A Busy Week in the Starry Heavens

“some say a squadron of horse, some, infantry,
some, ships are the loveliest thing
on the black earth. But I say
it’s what you desire.” Sappho

“Saturn lays the tracks for the reality train to follow.” Caroline W. Casey

If things have been proceeding at a less than desired pace in your life, we are rounding the corner to a better time.

Mars, the god of action and desire moved  into the Saturn- ruled sign of  Capricorn in the wee hours of Monday 1/24 . Mars is exalted in this sign and it is heralding  a time where, with good planning and hard work, long sought after goals can be achieved.

Pluto is conjunct Juno this week. Juno is the asteroid of  commitment making this a good time to review commitments – particularly partnership  commitments of all kinds – personal, business etc. Often the ability to maintain challenging relationships is a matter of appropriate boundaries and distance.

It can be a time when commitments (of all kinds)  undergo transformation or change.

On Tuesday Mercury will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn on his way to the direct station on February 3. Mercury will once again conjunct Pluto indicating a good time to think about ways you might improve your daily routine, habits and work schedule. It also is a good time to look at how you might adhere to convention or tradition in a way that is no longer helpful.

Venus will station direct at the end of the week on January 29 at 11 degrees of Capricorn.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Three stained glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Uranus Stations Direct and the Sun moves into Aquarius

” Uranus is the electrical current we experience when we are thinking of someone and the phone rings and that very person is on the line or when we need a sign and open a book to a passage that provides just the guidance we seek. Through the intervention of meaningful Uranian coincidence, we are the words with which the universe talks to itself.” Caroline W. Casey

“Uranian truth telling and experimentation are needed so that we can grow social forms that serve rather than suppress individuality.”  Caroline W. Casey

Uranus- the ruler of all things startling and unexpected- stationed direct this week at 10 degrees of Taurus. Uranus governs the nervous system and nerves can be on edge around the times of a station. But Uranus is also the Awakener or the one who delivers the “wake up call” so that if you have been lingering too long in stagnant territory  the forces of Uranus can arrive to usher you along.

Uranus governs- among other things- electricity and inventions that are ahead of their time. Cyber technology falls under this rulership as we witness an outdated legal system struggling  to keep up with the innovative  changes.

Uranus also governs lightning and in the Bible, lightning is associated with awakening.  St Paul was temporarily struck blind by lightning and converted and wrote his gospel shortly afterwards. Some shamanic traditions believe that if you are struck by lightning and survive, the opportunity for enlightenment is close at hand.

It’s a good time for fresh perspectives.

The Sun moving into Aquarius ushers in a time of the ability to take a more detached perspective – a somewhat welcome relief with so many planets in the cardinal sign of Capricorn. Aquarians are often community – minded individuals and  highly individualistic. Although they like groups and group activity there is often an “outsider” quality to them.

Thus comes the idea of the Age of Aquarius –  evolving the world in a more connected direction and creating alliances that are  based on mutual cooperation, respect for the interconnectedness of all life and for individual and cultural uniqueness.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An unexpected thunderstorm.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Monday’s Full Wolf Moon in Cancer

” You can dent the soul and bend it. You can hurt and scar it. You can leave marks of illness upon it, and scorch marks of fear. But it does not die for it is protected by La Loba, the Wild Woman in the underworld.”Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“La Loba is the soul-maker, the wolf raiser, the keeper of things wild.”Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I used to take care of a  young child who loved horses and one of her favorite films was called,”Wild Hearts Can’t be Broken.” She had a strong Pluto in her chart and throughout her young and adolescent life encountered times of very deep loss. When she would come to me tearfully for advice I would remind her of the title of that film and that very often our most significant strengths come from overcoming hardships and loss.  It is also how we become wise, I would tell her. And how we grow to understand more about life.

At the time of Monday’s Full Moon, the Sun is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Full Moon in Cancer  indicating that during this time – from now through early next week – painful memories are inclined to surface. It is a good time for the processing or revision of past wounds that are burdensome or  inhibiting future growth. The potential for significant transformation is on the table now.

