“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” Thich Nhat Hanh
The influence of Venus is strong this week as the planet of love, pleasure and beauty moves up to aspect Pluto the planet of transformation and Uranus the planet of freedom and innovation. It is a good week to take a break from habitual ways of thinking about relationships and the way you normally define them. Be aware of your trajectory of evolution. Investigate what other opportunities are present for relating to others in a new way.
Take a good look at how you nurture yourself and your dreams on a deeper level and ascertain if improvements would be beneficial. Set an intention to alter your perspective and move forward in a revived way.
The times we are living in have a revolutionary nature to them – when old, outdated forms of authority are upended. This applies to your inner life as well as your experience of outer events.
It is a good time to harness the winds of change. One of the Sabian symbols for the Venus/ Pluto alignment is, “Circular paths.” Another is, ” In the heat of noon a person takes a siesta.”
A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.