Mercury Enters Aries and the Solar Eclipse

“Venus in Aries is excellent for shaking off the winter blahs and finding that missing motivation.”Nadia Gilchrist

Venus, the goddess of love and abundance, moves into the dynamic sign of Aries today joining the Sun, the North Node, Chiron and Mercury as we head towards the Solar Eclipse on April 8.

Mercury in Aries can clarify thinking and provide the courage to  move obstacles to the side. The Solar Eclipse on Monday echoes this theme as well with the Saturn/ Mars conjunction. This planetary pair can see where the obstacles to further growth and evolution lie.

It’s often said in astrology that when Saturn and Mars are   aligned in this manner, that it is akin to driving with  the brakes on. It provides good timing to look at how we take action and how we hold back and whether a better balance can be struck.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer centaur has been prominent in the sky – moving in and out of a conjunction with the North Node of  Life Path and destiny. This indicates an important threshold time for healing  fragmentation and moving in a direction of increased wholeness.

Chiron is associated with holistic healing. Not surprisingly, as Mercury is retrograde, the Tarot Card for this Eclipse is The High Priestess. This card is about the inner world of ideas and inspiration – reminding us that wholeness is composed of a harmonious balance between body, mind and spirit.

Solar Eclipses open doors and present opportunities for a new start, like the spring. They are also associated with breakthroughs and revelations. It’s wise to heighten awareness to be in tune with intuitive messages that come at this time.

Look at your chart and see the sign and house placement of your Chiron. It is this area of life that is up for personal evolution now.

One of the Sabian  symbols for this time is ,”A young girl, feeding birds in winter.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


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