Monday’s Full Moon

“I’m pretty clear that it’s never been so necessary to befriend people who don’t share my values.” Lynn Bell

The Moon waxes full Monday June 20 at 7:02 AM EDT. This is the second Sagittarius Full Moon in a row – the first one on on May 21 at the first degree and Monday’s Full Moon at the last degree – the 29th degree. This indicates a time of endings and beginnings. Shortly after the Moon waxes full the Sun enters the sign of Cancer (at 6:34 PM EDT) – marking the Summer Solstice. Throughout time and all over the earth ceremonies have  been held to honor and commemorate this time.

The Sun, the Moon and Juno are all at the 29th degree – making this a potent time to clarify  your commitments going forward – commitments to yourself, to work and projects and to others.


One of the Sabiam symbols at this time is,  “A sword in a museum.” This symbol speaks of the need to put down to sword – to stop fighting old battles and think twice before engaging in disagreements or conflict at this time. The Full Moon is an intense time and with Mars standing still in the sky and other potent aspects, anger and aggression can arise suddenly and conflict can escalate more quickly.

One of the symbols for the Sun at this time is,”On a ship sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.” This also indicates a good time to explore what the new commitments and ideas about your future are  – and let the outdated ones go. If you have recently completed a project or take some time to honor your accomplishments.

“Magic crowns this time of year for Midsummer has long been considered a night when the veil between the worlds is thin…Drink in the abundant beauty of our little planet at this inspiring time of year. If you light a bonfire, campfire, hearth fire, or even a simple candle, in honor of this “turning of the wheel” of the solar year, you are reviving a practice that stretches back through millennia. Observing and honoring these ancient, natural “holy days” helps the entire world revive and heal a split that has gone on way too long between Mother Earth and her human children.” Blue Moon Astrology




Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and the North Node

“Crossing roads, bridges and borders are very important transitions in dreams. The dreamer is passing from the known to the unknown. The crossroads is the place where time and timeless meet. Time is static, timeless is creative.” Marion Woodman

In the more recent history of Astrology the discovery of the asteroids has to do with the re-emergence of the feminine – in both men and women as well as in society. The feminine encourages a holistic orientation (integrating and honoring the levels of body, mind and spirit)  as opposed to the prevalent linear and compartmentalized orientation we see all around us.

As this week draws to a close there are two very important aspects at play – Saturn squares Neptune exactly and Pluto conjuncts the North Node exactly. If over time in your attempts to live a more soulful or soul directed life you have encountered experiences which are  part of a pattern of limitation or frustration, there is an opportunity now to get to the core of the beliefs that are generating those kinds of experiences. These limiting beliefs or thought patterns can come down through the bloodlines or can be adopted through the teachings of the family, religion, culture etc. Many of the limitations can come from ideas about “how things have to be” and rule out the soul’s yearnings. Take a good look at what you are ruling out as possibilities and why. Explore options and allow yourself to be in new territory. Be open in your thinking about the road ahead.

The Saturn Neptune alignment provides an excellent time to consider how you integrate your higher aspirations or dreams into your mundane life. If there is a tendency to get discouraged or overwhelmed too early in the process the forces of Saturn may need to be adjusted. If there is a tendency to spend too much time in the dream world the influence of Neptune may need to be brought into a better balance.

Crossroads offer an opportunity for expansion and growth.  Look to your chart to see what areas of life these planetary alignments are operating or call and schedule a brief reading about how and where it is manifesting in your life.

“Jung said what is not made conscious comes to us as Fate.” Marion Woodman

Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, or