Question Authority

There was a bumper sticker popular in the Sixties when Uranus and Pluto were consorting together as they are now. It read “Question Authority.”  Once again we are seeing this sentiment expressed throughout the world with the birth of the Occupy Movement as protests arise against current economic, political and social values and policies. December 10th’s Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurred at 9:36 am EST.  This eclipse opens a new chapter into rethinking values and authenticity. It is a good idea under this influence to revisit values, assumptions and philosophies – personal and political – to see if they are in need of evolution in order to live more authentically

December Lunar Eclipse at 18 Gemini

“Live from the dream outward.” Carl Jung

Eclipses offer powerful evolutionary windows of opportunity into the future. Saturday’s (12/10/11) eclipse, which occurs at 18 degrees of Gemini at 9:36 am EST, is particularly significant due to its close proximity to the powerful Uranus station which occurs just hours before (2:05 am EST.) Uranus, the planet associated with innovation, awakening and enlightenment will have just turned direct at 0 degrees of Aries – a powerful cardinal point for beginnings. These cosmic influences provide excellent timing for evolutionary leaps. It is a good time to identify and expand habitual thought patterns which limit possibilities and to set intentions to live with more personal authenticity.

December 2011 Astrology

 “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a person contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” Antoine de Saint Exupery

Astrological influences indicate that ideas can take root and move in into manifestation quickly these days so it bodes well to keep thoughts proactive and positive.

There is significant planetary activity in December indicating that the month is likely to hold more twists and turns than we normally anticipate. To minimize turbulence flexibility is key. Much is in flux and it is better to regard the passage through the month as an open ended education than a time of fixed ideas and expectations. Heed well the lessons learned this December because they can be valuable in the long term.

Make an extra effort to ensure communications are clear. Through mid month Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius and Mars will be retrograde in Virgo. When situations or communications go awry misunderstandings can arise more suddenly than usual and lead to criticism or conflict. It is best to regard situations like this as a riddle and ascertain where the loose strands lie, rather than taking a dogmatic or self righteous approach.

In early December Venus will move up to a conjunction with Pluto. Concerns about love, relationship, scarcity, finances and security can surface with more power than usual. It bodes well to avoid extremes in thinking or action under these influences and to keep balance and moderation in mind.

 There is a Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 10 at 18 degrees of Gemini. Many options or ideas may present themselves all month long and it will be easy to get distracted and feel impatient.  It bodes well to make an extra effort to concentrate and put off any important decisions until after Mercury stations direct on the 14th.

 Uranus stations direct on the same day as the eclipse at 0 Aries- a powerful point in astrology for new beginnings. It is a good time to heed breakthroughs, and ideas that open doors into a more expansive future.

 Mercury will station direct on Dec 14th   clearing the way for improved communication and travel. It bodes well to revisit any adjustments in plans, concepts and ideas that occurred over the retrograde period (since late November.) and put them into action after the station.

Jupiter stations direct on Dec. 25 – boding well for celebrations – just watch for excess.

 The Sun conjuncts Pluto on the 29th – making late December a very good time to process inner and outer changes which have transpired during 2011.


Occupy Wall St – the Astrology of 2012

The Pluto/ Uranus square (in effect through 2017 and sometimes referred to as the 2012 aspect) – symbolizes an era in which movements that challenge the corrupt underpinnings of the powers- that- be will gain traction. An interesting recent example of this was the Occupy Wall St movement at Harvard. It was started by a group of students who walked out of an economics class in protest saying that kind of principles being taught were responsible for bringing the economy to the brink of collapse. On a larger scale we see the Occupy movement in general advocating for more economic, political and social justice. The movement does not have to have all the answers in the present but the actions they initiate are likely to create significant change in the future.

On Mercury Retrograde

“Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.”John Lennon

There was a saying popularized in the sixties – when Uranus and Pluto were in close aspect as they are now. It was a revolutionary time and the revolution had a spiritual and intellectual side as well as a political one. The saying was “flow with it,” meaning that it was preferable to presume that there were higher forces at play when mundane plans went awry. This is a good philosophy to live by when Mercury is retrograde as it is now through Dec 14th EST.

Yesterday after Mercury had turned retrograde I was awaiting a call from a friend who was in town for the holiday. She had said she would call before she came by early in the morning so we would have time together before her departure at noon.  

I had been planning to take drive up to the surrounding hills for a hike in the morning and decided to wait for her call to see if she wanted to go with me.  I busied myself around the house until 11 or so and the call never came. I knew this kind of thing happens under Mercury retrograde – delays, miscommunications etc, and realized that it might be better to take a walk around my neighborhood instead while I was waiting for her. I left her a note and took off on foot down the street.  Some neighbors were out in their yard stacking wood and I thought as I walked past them that I should turn around and introduce myself as I had wanted to meet them for some time. I speculated that they might be kindred spirits.

I turned around and as it turns out we had more in common than I had thought and made plans to visit again in the future. As our conversation wound down my phone rang and it was my friend saying she was on her way.

It’s best under Mercury retrograde to assume that delays or snafus happen for a purpose – rather than stoking the fires of anger, impatience or self righteousness. When we push too hard for our own individual agenda under these influences it is possible to miss windows of opportunity that can be present.


New Moon Eclipse

“Life is a spell so exquisite that everything conspires to break it.” Emily Dickenson

Eclipses offer evolutionary opportunities and open new chapters in our lives. Friday’s New Moon Eclipse* occurs at 2 degrees of Sagittarius. At the time of the eclipse Uranus is trining the Sun and New Moon.  New people and opportunities can unexpectedly enter our lives under this very positive influence. It is best to follow up on any opportunities promptly and factor in habitual blind spots.

*All times mentioned are EST

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on Thanksgiving Day EST at 20 degrees of Sagittarius. To avoid  possible snafus with communication and travel it bodes well to make any necessary repairs and to back up information before the station.  Leave extra time with travel and if there are delays look to the opportunities present. Practice patience.  Make an extra effort to ensure communication is clear, respectful and thoughtful. We live in a time when information is coming at us fast and this retrograde period ( through Dec 14) provides excellent timing to review, update and expand spiritual and philosophical belief systems.

Uranus and Pluto Together Again

The pundits and politicians who can’t fathom the significance of OWS and its potential as a force for change could take a history lesson from the 60s and early 70s when this revolutionary pair- Uranus and Pluto were active in the sky as well. The lyrics to the Doobie Brothers song “Takin it to the Streets”  sums it up well.

“Take this message to my brother
You will find him…everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty’s despair
Are you…telling me the things you’re gonna do for me
I ain’t blind and I don’t like what I think I see

Takin it to the streets…” Michael Mc Donald

Mars in Virgo

Mars is in Virgo now through early July 2012. This time frame bodes well for improving daily routines to build health, stamina and strength. It lends assistance with projects in need of organization. When functioning well the sign of Virgo excels at critical thinking – helping with pragmatic affairs. The downside of Virgo is being overly critical of self or others. Virgo and Pisces are both signs of service and function most effectively when being of service to others and the world. Worry and nervousness can increase under this influence. If this happens remember to believe in yourself.

November Full Moon

The Full Moon this month is Thursday November 10 EST at 18 degrees of Taurus. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “A New Continent Rising Out Of The Ocean.” This symbol speaks of the emergence of promising opportunities which come about as the result of spiritual and emotional evolution. It is a good time to expand horizons mentally and to bring awareness to patterns which interfere with or impede that process. Pay attention to synchronicity for signs which point the way forward.

 * quote from Lynda Hill’s The Sabian Oracle 360 Degrees of Wisdom