The Sun and Mercury Move into Leo and a Peek at This Week

All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,

You owe me.”  Hafiz

“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born- you are my sun, my moon and all my stars.” e.e.cummings

The week starts off with a Mercury Pluto opposition. This combination is often seen in the charts of private investigators who are adept at getting to the bottom of things. It’s also often in the charts of people who do research of a deep and complex nature. In other words, this pair of planets gives the ability to see into the depth of things below the surface. It also give the potential for great vision and the power to create.

With Mercury’s rulership of speech this aspect can bring emotional intensity to communications. Feelings that are deep and repressed may surface unexpectedly. So it’s wise through the early part of  the week to exercise more care in communication.

Tuesday Mercury moves into the fiery sign of Leo. This ushers in the more sociable and fun loving part of the summer here in the northern hemisphere. The card of the Sun in the Tarot deck is associated with the sign of Leo. The painting on the card shows a small child joyously riding on a white horse. Behind them is a tall stone wall, symbolizing obstacles that seemed very daunting in the past, that they are leaving behind. Sunflowers grow near the wall symbolizing happiness. It is a card of freedom, happiness and moving away from burdens. It bodes well for creative self expression, fun and happiness.

Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer  stations retrograde on Tuesday at 16 degrees of Aries. Chiron in this sign is very much about healing the wounds of the inner masculine – how we manage anger, aggression, power and how in general we take action and move forward. Chiron is the asteroid which is about moving towards increased wholeness, making it a good time to look at our journey in this area.

The Sun, following Mercury, is transiting through the late degrees of Cancer and will oppose Pluto, the Lord of Transformation on Tuesday. This brings a time of intensity and deep feelings. It can exacerbate power struggles. There is a compulsive side to Pluto which can manifest when in a powerful alignment like this. It’s a good time to look at motives and emotions  that may normally be hidden but that can motivate actions.

Thursday, Eris, the goddess of upheaval, stations retrograde at 25 Aries. In mythology Eris is associated with war as she threw the apple of discord which started the Trojan War. There’s a radical side to Eris- she was enraged about  injustice or shadow issues that people don’t want to look at or acknowledge. She is sometimes associated with the enraged feminine – enraged over issues having to do with power-over by the patriarchy. Eris is associated with much of the chaos, upheaval and discord we see in the world today- empowered more by her recent alliance with Pluto.  Her role, ultimately  is to bring things to light that people don’t want to look at or acknowledge.

On Friday the Sun moves into Leo. This ushers in a more sociable time- a good time for getting together with friends and  making new ones.

The end of the week brings a good time for the expansion of vision as Jupiter aligns favorably with Pallas and Mercury. Jupiter can bring more optimism and a broader perspective on matters both personal and collective. The Pallas/ Mercury alignment gives the courage to take action.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Wednesday’s Full Moon in Capricorn

“I send you my words
From the corners of my room
And though I write them by the light of day,
Please read them by the light of the moon.” Gregory Alan Isakov

“Like the wolf, intuition has claws that pry things open and pin things down, it has eyes that can see through the shields of the persona, it has ears that hear beyond the range of mundane human understanding.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Once when I was writing a book of short stories, I called the Irish astrologer, Andrew Smith to see if he had any advice about how I was proceeding. He said,”It would be helpful if you meditate before you start writing – even for a few minutes.” This advice, although helpful, was not what I was anticipating. But as it was good advice then, meditating is good advice now, as we head into this week’s Full Moon on Wednesday.

The Full Moon is July 13  at 2:38 PM EDT at 21 degrees 21′ of the sign of Capricorn.

Uranus- the planet of surprises, is strong at this time. It is trining the Full Moon indicating the powers of intuition  are strong. There can be chance meetings and new and exciting opportunities can arise. It is a time for coming alive in a new way emotionally and leaving behind old attitudes and feelings that no longer serve you.

The Moon is opposing Mercury at this time. This can indicate a struggle between head and heart. Mercury is aspecting Uranus in a positive way though, indicating  again, that intuition is the best way forward and meditation will be a helpful tool for resolving inner or outer differences.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mars Enters Taurus, Mercury Moves into Cancer

“Under a sky the color of pea soup
she is looking at her work growing away there
actively, thickly like grapevines or pole beans
as things grow in the real world, slowly enough.
If you tend them properly, if you mulch, if you water,
if you provide birds and insects a home and winter food,
if the sun shines and you pick off caterpillars,
if the praying mantis comes and the ladybugs and the bees,
then the plants flourish, but at their own internal clock.

