The Gossamer Veil of Neptune

“In my dreams I can see

I can see a world

that could be.” Crosby, Stills & Nash

 Neptune’s gossamer veil sparkles around us through early November with aspects to Venus, Mars and Mercury. While its otherworldly influence can create confusion in mundane matters, it is a very good time to envision a harmonious, holistic view of the future – both for ourselves and the planet. In order to make things manifest, we first need the vision.



Jupiter trines Pluto

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring;

I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away

(And wait to watch the water clear, I may)

I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. ” Robert Frost

 I love this poem because it reminds me of the work necessary to maintain clarity. If over the next couple of weeks feelings of disempowerment are triggered or you are feeling mired emotionally- regard it as an opportunity for the transformation of old dynamics. It is a powerful time for transformation. Strong mental and emotional boundaries will facilitate the process.

Neptune in Pisces

Each morning I travel a short distance to walk around a sparkling, pristine beaver pond . It is quiet and tranquil there although a road does go by. Often drivers wave or slow down to ask if I am okay or if I need their help- if my car has broken down. I am touched by their thoughtfulness and sense of our shared humanity. Although we do not discuss our political views it is likely they would be at odds and our spiritual belief systems might vary considerably. But what always comes through to me is our common humanity and the desire we all can have to be kind, to see each others as brothers and sisters and to be of service in the world. This is what Neptune in Aquarius is about – finding our common humanity and collaborating to solve commonly shared problems. It is visible now on the streets of Cairo, many cities worldwide in our own backyards if we are open to it. This approach may well lead to a more spiritual means of  inhabiting the earth. This is one of the opportunities present as Neptune moves through the late degrees of Aquarius and into Pisces from 2011- 2025.


Occupy Wall St.

The revolutionary fervor akin to that of the sixties generation is alive and well in over 1100 US cities now as the planets of revolution and innovation – Pluto and Uranus – meet once again in the sky. Again people are in the streets advocating for social, political and economic justice. This aspect is not going away any time soon and what we are witnessing now is just the beginning. One of the innovations used by this new generation is internet technology – a key organizing tool globally. Uranus which governs technology is squaring Pluto which can mean that technological innovations can challenge and undermine traditional power structures. This was seen in NY recently when the video of police pepper spraying peaceful protestors was broadcast over the internet and made the police rethink tactics that might have worked in the past. The power of corporately owned mainstream media is now being challenged also. Gil Scott Heron’s words, “the revolution will not be televised” ring true as the mainstream media has been slow, reluctant and confused in its coverage. But the live streaming on the internet speaks a very different language.

The Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon is Tuesday 10/11 at 18 degrees of Aries. At the time of the Full Moon Saturn conjuncts the Sun and opposes the Moon. These are aspects that incline towards worry and a sense of limitation.
Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. And many visionaries believe that the astrology of 2012 indicates a pressing need for the evolution of consciousness to solve the problems that confront us at this time.
It is best under the influence of this Full Moon to shift to a higher level of perception, to listen to intuition, and to look to the magic – rather than the problems – inherent in situations around us.

Mars Squares Jupiter

A good adage for the early part of this week is “slow and steady wins the race.” with the overabundance of energy of Mars/Jupiter square. Mars/ Jupiter aspects are known for overshooting the mark. Alot can be accomplished through a discplined approach with a proven track record – beware of excessive acts which may not pay off in the long run.

October Astrology

“I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does…But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other side of the garden held its secrets for me also.” Oscar Wilde

