Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on Thanksgiving Day EST at 20 degrees of Sagittarius. To avoid  possible snafus with communication and travel it bodes well to make any necessary repairs and to back up information before the station.  Leave extra time with travel and if there are delays look to the opportunities present. Practice patience.  Make an extra effort to ensure communication is clear, respectful and thoughtful. We live in a time when information is coming at us fast and this retrograde period ( through Dec 14) provides excellent timing to review, update and expand spiritual and philosophical belief systems.

Uranus and Pluto Together Again

The pundits and politicians who can’t fathom the significance of OWS and its potential as a force for change could take a history lesson from the 60s and early 70s when this revolutionary pair- Uranus and Pluto were active in the sky as well. The lyrics to the Doobie Brothers song “Takin it to the Streets”  sums it up well.

“Take this message to my brother
You will find him…everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty’s despair
Are you…telling me the things you’re gonna do for me
I ain’t blind and I don’t like what I think I see

Takin it to the streets…” Michael Mc Donald

Mars in Virgo

Mars is in Virgo now through early July 2012. This time frame bodes well for improving daily routines to build health, stamina and strength. It lends assistance with projects in need of organization. When functioning well the sign of Virgo excels at critical thinking – helping with pragmatic affairs. The downside of Virgo is being overly critical of self or others. Virgo and Pisces are both signs of service and function most effectively when being of service to others and the world. Worry and nervousness can increase under this influence. If this happens remember to believe in yourself.

November Full Moon

The Full Moon this month is Thursday November 10 EST at 18 degrees of Taurus. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “A New Continent Rising Out Of The Ocean.” This symbol speaks of the emergence of promising opportunities which come about as the result of spiritual and emotional evolution. It is a good time to expand horizons mentally and to bring awareness to patterns which interfere with or impede that process. Pay attention to synchronicity for signs which point the way forward.

 * quote from Lynda Hill’s The Sabian Oracle 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Astrology and Occupy Wall St.

Students of history know that governments become rigid over time and periodically there is a need for change in the power structures. Visionaries advocating for a more just world have always been a key force at these kinds of turning points. What we are witnessing in the Occupy Wall St. movement is not just a desire to move the country in the direction of more social, political and economic justice but also an effort to evolve the world in a more idealistic direction. Neptune- now a strong influence in the sky – governs idealism, higher dreams and visions. Efforts like making decisions by consensus, partaking in peaceful protest and organizing globally to bring about positive change will receive help and support from the powerful evolutionary dynamics – also called the aspects of 2012- at play in the sky now.

November Astrology

“It is time we put our energy into fruitfully re-growing the Garden instead of fruitlessly scrapping over the scraps.” Swami Beyondananda

 We are living in transformative times personally and collectively. We can see the big changes around us and in the world.  For much of November Neptune’s influence is very strong. This provides very good timing to stay in touch with our highest aspirations for ourselves and the planet while keeping moderation in mind and in practice in our daily lives.

 The planet Neptune is often strong in the charts of visionaries, artists and mystics making this month a very good one for spiritual and creative work. As Neptune transits the late degrees of Aquarius the time is right for collaboration.  In collaborative projects it is best to focus on the common good rather than trying to draw lines in the sand about differences. Draw a wide circle about who can be involved and who can shoulder some of the weight. Collaborations which endeavor to bring about positive change will have the wind at their back.

  It will be helpful month long to keep strong mental and emotional boundaries because Neptune’s illusory presence tends to dissolve form. It may look like a good time to dance the light fantastic – to go to extremes or get drawn into situations which look appealing but in the end could be disillusioning and unrealistic. It is best to proceed moderately and stick to a healthy, holistic daily rhythm.