Connections are made slowly, sometimes they grow underground,
You cannot tell always by looking what is happening.” Marge Piercy from The Seven of Pentacles 

Overnight, Mars entered the earthy sign of Taurus and Mercury, the sensitive, domestic sign of Cancer.  As Mars moves away from his challenging square to Pluto and Mercury  moves out of busy Gemini, it bodes well to slow down and implement a  moderate pace.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A clear mountain stream runs steadily downstream.”

Weekend Astrology with Mars and Pluto

“In Aboriginal philosophy, existence consists of energy. All things are animate, imbued with spirit and in constant motion. This leads to a holistic and cyclical view of the world.” Marie Battiste

There’s plenty of energy to be harnessed this weekend as Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. It is a good time to take on projects that require energy, focus and perseverance. These two planets in aspect are often found in the charts of professional athletes and give drive and ambition.

Both planets are in cardinal signs – indicating a time that bodes well for action.

Together this duo  can also have a warlike aspect and there can be an uptick in impatience, anger and hostility . It’s best to avoid impulsive behavior and take more care when driving or moving around.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A  woman reading tea leaves.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Summer Astrology Chart Sale

“The better you know yourself, the better able you are to handle the changes in the world.” Greg Braden

Astrology is a great tool for self knowledge.  Having  a transit update to your astrology chart can be very helpful in understanding the changes that are going on both outside of you and in your inner world.

The reduced price for Tarot and Astrology readings is $85 for the hour for new and returning clients. Through July 8.


June’s New Moon in Cancer

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

“Everything in moderation – including moderation.” Oscar Wilde

June’s New Moon is Tuesday 6/28 at 10:52 PM EDT at 7 degrees of Cancer.  The symbol of the sign Cancer is the crab  who carries her home upon her back and retreats, when necessary, inside. The sign of Cancer rules women, children, the home, family, ancestry and those things that provide comfort and a sense of rootedness in our lives.

The goddess of love and pleasure, Venus, is aligning with  Jupiter – opening up a cycle with  more fun, pleasure, openness and adventure. Mars and Jupiter are both in Aries now providing a good time to start new things, take action and be assertive.

Neptune, the god of dreams and illusions, stations on the day of the New Moon – ushering in  a cycle of increased creativity – a good time for dreams and visions of the future.  Neptune also rules illusion and in  combination with Jupiter and Venus, it is wise to keep moderation in mind. Jupiter governs the tendency towards excess and Neptune has a boundaryless quality.

One of the symbols for this time is,” A small girl bends over a sparkling pond trying to catch a fish.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

The Summer Solstice and Mercury in Gemini

“And as we walked
Through the streets of Arklow
Oh the color
Of the day wore on
And our heads
Were filled with poetry
And the mornin’
A-comin on to dawn.

And as we walked
Through the streets of Arklow
In gay profusion
In god’s green land
And the gypsies rode
With their hearts on fire
They say,”we love to wander
Lord, we love to roam.” Van Morrison

“If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.” Rilke

Mercury is now in the dualistic, mercurial sign of Gemini – a sign which rules travel, communication and information gathering. This sign is inquisitive and curious and able to take a many sided approach to issues and seek new and alternate solutions to problems.

In the beginning of the week Mercury will be sextiling Jupiter – the planet of expansion. This provides great timing for looking towards the future and  making plans . Jupiter’s influence also bodes well for good  communication, diplomacy and  a friendly atmosphere.

Tuesday the Sun enters the sign of Cancer marking the time of the Summer Solstice. Venus’s trine to Pluto is exact at this time. This alignment bodes well for personal and emotional transformation. It is a good time to be in touch with what you feel most passionate about or transforming and updating that area of your life. Venus/Pluto aspects also govern love in a deeper sense in terms of how we use and direct this force in our lives.  It provides a good time for the regeneration of joy, hope, creativity and imagination,

The sign of Cancer rules the home.  It’s a good time to be in touch with and appreciate how the Earth and nature provide for us . As Karen Speerstra has written,”It’s a very small planet, but so very beautiful .”

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through ice canyons.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Venus Squares Saturn and Trines Pluto

“The best reason to shed your old stories, like a snake sheds its skin, is because you cannot heal yourself within your old story.”Alberto Villoldo

“We need to hold a vision that the collective can move towards as the old is dismembered. Reflect on the vision you want to be projecting into the world right now. Project the best for all life.” Sandra Ingerman

Venus is making a challenging aspect to Saturn now. This influence is associated with feelings of scarcity. This can apply to issues of love – how we have or haven’t been loved or loving, as well as scarcity in the way we perceive of the amount of pleasure, security and abundance in our lives.

