Amelia’s Blog

Venus Enters Scorpio

“I have been acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain – and back in rain.
I have out walked the furthest city light…
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right
I have been acquainted with the night.” Robert Frost

Venus is in the sign of Scorpio now making this a time of increased darkness and the deeper mysteries. It is a good time to get in touch with what you feel passionate about in your life.

The sign of Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto are both associated with catharsis – the periodic need to acknowledge and process pain, disappointment and disillusionment in order to move forward in a clearer,  less encumbered direction.
One of the Sabian symbols associated with Venus’s ingress into Scorpio is, ” A bottle of spilled perfume,” a reference to disillusionment or dreams gone awry.
Scorpio is the sign of  death and rebirth and is a reminder that dreams can be born anew in a new form.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Notes on the Week Ahead

“Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.” Carolyn G. Heilbrun

As we head into next week’s New Moon on Friday planetary influences suggest it is a good time to get busy with projects and plans. A lot can be accomplished with a clear focus. Do watch for the tendency to overwork which may lead to becoming exhausted or accident prone.

Take extra care when traveling or moving about and be attentive to the possibility of impulsiveness on the part of others. it is a good week to heighten awareness about how you direct your personal power as breakthroughs or revelations can emerge about this area of life.
Mars is opposite Uranus at the time of the New Moon. This influence suggests that there may be surprising or unanticipated events which may be hard to integrate at the time.
 There is  also increased energy for a fresh new start.
Providing extra time for rest and rejuvenation will be beneficial for clarity and integration as nerves can be frayed and tempers on a short fuse.
One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.”
Friends – I have gift certificates available for the holidays. I am reading a book called “Tales of Accidental Genius.” This title reminds me of a good Tarot or Astrology reading when an unexpected or surprising perception emerges opening the door to new opportunities.
Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.   Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Venus and Juno

“Maturity and energy in our work is not granted freely to human beings but must be adventured and discovered, cultivated and earned. It is the result of application, dedication, an indispensable sense of humor and above all a never-ending, courageous conversation with ourselves, those with whom we work and those whom we serve. It is a long journey; it calls on both the ardors of youth and the perspectives of a longer view. It is achieved through a lifelong pilgrimage.” David Whyte.
As Venus and and Juno form a favorable alignment this week and Jupiter moves closer to the North Node of destiny and life path, it bodes well to think about the commitments in your life – personal as well as professional – and how you would like to evolve those commitments into the future. Venus and Juno are in the partnership sign of Libra and so it is wise to consider how you would like to evolve the relationships involved and what you are willing to do to make that happen.




The Sun conjuncts Saturn

“I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him where are you going
And this he told me
I’m going on down to Yasgur’s farm
I’m going to join in a rock ‘n’ roll band
I’m going to camp out on the land
I’m going to try an’ get my soul free.” Joni Mitchell

This weekend the Sun in Sagittarius moves up to Saturn and squares Neptune. This aspect provides a good time to recognize fears and illusions which – through customary perception – can block the emergence of new ideas and initiatives. These fears and illusions once identified can be released in order to create a clearer path forward.
The Sabian symbol associated with the aspect is, “Deep within the earth, new elements are being formed.”
A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.
Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom


Saturn, Neptune and Thanksgiving

“Until it becomes clear that soul work is not for our benefit alone, but for the sake of the world, care of the soul is doomed to becoming trapped forever in one egotism after another.” Robert Sardello
 The first exact square of Saturn and Neptune is November 26 – Thanksgiving Day in the US. This aspect symbolizes one of the most important themes of late 2015 and 2016. It is about the kind of confusion, disillusionment and eventual understanding that can occur due to the recognition of the false underpinnings of dogmatic beliefs whose authority has held sway in a powerful and sometimes unconscious ways.
 It brings into question sometimes widely held and traditional beliefs which can originate in family of origin, religion and culture. It applies both personally and globally. It is about questioning authority – both inner and outer.
Confusion is likely to occur as the result of this influence- it is best to regard it as an evolutionary  process. Wherever a void is created there is an opportunity for discovery, increased clarity and renewal.
 “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” Eugene Ionesco
A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.

The Sun, Mercury and the North Node

“What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against the sky?” David Whyte

With the Sun and Mercury in a positive alignment with the North Node this week it bodes well to heed guidance and intuitions about your unfolding path to the future.

Venus, Pluto and Uranus

“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” Thich Nhat Hanh

The influence of Venus is strong this week as the planet of love, pleasure and beauty moves up to aspect Pluto the planet of transformation and Uranus the planet of freedom and innovation. It is a good week to take a break from habitual ways of thinking about relationships and the way you normally define them. Be aware of your trajectory of evolution. Investigate what other opportunities are present for relating to others in a new way.

Take a good look at how you nurture yourself and your dreams on a deeper level and ascertain if improvements would be beneficial. Set an intention to alter your perspective and move forward in a revived way.

The times we are living in have a revolutionary nature to them – when old, outdated forms of authority are upended. This applies to your inner life as well as your experience of outer events.

It is a good time to harness the winds of change. One of the Sabian symbols for the Venus/ Pluto alignment is, “Circular paths.” Another is, ” In the heat of noon a person takes a siesta.”

A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.

Mars, the North Node and the New Moon

At the time of the New Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, Mars is at 29 degrees (often referred to in the old texts as “the fated degree”) of Virgo conjunct the North Node. This influence in combination with others can lead to an increase of nervous energy and irritability.
It is best to direct the energy in a positive way. Clean out or organize a space which is correlated to an area of life you want to evolve and set a clear intention about the new direction. The Sabian symbol associated with the 29th degree of Virgo is,”Having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn’t look to any distractions.”

A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.

Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH. Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

New Moon in Scorpio and Planetary Activity for Week of November 9

“Hope is the thing with feathers.” Emily Dickinson

The Sun aspects beneficent Jupiter harmoniously this week bringing increased optimism and good will. There can be a stronger sense of personal mission and a growth in self confidence. With Chiron’s influence it is a good to time expand beyond the normal view of life experiences and evolve along the lines of personal growth and awareness.

Jupiter and Uranus continue their exact quincunx indicating there can be sudden surprises, unexpected events and the disruption of plans. Do create extra down time and expect that events that occur now are likely to be understood and fully integrated over time rather than in the present.

The New Moon occurs Wednesday November 11 at 19 Scorpio. This deepens perceptions and provides a good opportunity to assess what you feel passionate about and identify the elements that stand in the way. Use the potential for increased clarity to increase self mastery.

The Sabian symbol associated with the New Moon is,”A woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entryway to a sacred pathway.”

Uranus, Jupiter and Chiron

“The winds of grace are always blowing; it is time for us to raise our sails.” Ramakrishna

Uranus, Jupiter and Chiron’s configuration in the sky now – and in and out of influence through the summer – indicates a good time to make dreams or aspirations real. An important part of the process is the ability to maintain faith through the ups and downs of the process. When in doubt, raise the level of your perception. One of the Sabian symbols for this configuration is. “A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of life in an industrial area.”
Watch for sudden illumination and breakthroughs.