The Venus Jupiter Conjunction and the Chariot Year

“A gift of any kind is a considerable responsibility. It is a mystery in itself, something gratuitous and wholly undeserved, something whose real uses will probably be hidden from us.” Flannery O’Connor

“The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.”  Gandhi

Yesterday I went into town to a local cafe to get a cup of cappuccino.

I stepped up to the counter and placed my order with a young woman. And as I was reaching for my wallet, I looked up and she, holding up a handful of dollar bills, said,”I have cash.”

I looked at her quizzically, not understanding what she meant and she said again,”I have cash. Your coffee is free. There is a little boy who comes in here with his father sometimes and he always leaves money for someone to have a free drink.”

The Jupiter/Venus was exact last week but is still widely in effect. This planetary duo is known for good luck, generosity and abundance.

Also on another note  in terms of numerology there is a Major Arcana card for every year. The card for 2023 is The Chariot – card about moving forward with focus and determination. In the Sharman/Caselli  deck  the card  depicts a Charioteer driving a cart pulled by two horses – one black and one white. The horses represent polarities or forces that must be kept in balance in order to keep moving forward. The horses wear blinders to avoid distraction and stay focused. The Charioteer wears a breastplate with an emblem of the Moon, signifying this card’s association with the sign of Cancer – a sign  symbolized by the crab with its hard outer shell – a reminder of the need for strong boundaries when moving towards goals or aspirations.

In general this indicates in 2023 it will be helpful when moving towards goals to keep distraction at bay, maintain equilibrium and overcome obstacles with focus and  determination.

A lot can be accomplished with  this approach this year.



Saturn Prepares to Move into Pisces and a Peek at this Week

“What seas, what shores, what grey rocks and what islands
What water lapping the bow
And scent of pine and the wood thrush singing through the
What images return
O my daughter.” TS Eliot

“You are like Rilke’s swan in his awkward waddling across the ground;the swan doesn’t cure his awkwardness by beating himself on the back, by moving faster or by trying to organize himself better. He does it by moving toward the elemental water where he belongs. It is the simple contact with the water that gives him grace and presence. You only have to touch the elemental waters in your own life, and it will transform everything.” David Whyte

Saturn is now transiting through the late degrees of Aquarius, preparing to to enter the watery sign of Pisces on March 7.  The transit of the sign will last through late May 2025 with a brief stint back into late Aquarius.

Pisces is the sign of sensitivity,creativity and imagination. It is a sensitive, dreamy, sometimes other-worldly sign which is sometimes prone to disillusionment.

Saturn is the sign of boundaries, of the law and of rules. When this planet enters Pisces one of the interpretations of it is the dissolution of boundaries. This can have a very positive side to it as old and rigid thought and belief patterns can fade away,seemingly effortlessly, making room for new ideas and solutions.

Venus and Jupiter are conjunct this week in Aries. Jupiter is known as a benefic in Astrology because his influence brings abundance, pleasure and optimism. Because the planets are in Aries, it indicates a time of increased courage and a good time to take on new initiatives. It is widely a triple conjunction with Chiron indicating the ability to overcome obstacles from the past. Look to your chart to see which house this conjunction is transiting and what area of your life will benefit from it.

Mercury will be conjunct Saturn this week indicating a good time for serious thinking and a good time for planning and organization. This can sometimes be a time of mental heaviness or sadness but it should be mitigated a bit by the Jupiter/Venus conjunction.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A flock of wild geese.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

A Very Beneficial New Moon in Pisces

“Though I am old and wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck til time and times are done,
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.” W.B. Yeats

The New Moon is Monday February 20 at 2:06 AM EST at 1 degree of Pisces. At this time the Sun and Moon are aligned positively with Saturn.  Also  Venus will be aligning favorably with Pluto. This presents a very good time for organization, for structuring things in an orderly way and for getting rid of clutter. Significant accomplishments  may  come about as a result of managing this next Lunar cycle – through March 21 – with determination and focus.

It is a good time to formalize business agreements, to deepen romantic  relationships and move relationships (of all kinds) in a more committed direction.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman reading tea leaves.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Venus Conjuncts Neptune and the Sun Moves Up to Saturn

“Neptune steps up the personal affections to the plane of Universal  Love and Divine Compassion.” Isabel Hickey

“When Matisse was asked whether he believed in God, his response was, “Yes, when I am working.” Marion Woodman

This week Venus, the goddess of love and  pleasure moves up to a conjunction with Neptune early in the week. This ushers in a time that bodes well for romance, spiritual growth and creativity. This aspect is found in the charts of many artists including Michelangelo. It is also in the charts of spiritual seekers. Individuals with this aspect can have a sensitive, dreamy nature, be  idealistic and  sometimes, a bit otherworldly.

The Venus Neptune conjunction will be nearly exact on Tuesday – Valentine’s Day.

The Sun moves up to a conjunction  to Saturn on Thursday bringing in a more serious tone. This is a good time for planning and organizing and getting things done. As Caroline Casey has written,”Saturn lays the tracks for the reality train to follow.”

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A prophet bringing down the new law from the mountain.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Sunday’s Full Moon in Leo

“Freedom is perhaps the ultimate spiritual longing of an individual human being, but freedom is only really appreciated when it falls within the parameters of a larger sense of belonging. In freedom is the wish to belong to structure in our own individual way.” David Whyte

The Moon waxes full Sunday Feb 5 at 1:29 PM at 16 degrees of Leo. This Full Moon falls across the Aquarius/ Leo axis and thus has to do with personal autonomy and community – how we express our individuality and how we  fit in.

The Moon and Sun are making a challenging aspect to the planet of the unexpected, Uranus.There can be unexpected twists and turns of events, surprises and also breakthroughs and revelations.

