Wednesday’s New Moon and Another Busy Week in the Starry Heavens

“Revelation is a window on the journey of the soul.” F. Aster Barnwell

“The universe is evolving towards an even greater destiny and we are the means of this global transformation.” Pir Vilayar Inayat Khan

It’s wise this week with two planets – Pluto and Saturn – both stationing direct – to heed any information which surfaces which speaks of a culmination of information. Revelation and breakthroughs are possible if you raise awareness and are open to the process.

We are living in times of rapid evolution – and the push back and challenges presented by that process. The time around planetary stations  provides a good time for assessing personal growth and evolution. I read recently that the kind of evolution that used to take place in three generations is now taking place in one.

Retrograde Mercury is making a challenging alignment with Neptune – the planet of dreams, visions and illusions- at the beginning of the week.  This aspect bodes well for the imagination as well as creative and spiritual work. It’s wise however to watch for idealizing people and situations.

There is a very feisty New Moon  at 13′ Libra on Wednesday at 7:05 AM EDT.  At this time the Sun, Moon and Mars- all in Libra- form a challenging alignment with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and oppose Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This new Lunar Cycle- for the next thirty days or so -is all about relationships and  how power is used or misused in them. It presents a good time to think about how we would like to handle relationships and if improvements can be made.

One of the fault lines of Libra is that it can have a “peace at any price” tendency which can sometimes be overly accommodating to the wishes of others, causing unexpressed resentment and anger. And as Isabel Hickey once noted, although throughout history it was  often Libras who negotiated peace agreements, it was  also often Libras who started the wars.

This New Moon is more powerful given that Pluto – the Lord of the Underworld and Transformation – stations direct the same day  at 2:29 PM at 24′ of Capricorn. Volatility is in the air all week long and it can be a more accident prone time  – so it’s wise to use extra caution when driving and moving about.

Saturn stations direct on Sunday at 6 degrees of Aquarius. This about consciousness – both personal and global – and the responsibility we take for building the future we envision. It’s a good time to assess whether is there more room for kindness, empathy, cooperation and collaboration moving forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”After the storms of winter, a boat landing stands in need of construction.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda hill



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