 In the beginning of the month Venus will move into fiery Sagittarius and trine Uranus through the 10th. This is the love at first sight aspect and has a very electrical quality to it. It can be a time when relationships that have been unable to move forward do so suddenly- thanks to the ardor and daring nature of the fiery element. Mercury will move into the fiery trine also making this a good time to heed innovative and out of the box thinking.  Mercury /Uranus aspects are known for instant knowing and off the grid brilliance.

 Jupiter’s influence – providing hope, optimism and energy- will be in play the 10th through the 25th.  This bodes well for projects that require physical energy. It is also a good time for fun and socializing. Watch for overindulgence with Jupiter’s love of excess!


Mercury stations retrograde on the 24th at 20 degrees of Sagittarius. It is quickly followed by the solar eclipse on the 25 which is at 2 degrees of Sagittarius.  For a couple of weeks before and after eclipses, time can feel wobbly or distorted. This is more likely this month with the strong Neptune influence and the Mercury station.

 At the time of the eclipse Venus will be entering the Pluto/Uranus square – the revolutionary aspect of our time. This may present challenges in relationships regarding the transformation and evolution of old patterns. Other aspects indicate volatility. Take extra time and care to ensure that communications are clear. Venus and Mercury will still be widely conjunct reminding us that compassion, respectful communication and respect for others views can help with progress. Venus’s close aspect to Pluto reminds us that painful events in love hold valuable keys to personal transformation and evolution if we are open. It is a good time to shed outdated beliefs about love and relationship and to grow in a more evolved direction.


The Gossamer Veil of Neptune

“In my dreams I can see

I can see a world

that could be.” Crosby, Stills & Nash

 Neptune’s gossamer veil sparkles around us through early November with aspects to Venus, Mars and Mercury. While its otherworldly influence can create confusion in mundane matters, it is a very good time to envision a harmonious, holistic view of the future – both for ourselves and the planet. In order to make things manifest, we first need the vision.



Jupiter trines Pluto

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring;

I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away

(And wait to watch the water clear, I may)

I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. ” Robert Frost

 I love this poem because it reminds me of the work necessary to maintain clarity. If over the next couple of weeks feelings of disempowerment are triggered or you are feeling mired emotionally- regard it as an opportunity for the transformation of old dynamics. It is a powerful time for transformation. Strong mental and emotional boundaries will facilitate the process.

Neptune in Pisces

Each morning I travel a short distance to walk around a sparkling, pristine beaver pond . It is quiet and tranquil there although a road does go by. Often drivers wave or slow down to ask if I am okay or if I need their help- if my car has broken down. I am touched by their thoughtfulness and sense of our shared humanity. Although we do not discuss our political views it is likely they would be at odds and our spiritual belief systems might vary considerably. But what always comes through to me is our common humanity and the desire we all can have to be kind, to see each others as brothers and sisters and to be of service in the world. This is what Neptune in Aquarius is about – finding our common humanity and collaborating to solve commonly shared problems. It is visible now on the streets of Cairo, many cities worldwide in our own backyards if we are open to it. This approach may well lead to a more spiritual means of  inhabiting the earth. This is one of the opportunities present as Neptune moves through the late degrees of Aquarius and into Pisces from 2011- 2025.


Occupy Wall St.

The revolutionary fervor akin to that of the sixties generation is alive and well in over 1100 US cities now as the planets of revolution and innovation – Pluto and Uranus – meet once again in the sky. Again people are in the streets advocating for social, political and economic justice. This aspect is not going away any time soon and what we are witnessing now is just the beginning. One of the innovations used by this new generation is internet technology – a key organizing tool globally. Uranus which governs technology is squaring Pluto which can mean that technological innovations can challenge and undermine traditional power structures. This was seen in NY recently when the video of police pepper spraying peaceful protestors was broadcast over the internet and made the police rethink tactics that might have worked in the past. The power of corporately owned mainstream media is now being challenged also. Gil Scott Heron’s words, “the revolution will not be televised” ring true as the mainstream media has been slow, reluctant and confused in its coverage. But the live streaming on the internet speaks a very different language.