wisdom for the path ahead.

The cards in the Tarot deck speak of the journey pf personal evolution. The Hermit Card is associated with the number 9 and is followed by the Wheel of Fortune – the number 10 card – which ushers in a time of change. The Hermit Card provides the time of reflection before change is ushered in.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A sword, once used in many battles, is now in a museum.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Chiron, Venus and This Week’s Astrology

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”Caroline Myss

“When you forgive, some deeper, divine generosity takes over you…When you cannot forgive you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you.” John O’Donohue

Venus, now in Aries  will continue to travel with Chiron- the asteroid of the Wounded Healer- this week. This duo speaks of the healing of the heart. It is a good time to acknowledge growth in the realms of self esteem, self assertion and self worth – and how this is reflected in every day life. Pursuing the path of acceptance and forgiveness can lead to increased awareness and  personal evolution now.

This week Venus will square the Lunar Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn. This speaks of the evolutionary struggle on the planet now about moving from an outdated patriarchal paradigm -which has to do with control and power from the top down- into a more holistic model associated with the mothering and nurturing qualities of the Divine Feminine. It is one of the ongoing planetary lineups that speaks of the importance of aligning personal values with actions.

There is an ongoing aspect between Uranus and Chiron that is signalling the need to build a more healthy relationship to the masculine and with how anger, assertion, rage and aggression are handled. The Uranus influence can bring awareness, illumination and direction to this area of life now.

The Sun is now in Aquarius – resonating with the Age of Aquarius which we now are entering. The Age of Aquarius is signalling the need for a time of cooperation and collaboration. It speaks of a future where the world unites to solve global problems.

It is wise to remember that we are living in times of great change when the old order is changing and there is considerable upheaval and push back. There  is a planetary awakening going on simultaneously and its wise to cultivate courage and align personal energy with the positive work going on in the world now that strives to create  a better future.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Two lovers strolling through a secluded park.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Sunday’s Fiery Full Moon in Leo

“The dark energy that some people generate is offset by the good intentions of others and their positive visions of what could be.” Caroline Myss

“Happiness floats.
It doesn’t need you to hold it down.
It doesn’t need anything.
Happiness lands on the roof of the next house, singing,
and disappears when it wants to.
You are happy either way.” Naomi Shihab Nye

February’s  Full Moon in Leo is Sunday in the wee hours – at 2:33 AM EST. This is a fiery Moon – bringing along Leo’s  courage, empowerment,  playfulness, creativity and opportunity for re-creation.

In the Tarot deck the sign of Leo is correlated to the card of the Sun. This card has a painting of a small, joyous child riding bareback on a white horse. The sky is  blue, the sun is brightly shining and the child is riding away from a thick wall with sunflowers growing behind it. Riding away from the wall symbolizes moving away from unnecessary restrictions and limitations. The sunflowers symbolize happiness.  It is a card of innocence, happiness, freedom and illumination.

This is a good time to get to get energized about what it is you care about on a deep level. There is plenty of energy for leadership and advocacy. It also is a good time to re-energize relationships that may have fallen by the wayside.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Native Americans perform a ritual to the Sun.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





February Astrology in a Nutshell

“There is a door. It opens. Then it is closed. But a slip of light stays, like a scrap of unreadable paper left on the floor, or the one red leaf the snow releases in March.” Jane Hirshfield

January had some powerful planetary signatures which pointed directly to the considerable change going on these days in our inner and outer lives. February provides a good time for processing and integrating information. It’s wise this month to provide extra down time and screen free time to strengthen concentration and give the nervous system time to restore and replenish.

One of the very favorable aspects this month is the Jupiter/Neptune sextile. Sextiles need to be activated to be beneficial – in other words it is necessary to take action associated with their symbolism in order for things to manifest. This duo is associated with the expansion of dreams and wishes. It also speaks of increased spirituality, altruism and generosity. It is a very good aspect for intention expansion and intention setting.

Given the rock and roll of January when many people experienced significant change in their lives, it bodes well to take some time to create clarity for the direction forward. If, for instance you left a job or career it’s wise to make a simple list of what you’d like next – including what you appreciate about what went on at that job and what you plan to avoid next time. It’s a good threshold time to create a deeper awareness or culmination of knowledge about areas of your life that are undergoing change.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time  is,”In a hospital, the children’s ward is filled with toys.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mercury Prepares to Station Retrograde

“The Pacific Ocean was overflowing the borders of the map. There was no place to put it. It was so large, wild and blue that it didn’t fit anywhere. That’s why it was left in front of my window.” Pablo Neruda.

Mercury the planet of thought and communication will enter the sign of Pisces on Monday. This mysterious, watery,  elusive sign is ruled by the Sea God and planet of dreams, Neptune. This indicates a good time for creativity and the imagination and speaks of symbolic thought. It bodes well now to engage in activities that inspire – listening to music, reading or writing poetry, meditating or pursuing spiritual growth and awareness.

Mercury will station retrograde two weeks later on Feb 16. At the time of the station Mercury will be in Pisces conjunct Neptune.  During the retrograde period it will bode well to make an extra effort to keep communications clear and with the retrograde, to anticipate possible snafus with technology and travel.

Retrograde periods in general bode well for reflection and review. Check the house Mercury will be transiting in your chart to see which area of your life would benefit from review during this time.

The retrograde period will last through March 9 when it will station direct at 28 degrees of Aquarius.

One of the Sabian symbols for Mercury’s move into Pisces is,”Moonlit fields, once Babylon are blooming white.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill