Uranus Stations Direct and the Sun moves into Aquarius

” Uranus is the electrical current we experience when we are thinking of someone and the phone rings and that very person is on the line or when we need a sign and open a book to a passage that provides just the guidance we seek. Through the intervention of meaningful Uranian coincidence, we are the words with which the universe talks to itself.” Caroline W. Casey

“Uranian truth telling and experimentation are needed so that we can grow social forms that serve rather than suppress individuality.”  Caroline W. Casey

Uranus- the ruler of all things startling and unexpected- stationed direct this week at 10 degrees of Taurus. Uranus governs the nervous system and nerves can be on edge around the times of a station. But Uranus is also the Awakener or the one who delivers the “wake up call” so that if you have been lingering too long in stagnant territory  the forces of Uranus can arrive to usher you along.

Uranus governs- among other things- electricity and inventions that are ahead of their time. Cyber technology falls under this rulership as we witness an outdated legal system struggling  to keep up with the innovative  changes.

Uranus also governs lightning and in the Bible, lightning is associated with awakening.  St Paul was temporarily struck blind by lightning and converted and wrote his gospel shortly afterwards. Some shamanic traditions believe that if you are struck by lightning and survive, the opportunity for enlightenment is close at hand.

It’s a good time for fresh perspectives.

The Sun moving into Aquarius ushers in a time of the ability to take a more detached perspective – a somewhat welcome relief with so many planets in the cardinal sign of Capricorn. Aquarians are often community – minded individuals and  highly individualistic. Although they like groups and group activity there is often an “outsider” quality to them.

Thus comes the idea of the Age of Aquarius –  evolving the world in a more connected direction and creating alliances that are  based on mutual cooperation, respect for the interconnectedness of all life and for individual and cultural uniqueness.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An unexpected thunderstorm.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


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