Mercury, Uranus and the North Node

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein

“Revelation is a window on the journey of the soul.” F.Aster Barnwell

It’s wise to heighten awareness  today and for the next few days, as Jupiter, the plan of expansion and vision partners up with the North Node of life path and destiny. At the same time
Mercury is within orb of a favorable conjunction with Uranus. There can be sudden intuitions or breakthroughs  that open up the path to the future.

These aspects remind me of a man  who became well known in the realm of metaphysical publishing. In a lecture he gave he explained that every significant twist and turn in his varied career (he was originally an engineer) came as the result of synchronicity. He explained, for example, that one time he was walking down a busy street in Manhattan and stopped at a crosswalk  for a red light. There, flapping in the wind, was a flyer posted on a telephone pole. It was announcing a class in a field of spiritual study he had not heard of before and he decided to sign up for it.

Little did he know that it would eventually set him on a path to become the publisher of the internationally known company that circulated those books.

Uranus is the planet that governs synchronicity and when paired up with Mercury, there can be “sudden knowing” or sudden intuitions.  There can be breakthroughs about how to move forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A moving finger points to a significant passage in a book.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill



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