Venus is making a favorable alignment to Pluto at the same time though. This alignment is akin to the phoenix rising from the ashes – a signal of rebirth and transformation. It’s a good time to shed or transform old visions or beliefs that are no longer helpful or relevant.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A rabbit metamorphosed into a nature spirit.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Tuesday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius

“Life is the only way
to get covered in leaves,
catch your breath on sand,
rise on wings;

to tell pain
from everything it’s not;

to squeeze inside events,
dawdle in views,
to seek the least of all possible mistakes;

and to keep on not knowing
something important.” Wislawa Szymborska

June’s Full Moon is on the 14th at 7:52 AM EDT at  23 degrees of Sagittarius.

When I was  first studying astrology I had a teacher who would stress the complimentary nature of polarities. This month, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius opposing the Sun in Gemini, this theme of reconciling opposites is very much on the table.

The sign of Gemini governs the process of gathering information and of thinking about it from the viewpoint of many differing perspectives. The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury. The substance Mercury, when  dropped on a surface scatters into a lot of tiny, shining, silver balls. The sign of Gemini which has its own brilliance too, can become scattered from too busy a mind and too many unrelated  ideas.

This is where the opposite sign  – Sagittarius -comes in. Sagittarius is the sign which governs religion, philosophy, higher education and travel – both in the outer world and inner journeys as well.  Sagittarius represents the overriding belief system, philosophy or higher knowledge which unites the seemingly unrelated  information of the sign of Gemini.

We live in times of a lot of fragmentation and polarization of views and attitudes. This Full Moon is a good time to look at that aspect of life from the vantage point of a higher perspective.

The  Full Moon is square Neptune in Pisces indicating a  dreamy time when disillusionment or confusion may be present. The Moon is also aligning with Saturn in a favorable aspect indicating it bodes well to take things slowly and incrementally in terms of your aspirations.

Things are likely to lighten up later this week as Mercury will leave  the sign of Taurus – moving away from Saturn – and enter the sign of Gemini. This mercurial sign loves levity, fun and socializing.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of the house.”


This Week’s Astrology with Pallas, Venus and the North Node

“Sometimes life is so surprising there’s nothing to do but live.” Emily Dickinson

“Though the spring is late and cold,
Though the uproar of  greed
And malice shudder in the sky,
Pond, stream and hilltop raise
Their ancient songs.

The robin molds her mud nest
with her breast; the air
is bright with breath
of bloom, wise loveliness that asks
nothing of the season but to be.” Wendell Berry

Astrologers say when Uranus is strong in the sky by transit, as it is now, to “expect the unexpected.”

Pallas Athene is now conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprise . Pallas is the goddess who was often depicted with an owl on her shoulder as a reminder of what she could not see. She brought the knowledge of diplomacy and mediation to the gods and goddesses. She was known for her strategic  skills. When she had exhausted all the means to create a just peace  though, she was invincible in battle.

Pallas Athene is now conjunct Uranus and they are both moving up to a conjunction with the North Node of destiny and fate. This configuration brings up the question of how you are moving forward with your aspirations for your life. Are you being strategic enough? Are you being assertive enough?

There’s plenty of fiery energy with Mars and Jupiter in Aries which is where the strategic approach comes in. Mars and Jupiter have a tendency to “overshoot the mark” in terms of action.

Uranus can bring new and innovative approaches to the table so it’s wise now to heed your intuition and make appropriate down time so that information can surface.

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty is moving up to conjunct Uranus at 16 degrees of Taurus. Uranus and Venus together, by transit or in a natal chart,speak of love-at-first-sight occurrences as well as innovative or unconventional approaches to love and love affairs. Uranus governs lightning and electricity so there often is an electric connection between people with this connection. Like lightning, it can be unexpected and exciting.

Venus also governs finances – making this a good time for considering innovative approaches to managing resources.

It bodes well for the next couple of weeks to provide extra downtime -off the devices – for rest and rejuvenation as nerves can be frayed under these kind of influences and it’s wise to slow down and stay grounded.

Eric Francis, the  astrologer and investigative journalist, has written extensively about the “disembodied”nature of our times- with people focused on their devices, as opposed to being present in the moment in their surroundings. Several planets in Taurus provide a good time to be in touch with the beauty and grounding the natural world provides for us.

When I lived on a working farm, we would  often have dinner together at the end of the day, and a couple there would say a grace before meals, “Let us  think to the origin of our food.”

It’s an important time to stay connected to the earth.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A symbolic battle between ‘swords’, the  disciples of might and ‘torches’, the disciples of enlightenment.

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill