Mercury Stations Retrograde

A wise old owl sat in an oak:
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?”*
Edward Hershey Richards

Mercury stations retrograde Tuesday November 6 at 6:04 pm at 4 degrees of Sagittarius. One of the Sabian symbols associated with this degree is, “An old owl perched up in a tree.”* Throughout time owls have symbolized wisdom or the ability to see in the dark. The goddess Athena is often depicted with an owl on her shoulder – to remind her of what she could not see. Mercury retrograde periods bode well for reflection and review – in order to start refreshed and revitalized when Mercury stations and moves direct – this month on November 26.
It is a good time to inform our decisions from a deeper level of wisdom.

*Sabian symbol reference from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill

November ’12 Astrology

“It is a wise man who rules the stars, and a fool who is ruled by them.” -Darryl Martini,

The mists of Neptune will be with us much of the month – it is as if the Sea God has waved his trident and covered the land with fog. The month begins under the influence of Mercury square Neptune which can create confusion with linear thinking and communication. On the 6th, Election Day in the US Mercury stations retrograde. Use the early part of the month to entertain creative and inspired ideas about your life. Be pragmatic about creating a path for them after the 17th. Make an extra effort to keep communication clear throughout the entire month.

On the 1st Venus in early Libra is entering into the Pluto/Uranus square. If you have been striving to improve areas of your life related to love, finances, self worth and self esteem this is a time to acknowledge progress and commit or recommit to aspirations in these realms. It is time when old oppressive dynamics can be seen as dust in the rear view mirror.

For the second time in American history Mercury will station retrograde on Election Day November 6. The only time this has happened before in US history was in 2000 -on the day of the Bush/Gore election. Mercury retrograde can bring challenges related to machinery and communication (many of the voting booths along the east coast will be relocated on short notice due to the storm and many people in those areas have relocated for example.) It is likely that there will be confusion in determining the accuracy of the vote count and contested results. The outcome may remain uncertain for awhile as we saw in 2000.

One of the reasons wise rulers of old had astrologers as advisers was to be informed about making plans in accordance to cosmic rhythms. Astrologically it would be inadvisable to hold an election on the day of a Mercury station (again.)

If possible make any necessary repairs to machinery/electronics before the 6th. Make sure devices are backed up before that time as well.

Neptune stations direct on the 11th at 0 Pisces.

There is a Solar Eclipse on November 13 at 21 degrees of Scorpio. Check the houses of your chart to see where this eclipse falls – this is the area of life which is undergoing a transformational evolutionary process. It is a good idea to be in tune with it.

Mars enters Capricorn – the sign of the worker and planner on the 16th and moves up to a powerful aspect to Pluto. Use this pragmatic, highly energized influence for organization and planning. Be innovative.

Guard against impulsive behavior through the end of the month.

Mercury will station direct on the 26th followed by the Lunar eclipse is the 28th at 6 degrees of Gemini. Eclipses are evolutionary in nature and their impact can be felt before and after the event.

Use the creative energy in the beginning of the month to expand your goals and visions and move forward with them after the 26th. Clear focused attention and intention will have the support of the universe.

Neptune and the Illuminated Mind

Neptune and the Illuminated Mind

“Do you see what I see…?
A star, a star
dancing in the night
with a tail as big as a kite
with a tail as big as a kite…”*

Neptune is in Pisces now (through 2025) and when this transit has occurred in the past it has been a time of spiritual growth and awareness on the planet. This transit is often referred to as “awakening to inner divinity” or awakening to the higher nature.

This weekend I was listening to a lecture which mentioned the song “Do you see what I see?” often heard at the time of the Winter Solstice when Christians celebrate Christmas. It written by Noel Regney and Gloria Shane during the Cuban Missile Crisis when the US was “on the brink” of and preparing for nuclear war.

The recent transit of Venus across the Sun increased the powers of visualization and thoughts can manifest more quickly into reality now. We are always free to choose our level of perception- especially in times of fear and crisis – as these two inspired writers so clearly demonstrated. With Neptune’s transit through Pisces higher levels of inspiration and guidance are more easily accessible.