“If you love your work, everyone benefits.” John Whiteside
“Work is love made visible.” Khalil Gibran
This week is a significant time in the starry heavens – as the Sun in the late degrees of Capricorn is forming a harmonious conjunction to Pluto and then they both move into Aquarius on the 20th.
This is a good week for getting more organized and for working on initiatives for the future. A good launch date this week is January 18 after 2:05 PM EST.
At the beginning of the week, Venus in Sagittarius will be making a favorable aspect to the North Node – which governs life path and destiny. It’s wise to raise awareness and heed information or guidance which surfaces related to finances, values, self love and relationships.
Also the Sun will be making a harmonious alignment with Neptune opening the door to more inspiration and guidance. It’s a good time to entertain creative approaches.
Mercury in Capricorn is moving up to a trine to Jupiter in Taurus, bringing a good time to expand your thinking – for traveling and learning new things.
Pluto, the god of transformation, is at the final degree of Capricorn- indicating that you can tap into a culmination of information related to what needs to change and how to go about it. It’s a good time to look at what needs to evolve or transform in your life and your work.
Pluto will enter Aquarius on Saturday and dip back and forth in late Capricorn until November this year when he will transit Aquarius through 2043. If you’re curious about how Pluto is affecting you, get in touch for your 2024 astrology forecast reading.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is.”In winter people are cutting ice from a frozen pond for summer use.