Amelia’s Blog

A Busy Week Ahead

“All spiritual growth requires walking the quiet path of patience.”Rilke

“When you forgive, some deeper, divine generosity takes you over. When you cannot forgive, you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you.”John O’Donohue

The significant planetary activity this week is that Mars – the planet of the war god, will form a challenging aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Mars has been in the sign of Aries – the action oriented sign where Mars is comfortable – and recently moved into the sign of Taurus. This sign, ruled by Venus prefers a  slower, more moderate and steady  pace and a more diplomatic ways of taking action.

Under the Mars/Pluto alignment  frustration that can arise from things not happening fast enough or in the desired way. People can be more inclined to insist on their own way.

This is a passionate alignment and can help build courage. It is a powerhouse combination of energies  and is a good time to be more active and get more exercise.

In general the best approach is patience.  This alignment will be exact on June 11 and in influence through June 16.

On Tuesday Venus will make a harmonious aspect to Chiron.  Venus is in Gemini now and favors communication of a kind and diplomatic nature. This influence favors forgiveness and a willingness to build better bridges for communication.

Saturn in Pisces will make a favorable alignment with Ceres – the great mother – this week. Saturn in Pisces is about developing emotional maturity and good boundaries.  When lined up with Ceres in harmonious way, it provides good timing to implement Saturn’s lessons into relationships with family members.

Mercury in Gemini is moving up to a square with Saturn this week.  This alignment favors serious thinking and conversations. Saturn can put a bit of a damper on Mercury’s lighter side – best to keep a good mental balance.

The Sun is moving up to a harmonious alignment with Chiron this week providing a good time to make progress with evolving in a more harmonious direction through healing fragmentation.

On Friday the Sun and Mercury align at 24 degrees of Gemini. Heed any information that surfaces under this influence as it can lead to significant realizations and breakthroughs.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Natural steps to a lawn blooming with clover.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto Align

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves  awake, not by mechanical aids, but  by  an infinite expectation of the dawn.” Henry David Thoreau

“Reality is always much bigger than the data we collect.” Charlotte Shelton

Today and for the next few days, influences are very good for expansive thinking, realizations and getting to the bottom of things as Mercury and Jupiter in early degrees of Gemini align harmoniously with Pluto.

There can be a lot of  energy and optimism at this time but it is wise to guard against overdoing as Jupiter is prone to excess.

This alignment can deepen relationships and can have a revelatory nature to it. Best to watch for information that is revealed at this time that can be very helpful on the journey forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The charming life at the garden of Tuileries in Paris.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“We see that harmony doesn’t mean a balance-at-rest, but a vibrant energy force that urges on all things.”  Matthew Fox

If you count Tuesday as the start of the week this week, we are off to a harmonious start with the Sun, Venus Jupiter and Pluto in the early degrees of air signs. Mars and Neptune are in their home signs.

This alignment reminds me of the Six of Cups in the Tarot deck. The illustration on this card in Waite’s deck is of two small children in a beautiful flower garden with one handing flowers to the other. It is a card of  sweet emotional exchange. It can signal a time when the past and the present are brought into harmony or a time of happy memories.  In a relationship reading it can indicate a someone  who is a reminder of a beloved person from the past.

In numerology the number six represents harmony. The Lovers card in the Tarot deck indicates the opportunity to make choices that evolve one’s life in a more harmonious way.

The other significant alignment this week is Mercury  moving up to Uranus –  a good time for innovative thinking and planning. There can be surprising communications or messages that help with forward movement.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “An old fashioned well with the purest and coolest of waters.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

This Week’s Full Moon In Sagittarius

“Life is simple and gay
The bright Sun rings with a quiet sound
The sound of the bells has quieted down
The morning light hits it all
The footlights of my head are lit again
And the room I live in is finally bright…

Listen I am not crazy
I laugh at the bottom of the stairs
Before the wide-open door
In the sunlight scattered
On the wall among green vines
And my arms are held out towards you

It’s today I love you         Pierre Reverdy

We have quite a magical Full Moon coming up Thursday at 9:52 AM EDT at 2 degrees of Sagittarius.

There are many favorable aspects at this time – with the planets of expansion, love  and spiritual growth and awareness all  aligning favorably.

It’s a great time for optimism, creativity and manifestation.

As with all Full Moons, it’s wise to heighten intuition and  pay attention to  dreams and synchronicity.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman in midlife stands in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, in the unexpected recovery of romance.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Curiosity, Sociability and Increase – a Peek at This Week

“Throughout time Jupiter has been associated with the principle of ‘divine preservation’ and ‘bountiful increase’, being known as the greater fortune planet…It has been long regarded as the patron of philosophers, theologians, moral leaders and crusaders and speculative thinkers of all kinds.” Stephen Arroyo

“The sign of Gemini is called the butterfly of the zodiac for he flits from one situation to another in order to gain growth through many varied experiences. It is the most versatile and adaptable of signs.” Isabel Hickey

This morning I was reading a piece by  the astrologer Steven Forrest. He wrote that when Jupiter is a strong influence in a chart by transit, “the toast always lands butter side up.” Jupiter has long been regarded as the  planet of good luck and good fortune and brings increase to whatever it touches.

Jupiter is a strong force in the sky this week, leaving his transit through the sign of Taurus and entering the sign of Gemini for a approximately a year long stay.

This ushers in  a busy week – with change and opportunity in the air.

The Sun and Venus also enter Gemini this week- the Sun on Monday the 20th and Venus on the 23rd. Gemini is a mutable sign, curious, mind-oriented and open to new ideas and alternate ways of thinking.  This transit, for a month or so, is a good time to gather information and consider new ideas and options that may not have been visible before.