This will help clear vision of the future.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Mercury, Saturn and Albert Einstein

“Concepts which have proved useful in ordering things easily acquire such an authority over us that we  forget their human origin and accept them as invariable.” Albert Einstein

“What is important, then, is  not the cultivation of belief or disbelief, but to understand the process of the mind.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication stations retrograde Friday EDT. The chart at  time of the station has Mercury conjunct Saturn and squaring Uranus. The Sun in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto, the Lord of Transformation.

The Saturn/Uranus square -which is associated  with the battle between the old and the new – aligned with  Mercury in the fixed air sign of Aquarius is bringing challenges to the way we think about things and whether there is a need to update  or deepen the thought process or belief system.

Albert Einstein had a Mercury/ Saturn aspect in his natal chart. In his childhood he was regarded as “slow’ and some people with this aspect can be thought of as lacking in intelligence . This is because this is the aspect of deep, not quick thinkers and often in our times speed is valued over depth of thought.

Through early February, it’s best when there are snafus, to slow down, rethink, revision and seek innovative solutions.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”During a silent hour, a woman receives a new inspiration which may change her life.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mercury Retrograde Starts Friday

“Every time I have been aware of a synchronicity experience, I have had an accompanying feeling that some grace came along with it.” Jean Shinola Bolen

“Synchronicity holds the promise that if we change within, the patterns in our outer life will change also.” Jean Shinola Bolen

Mercury, the fleet footed, silver tongued god of commerce and communication who rules over the “pen pushers” (as they call writers  in Mexico) will station retrograde Friday  1/14 on  6:41 AM EDT at 10 degrees of Aquarius.

Synchronicity is alive and well during this Mercury retrograde period which runs from  January 14 through Feb 3 as Mercury stations aligning with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected.

“Expect the unexpected” is the rule for this time frame. If there are agreements that need to be made or important papers that need to be signed, it bodes well to take care of  them in advance of Friday’s station as there is likely to be more unpredictability about at that time.

Mercury retrograde periods are somewhat notorious for snafus with mechanical and electronic equipment. There also can more easily be misunderstandings in communication. So if there is a problem it’s best to seek clarification rather than making assumptions.

Extra downtime will be helpful because Mercury/Uranus alignments can be hard on the nervous system.

Mercury will also be conjunct Saturn triggering the ongoing influence of the Saturn/Uranus square.  This  is associated with the break down of old and outdated structures to make way for the new – as a new world struggles to be born. But giving birth is not an easy process.

It ‘s wise for two or three days before the retrograde station (1/14) as well as the direct station (on Feb 3)  to  raise awareness to see what information surfaces that can represent a culmination of information.We are living in times of great change and extra downtime can help provide increased awareness and knowledge about personal evolution.

On January 29 Mercury will re-enter Capricorn and cross Pluto one more time. So many things are changing and in flux here on Planet Earth at this time and this conjunction provides the opportunity to think more deeply about matters  and to take the Dalai Lama’s suggestion that, “we must always be thinking about what we are thinking. ” Thinking is creating.

Mercury will station direct on Feb 3 at 24 degrees of Capricorn.

Jupiter, the god of hope, spirituality and abundance, now in his home sign of Pisces, is pointing to the potential for the upcoming year to be a more optimistic time.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Moonlit fields, once Babylon, are blooming bright.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Jupiter Squares the Lunar Nodes

“We can have excuses or we can have  health, love, longevity, understanding, adventure, money, happiness. We design our lives through the power of our choices. We feel most helpless when we’ve made choices by default, when we haven’t designed our lives on our own.”Richard Bach

“Kindness is the golden thread that holds society together.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jupiter, newly entered into the sign of Pisces is now squaring the Lunar Nodes – with the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius. This represents a significant choice point. When making  decisions it’s wise  to consider whether the choice is being made out of old or perhaps outdated thinking, or if it represents a direction you want to pursue in the future.

It’s a good time to consider whether thinking or communication has become too rigid or dogmatic and could use some updating.