Uranus , when strong in the sky can be associated with a nerrvy time so its best to nurture the nervous system and make some down time for the integration of information.

There is an old expression that the Full Moon’s influence is “three days coming and three days going” so it’s wise to watch for information which may emerge now now could point the way to the future in an innovative way.

Mars is square Venus – indicating a good time to take more care with relationships.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Brilliant sunshine just after a storm.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Venus Dances with the Lunar Nodes and the Sun Squares Uranus

“Life is simple and gay
The bright sun rings with a quiet sound
The sound of the bells has quieted down
The morning light hits it all
The footlights of my head are lit again
And the room I live in is finally bright…

Listen I’m not crazy
I laugh at the bottom of the stairs
Before the wide-open door
In the sunlight scattered
On the wall among green vines
And my arms are held out toward you

It’s today I love you ” Pierre Reverdy

This week Venus, the goddess of love and abundance is moving up to make a harmonious alignment with the Lunar Nodes- sextiling the North Node and trining the South Node in Scorpio. This alignment will be exact on Thursday – making it a great day to get together with people you enjoy and to feel gratitude for the good things in your life.

The Sun in Aquarius is widely squaring Uranus now and will be exact on Friday. This influence will be building throughout the week. There can be breakthroughs and  revelations about how to move forward and away from beliefs and attitudes that can hold back progress.

Uranus is also the planet of the unexpected and can bring sudden and surprising events. It’s best to provide extra downtime  for the integration of information with this influence.

When Uranus is a strong influence there can often be a desire to make a break for freedom. Withe the signs involved – Taurus and Aquarius, values and what we value are on the table and there may be change and evolution in these areas.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A Red Cross nurse with warm sympathy.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mercury Opposes Pallas

“Redeem the time. Redeem
The unread vision in the higher dream.
While jeweled unicorns draw by the gilded hearse” TS Eliot

This week Mercury at 12 degrees of  Capricorn opposes Pallas Athene at 12 degrees of  Cancer. Pallas Athene was the goddess of diplomacy and strategy who was always depicted with an owl on her shoulder. The owl  was a reminder of what she could not see.

The opposition of Pallas and Mercury is squaring Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. It’s possible with this configuration for  information to emerge  about an old pattern that limits your thinking.  With Pallas in Cancer it can indicate that the pattern(s) may likely have originated in the past or a family setting.

With all the planets moving direct now it is a great time to move on from outlived  patterns of thought and feeling. We’re moving into a time of change with Saturn preparing to enter Pisces and Pluto preparing to enter Aquarius.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A fire worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Saturday’s New Moon in Aquarius

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” Buckminster  Fuller

“Feelings are for the soul what food is for the body.” Rudolph Steiner

February’s New Moon is Saturday January 21.

The Sun and Moon at this time are conjunct at 1 degree of Aquarius and widely conjunct Pluto at 28 degrees of Capricorn. The Moon is also forming a favorable sextile to Jupiter , the planet of pleasure and wisdom.

This is a very beneficent New Moon in terms of innovative thinking and moving in a direction of more freedom and authenticity. The only caution – with Mercury inconjunct Mars is to avoid impulsive action. It’s best to  take your time thinking things through all the way before moving forward.

The powers of transformation and synchronicity are strong at this time and through the upcoming twenty eight day cycle.

There can be unexpected breakthroughs and revelations – particularly about the past and deep feelings about the past.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,’An unexpected thunderstorm.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mercury Stations Direct and a Busy Week in the Starry Heavens

“One must choose in all things a mean, just and good. Error and confusion dwell in the extremes.” Pythagoras

“Living in balance is living in a state of grace, of delicacy, of gentleness. Only by being balanced within ourselves can we hope to balance the world.” Anodea Judith

This is considerable activity in the starry heavens this week.

Mercury  in Capricorn and Mars in Gemini will be in a challenging quincunx aspect this week indicating a time that bodes well to practice balance and moderation in speech and thought. This duo is easily irritated and can be associated with increased conflict.

There can also be more confusion about with Mercury’s station on Wednesday.

Mercury  is slowing down to station direct on  Wednesday at 8 degrees of Capricorn. This is the second planet to station direct recently – joining Mars. Uranus will make the third on the 22nd – the day after the Full Moon on the 21st. Projects and things that have been delayed or held back can start to move forward now.

The Sun in late Capricorn will be moving up to a conjunction to Pluto on Wednesday although it will be in influence all week. This is a good time to work on plans related to improving the structure of your life.

The Sun enters Aquarius on Friday with the Moon following shortly thereafter- signalling the New Moon at 1 degree of Aquarius on Saturday. More about the New Moon later in the week.

One of the Chandra symbols for this week is,”A woman strolling in a garden. She in unaware that she is watched by elves.”



Mars Stations Direct on Thursday

“Thought is action in rehearsal.” Sigmund Freud

“Negative actions always bring about suffering, and positive actions always bring happiness.” Dalai Lama

Mars stations direct on Thursday January 12 at 8 degrees of Gemini – ending the retrograde transit which began October 30. Mars, the fiery god of action and desire is not happy when retrograde as it symbolizes energy being held back and the nature of Mars is impulsive and action- oriented. The retrograde period has been a good time to look at how we use our power and implement it to attain aspirations. It’s wise for the next few days to heed any information that may surface which is related to this.

It’s a busy time in the starry heavens now  as  Mars. Mercury and Uranus  all move direct this month – Mercury on the 18th and Uranus on January 22 joining Mars on the 12th. If possible it bodes well to postpone any important decisions until the very end of January into February.

For the next few days Mercury will be forming a favorable alignment with Uranus – an excellent time to let your mind be free and open to new ideas and insights.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A medieval archer stands with the ease of one wholly sure of himself , bow in hand, his quiver filled with arrows.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill