Mercury Re-Enters Pisces

“Today I feel centered and time is a friend instead of an old enemy…We are one, the house and I and  I am happy to be alone – time to think, time to be.” May Sarton

“The way to an ecological way of life is to treat our houses as homes, our communities as homes and nature as home. It is the intimacy in each relationship that serves the welfare of the other; at root ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care.” Thomas Moore

Once when I was teaching in a small nursery school in New Hampshire, I had a little girl in my class whose family had recently moved from the city to a large sprawling farmhouse on a dirt road out in the country

In class one day we were painting our homes and instead of painting her house- as many of the children did – she painted the sun and sky and green fields and trees. I helped her to write something she wanted to add on the side of the painting and it said,”Happy in the heart, Happy way down deep.” This was an expression of her newly found love for the woods and fields surrounding her home and the joy and the tranquility she felt there.

Mercury, the planet of thought and communication has now re-entered the sign of Pisces. This is one of the watery signs of the zodiac and it’s placement here signifies a good time for deepening our connection to the spiritual and creative side of our lives. It is a good time for being grateful. It’s also a good time to slow down and appreciate our surroundings which we might rush by in the busyness and distraction of  everyday life normally.

Saturn will be entering the sign of Aquarius this week and moving one step closer to its conjunction with Jupiter in this sign in December. This conjunction speaks of the opportunity to build a healthier, more sustainable future through cooperation and collaboration.

Now is a good time to envision it.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




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