Venus in Gemini brings a good time for socializing. It brings curiosity to the social and romantic spheres. People can be more outgoing, friendly, optimistic and communicative due to this  planet’s influence.

There is an objectivity to the sign of Gemini that can be very beneficial at this time.

Venus in Gemini brings a good time for socializing. It brings curiosity to the social and romantic spheres. People can be more outgoing, friendly, optimistic and communicative due to this  planet’s influence.

The Moon waxes Full Thursday at 3:28 AM EDT.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A glass bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Innovative Ideas, Surprising Relationships-This Week’s Astrology

“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” Albert Einstein.

“Everyone is born a genius; it just takes longer for some of us to forget.” Martha Graham.

The Sun conjuncts Uranus on Monday at 23 degrees of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of off- the grid knowing. It is often a strong influence in the charts of inventors. In the sign of Taurus it’s signalling the opportunity for more expansive thinking about what abundance means in our lives – in terms of self worth, self esteem, our relationship to money and how we create stability and security in our lives. The sign of Taurus is also  related to the natural world  and our relationship to it.

Watch for breakthroughs.

It’s a nervy partnership of energies- it’s wise to create some down time and resist  impulsiveness. Best to be open to new and creative ideas about the growth and new directions in your life.

Mercury moves out of the fiery sign of Aries into the earth sign of Taurus on Wednesday. Mercury has been transiting the sign of Aries since early March – a long time due to the retrograde period.

In Taurus, it  can give stability and groundedness to communication as opposed to the fiery, somewhat impulsive nature of Aries. It provides a good time to appreciate the natural world and all that she provides for us.

Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect is good for thinking more deeply about the nature of things but it’s best to watch for overthinking.  This dynamic is in influence all week long as it builds to the exact conjunction on Friday.

Mars aligns with the North Node of fate and destiny  and Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer  on Saturday at 13 degrees of Aries. This is a good time for taking action on new goals and initiatives. Just make sure any plans are well thought out and avoid impulsiveness with fiery Mars involved.

This alignment provides good timing to assess our use of powers in the world and if any improvements would be beneficial moving forward.

Venus is conjunct Uranus this week bringing  surprising twists and turns into the relationship sphere. The well known astrologer Isabel Hickey once said about times like these -when Mars in conjunct the North Node and Venus conjunct Uranus- “The train pulls into the station and some people get on and some get off.” It can be a time when new people enter your life and other friendships or relationships become more distant. This alignment in building and in influence all week.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A clear mountain stream flows steadily downstream.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Planning, Reaping, Rewards and Tuesday’s New Moon

“The Amish honor what we would call the process and the product. Both. What I saw among the Amish was the amazing amount of energy available to people who get pleasure from what they are doing and find meaning in the work itself. But they are practical people who want that can of beans at the end of the day and the sixty-six jars of relish. For them it’s all connected.”Sue Bender

Tuesday’s New Moon at 18 degrees of Taurus is at 11:22 EDT. We are moving into a more stable time having moved beyond the recent Moon cycles and the eclipse.

Mercury and Chiron are conjunct now. This  is the third and final conjunction and can bring a conclusion to a process of thinking that was in need of culmination or resolution. It’s wise to take some time now to allow a new sense of clarity to emerge and to allow for the integration of information.

At the time of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon align harmoniously with both Uranus and Saturn. This indicates a good time to take into consideration your desire or need for change -particularly in the areas which provide abundance for you.  What do you need to provide more space or peace in your life.  What do you need to provide more security and happiness? With Saturn’s involvement it’s wise to make a solid and realistic plan and be willing to be patient.  Best to heed any lessons  learned in the past about what has worked and what has not.

With all the earth energy there is the opportunity to make important changes with solid and realistic planning.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A new continent is rising out of the ocean.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mars and Venus Change Signs

“The world is all clues and there is no end to their subtlety and delicacy. The signs that reveal are always there. One only has to learn the art of reading them.”  Paul Shepherd

The week gets off to an interesting start as Mercury continues aligning with the North Node in Aries. This can open the door to new ideas and options for direction.

Venus will move into her own  sign on Monday  – for the next few weeks. It’s a good  time to enjoy the sensual side of life. And a good time for self nurturing.

Planning and building security and stability in the relationship and financial spheres are also favored.

Also on Monday Mars is conjunct Neptune in late Pisces.  This influence is great for the imagination, for creative projects and for spiritual growth. It’s wise with any planning today to make sure you have a balanced approach in your thinking as this duo is associated with illusion and rose colored glasses.

Mars enters his own sign of Aries-where he is more direct and energized-on Tuesday. This brings in a time when more dynamic and direct action can be taken. We are in a time – with Pluto stationing retrograde this week – when it’s best to avoid impulsiveness and to stay balanced.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A fertile garden under the Full Moon.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mercury Retrograde Ends!

“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” Alice in Wonderland

“Aries are the pioneers of the zodiac.” Isabelle Hickey

Mercury stations direct Thursday this week at 15’58 Aries at  8:54 AM  EDT.  It has been a busy month in the starry heavens with the Solar Eclipse in Aries and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus.

The sign of Aries represents the point of all beginnings. It’s the sign of taking action with courage and clear intention. Thursday’s station, as well as a few days following, provides good timing for moving forward with new plans or initiatives.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is ,”A Native American woman weaving a blanket in the light of the setting sun.”

Today’s Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

“Today you could discover the secret of the universe, get distracted, click on a cool- looking banner and forget what it was.
Pay attention to who you meet in these days. Pay attention to what begins. Never sign your life away- leave room for the unexpected (Uranus) and for learning and growth. There is more to come.” Eric Francis




“Pay attention to who you meet in these days. Pay attention to what begins. Never sign your life away- leave room for the unexpected (Uranus) and for learning and growth (Jupiter).There is more to come.” Eric Francis
