Full Moon in Scorpio

“One must choose in all things a mean, just and good… Error and confusion dwell in the extremes.” Pythagoras

There is an old expression in astrology, “Full Moons are two days coming and two days going” and it is wise to factor in this influence as the Moon waxes Full Sunday at 13 degrees of Scorpio.

This Full Moon falls on the axis of Taurus – what we value – both in profound and mundane ways – and Scorpio – the sign which governs deep transformation and what we must let go if in order to move forward. Taurus wants to hold on, Scorpio demands letting go.

The Sun and Moon both square Jupiter – the planet associated with excess – and Jupiter forms a difficult angle with Pluto which tends to push things into overdrive. Watch for the tendency to overdo, over think and over react. With Saturn’s influence any new ideas or guidance that surfaces now is best sorted out over time rather than acted on immediately. It is easy to get swept away and bodes well to factor in pragmatics later.

It is a time when there could be important discoveries or revelations – as long as a moderate approach rules the day. One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images. ”

The light of the Full Moon can unveil hidden things and give new courage and strength to go forward with a clarified vision.

Another symbols is, ” A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.”

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net and ameliashea.com. Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Pythagoras quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra, Sabian symbol quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Tuesday’s Full Moon in Leo

“One is always surprised by awareness, for everything is always new.” Peter Balin

One of the interesting things about Tuesday’s Full Moon in Leo (6:09 PM EST) is that it falls halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox – one of the cross quarter days celebrated throughout time in many cultures.
Mercury is still retrograde until Feb 12 making this Full Moon not only a time of broad vision but also a time to review and rethink. Venus and Neptune are conjunct now in Pisces and one of the Sabian symbols associated with the conjunction is, “Illuminated by a shaft of light a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mists.” This symbol speaks of the need for the renewal of faith and trust after a disillusioning or challenging time – disillusionment that may have been caused by setting the bar unrealistically high, putting trust into untrustworthy people or as the result of misplaced priorities.
It is a good time to sort through information of this nature now and there is support from the universe to do so. Chiron is now at 13 degrees of Pisces and the symbol for that is,”In a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration.” Mercury recently passed over the 11th degree of Aquarius and will go over it again when direct. The symbol for this degrees is,”During a silent hour a person receives a new inspiration that may change their life.”

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Balin quote from Flight of the Feathered Serpant, Sabian symbols quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.