September ended under the influence of the recent Venus/Saturn conjunction. Although often popularly described as a difficult aspect for love and money, Venus/Saturn is about serious commitment to core values. When there is a scarcity or perceived scarcity of money or love it provides excellent timing to review core values and to chart a new course accordingly.
The seriousness of the Venus/Saturn conjunction was offset a bit by the influence of the Mars /Jupiter aspect which is influence through October 9th. This aspect provides energy and enthusiasm to the seriousness of Saturn. There is a tendency to overdo with this aspect so it bodes well to increase awareness about doing things in a moderate way.
Through the 11th Venus will trine Neptune providing a good time for spiritual and artistic work. Life can look beautiful at a time like this because we tend to be looking through rose colored glasses. It is an idealistic influence and provides a good time to revisit higher aspirations related to bringing more love into the world. Romance can flourish under this influence – it is a good time for a romantic getaway or night out.
From the 8th through the 19th the Sun aspects Saturn boding well for work. A lot can be accomplished during this time. Be sure to include innovative approaches and techniques.
On the 9th Venus moves into Scorpio bringing more depth and intensity into relationships. As the sunlight wanes in the northern hemisphere the increased darkness reminds us of Persephone’s descent into the underworld. On a personal level it is a good time access what it is we feel passionate about and to include more space and time for it in our lives if necessary.
From the 9th through the 17th Venus is aspecting Jupiter – watch for extravagance and excess. It is a time when overspending and overdoing with food and drink are highlighted.
The Full Moon on the 11th is in Aries. The Libra/ Aries axis is about learning to advocate for individual needs diplomatically.
The New Moon is in Scorpio on the 26th at 3 degrees of Scorpio -providing a good time for intention setting.
Fantasy and romance abound at the end of October (the 28th through the 31) as the cosmic lovers Venus and Mars square Neptune.

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Protests on Wall Street

Over the years social commentators have posited that the cultural myth of the United States is The Wizard of Oz. The curtain was pulled back a bit more this week as the demonstrations against the corruption of Wall Street turned ugly. Peaceful protesters were with beaten, sprayed with pepper spray at close range, handcuffed and dragged off to jail by police. Protestors commented that they were inspired by the demonstrations in North Africa. One young woman who had been blind for an hour from the pepper spray said she didn’t care what the police did – she was going to remain there. Another protestor wondered who the police were there to protect – the powerful corporate interests or the citizens who were protesting peacefully. We are living in a time astrologically which is a turn of the wheel of what went on in the sixties- a time when people took to the streets in an attempt to create a more just world As Uranus and Pluto move closer to an exact square in 2012 we are likely to see these kinds of demonstrations increase. One of the powerful organizing tools available now is the internet – governed by the planet Uranus. With the help of internet technology and communications this could be the generation that forms a global movement to effect change. Considering the kinds of challenges they are facing this is very good news.

New Moon in Libra

The New Moon this month falls on 9/27 at 4 degrees of Libra providing a good time for intention setting – particularly about any initiatives that strive to increase inner and outer equilibrium. This New Moon falls near the festival of Michaelmas which is celebrated with a reenactment of St George fighting and slaying a dragon. This festival is held near the Fall Equinox, a time of increased darkness in the northern hemisphere. It serves as a reminder during this time of year to cultivate courage and look to the light when encountering inner and outer darkness.

On the 2012 Aspects

Once in an interview John Lennon was asked about the Beatles rise to fame. He responded that they were like the mast of a ship people could see on the horizon. What he meant by this was that their music symbolized a vision of the future embodied by the visionary sixties generation.  During the sixties Uranus and Pluto were conjunct and it was in many ways a progressive, innovative and revolutionary time (all trademarks of Uranus and Pluto.)  The back to the land movement made manifest a desire for a more holistic relationship to the earth. Many communes sprung up with the intention of creating a more equitable relationship between the genders, more enlightened systems for relating to each other, and more enlightened business practices. The knowledge and practice of holistic healing modalities increased. Meditation, eastern philosophy and metaphysics were very much on the rise.  Much of the desire and effort to create a more just world through non violent means such as the March on Washington and the anti war marches which helped to bring the Vietnam war era to a halt, came  under the influence of this innovative, revolutionary planetary pair.

The astrological aspects of 2012 represent another turn of the Wheel of these two planets as Uranus and Pluto now move into a square.  We now see many of the evolutionary initiatives of the 60s flourishing in the western world – in the widespread practice of yoga, meditation, organic farming and environmentally conscious living.

There is a strong backlash now as then  also –  visible in polarized views of policy.  This can be seen in various conflicts involving agribusiness, energy companies, the banking industry, Wall Street etc.  

Renowned author, seer and visionary Edgar Cayce was once asked what he thought would happen with the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. He responded that he could not see what would happen because there was such a large grey wall of fear around it. We live in a time when New Age philosophy and contemporary physics concur that thoughts influence reality – an innovative (Uranus) and revolutionary (Pluto) view.

 The mast on the ship , the initial sighting of a new dawn or a new age that John Lennon spoke of is a good image to carry forward as opposed to the highly sensationalized and  fearful  vision of the future which Casey foresaw and we can see and feel all around us.