It’s a time that bodes well for increased benevolence and good will as well as a good time for learning, discovery and new approaches in thinking.

One of the Sabian synbols for this time is,” The ocean covered with white caps.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Sunday’s New Moon and Beginnings

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring
I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear, I may):
I sha’n’t be gone long.—You come too.
I’m going out to fetch the little calf
That’s standing by the mother. It’s so young,
It totters when she licks it with her tongue.
I sha’n’t be gone long.—You come too.”
Robert Frost

I have been fortunate throughout my life to live near a spring house or a spring in a field where the water bubbles up from the ground. These are the kind of places that people make pilgrimages to throughout the world for their  healing  or regenerative  powers.

The water element symbolically represents the emotional, creative and spiritual side of life and making a pilgrimage to one of these somewhat mystical sites can signal a new start in these areas of life.

New Years  is not a particularly significant day in astrology  for beginnings but the New Moon on Sunday is.  As we move towards it there’s good timing to “rake the leaves away” and “watch the water clear” – in other words to clear vision for dreams and aspirations of the future.

It’s wise to think of providing protection for your  aspirations, too, with safe boundaries – as the young calf depends on her mother.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is “birds singing in the house singing happily.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Jupiter Enters Pisces

“Jupiter in Pisces invites us to reimagine our world with a sense of wonder. Jupiter invites us to enter into 2022 with a renewed sense of hope.” Tony Howard

Jupiter entered the sign of Pisces-a comfortable placement for this god of expansion , optimism and pleasure- late Tuesday night EDT. Jupiter will transit through this sign through mid May and then again in late October through much of December.

It’s a good time to broaden horizons and consider new possibilities.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A butterfly  emerging from a chrysalis.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




January’s New Moon in Capricorn

“Change is a fundamental element of consciousness. It is what calls our attention, awakens it, stimulates our questions. Without change our minds become dull and unaware.” Anodea Judith

“Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo” is a Quenya  (Elvish) greeting  used by Frodo in the first meeting with Gildor Inglorion. It translates as “A star shines on the hour of our meeting.” Eric Francis quoting J.R.R. Tolkien

There’s just nothing like good timing. This is why people often consult an astrologer to set an important date – for starting a business, for example, or  buying a house or getting married.  It’s why, when people consult an astrologer about the potential of a  new romantic relationship, the astrologer will often ask for the date and time of the first meeting. The timing of this is believed to hold significant information about the nature of the  relationship itself.

New Moons come and go – some more powerful than others. January’s New Moon in Capricorn ushers in a time that bodes well for transformation. The Moon waxes new January 2, 2022 at 1:35 PM EST.  This Sunday is an especially favorable time for setting intentions or making resolutions.

The Sun and Moon will be at 12 degrees of Capricorn, joining  Juno (the asteroid of commitment ), Venus and Pluto in this pragmatic, goal driven sign.  If you’re willing to commit to the work involved, a lot of progress can be made going forward with your aspirations.

The Sun and Moon will also be making a favorable alignment with Uranus – the planet of surprises. This indicates good timing- an important consideration astrologically with new endeavors.

Jupiter will be newly in Pisces and squaring the Nodes. This indicates an important turning point.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time  is, “A student of nature lecturing, revealing little-known aspects of life.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Under a Relationship Sky

“Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest of human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible to see the other whole and against a wide sky.” Rilke

“A lot of our presumptions and assumptions about relationship go largely unrecognized.” Eric Francis

Venus is now retrograde and astrologer and author Eric Francis describes this time (through the end of  January) as Venus, the goddess of love, in search of “the other” in the Underworld.  This is because Venus is  conjunct Pluto and makes the exact conjunction three times – the last being in early March.

The Underworld is Pluto’s realm where unknowing becomes transformed into evolved  conscious awareness.  With Underworld journeys though, there is always a sense of unknowing or walking through the darkness as Persephone did.

There is a solitary nature to this journey.

We are living through times of great change on the planet and so many things are up  for review.

The journey of Venus through this territory offers a fertile time to look more deeply into thoughts and beliefs about love and relationship.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.”