Monday’s New Moon in Gemini and Mercury Prepares to Station Direct

“Someone’s knocking at the door,
Somebody’s ringing the bell,
Someone’s knocking at the door,
Somebody’s ringing the bell.

Do me a favor, open the door,
And let ’em in.” Paul McCartney ( a Gemini born 6/18/1942)

“Mercury is the god of mind, intellect, thought, voice and language. Mercury has many aliases, one of which is Hermes, the Magician. Hermes presides over magic, education, culture and the connective language of correspondences in which the world is written,’As above so below.’ Caroline W. Casey

The Moon waxes new on  Monday May 30 at 7:30 AM EDT at 9 degrees of the Mercury ruled, dualistic sign of Gemini. Mercury was known as the god of the crossroads in ancient Greece and there were statues of Mercury pointing the way at intersections.

Mercury also rules times of transition including dawn and dusk.

This New Moon ushers in a more sociable time – a good time for communication and for gathering together with friends. It’s a good time to hit the refresh button on thoughts and ideas and make way for new thinking and for bringing new people into your life.

New Moons always bode well for setting or reaffirming intentions. At this time, retrograde (but soon to station direct Mercury) will be making a challenging alignment to Saturn – indicating the necessity to take concrete steps – however small- related to manifesting your vision.

Mercury will station direct at 4 AM EDT at 26 degrees of Taurus on June 3. It’s wise to be aware of information that surfaces for a few days before the station and a few days after as  planetary stations can represent a culmination of information.

One of the Sabian symbols for this times,”An old fashioned well with the purest and coldest of waters.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



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