Amelia’s Blog

Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Chiron

“People do walk fire. We are an open possibility.” Joseph Chilton Pearce

The powers of attraction are very strong this week as Venus and Mars – the planets of desire and action – align harmoniously in the sky. Do be very clear about your intentions and let the winds of change carry you forward.

Beneficent Jupiter’s opposition to Chiron can shed light and wisdom into areas that we do not normally see. It can bring a more expansive view to the way we customarily view our daily routines, work life and health. If possibilities have seemed limited in these areas now is the time to entertain ideas and images that arise which would lead to a more abundant future.

A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.

On Halloween

“The last secular festival remaining in the Western calendar, only Halloween has cleaved to its magical, primordial roots. It is a holiday which fascinates without requiring us to believe anything. Its allure is not intellectual but visceral, dating back to a time when people explored the nonphysical realms – the Other Worlds – as a natural and normal function of human experience ” Jessica Murray

Astrology and Tarot Card Readings

A wise Tarot Card reader or Astrologer is like a fellow traveler on your journey who walks beside you carrying a lantern through a dark wood. Readings provide direction and guidance and offer practical, positive and empowering advice. Ideally a Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a trusted ally and adviser on your life path throughout time.

Venus Opposes Chiron at the Full Moon

“Venus opposite Chiron shows us that happiness lies neither in perfectionism nor always trying to please others, but in discovering and honoring who we really are.” Stephanie Austin
You can reach Amelia at and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton NH.

Full Moon in Taurus

“The act of perception is always open-ended and unfinished.” David Abram

The Moon waxes Full Tuesday October 27 at 3 degrees of Taurus. Uranus opposes Mercury and aspects Saturn leading up to this Full Moon indicating that events and perceptions can occur which shift limiting perceptions and offer a broader, more satisfying view of the future.
This time reminds me of the Nine of Cups in the Tarot deck which depicts a jovial innkeeper. The card was in earlier decks called SATIETY. The sign of Taurus is known for it love of security, stability, good food and comforting surroundings and this time offers a time to reflect on those aspects of your life..
The influences also provide a good time to think about your relationships and your daily routines and rhythms and what improvements you would like to make in those areas. Good health and well being affects perception in very powerful ways.

If you have been busy this is a good time to take some time out to relax and envision or enhance the image of future you would like to create. One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An empty hammock.”

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship, transformation and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton NH. Times mentioned are based on EDT. Abram quote from his book, The Spell of the Sensuous, Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill’s, 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Jupiter in Virgo

With Jupiter in Virgo through September 9, 2016 a good rule of thumb is to “take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.” Pay attention to the details of what needs to be done and see them through.

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email skype and in person Times mentioned are based on EDT

The Sun enters Scorpio

“I think there is nothing in the world but mystery.” Kenneth Patchen

This is a high energy week and there may be unexpected twists and turns of events. It may become necessary to make adjustments. The Sun enters Scorpio – the sign of deeper mysteries and hidden things- on Friday.

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in phone. Times mentioned are based on EDT

Mars, Jupiter and Pluto

“People do fire walk. We are an open possibility.” Joseph Chilton Pearce

There are very good aspects for dynamic action and accomplishment this week. The recent Sun, Moon and Uranus configuration has brought unexpected events and synchronicities to many. If this was true for you look for the underlying meaning of these events and see if they indicate ways it would be beneficial to grow and expand. Explore possibilities.

There is support and guidance from the unseen realms this week too. The Sabian symbol for Venus at 4 Virgo is, “A person becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies.”

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in phone. Times mentioned are based on EDT

Jupiter Trines Pluto

“A vision creates a personal responsibility to carry out its directive.” Marie Battiste
This morning I was listening to a lecture by Rick Levine on the powerful and  futuristic Jupiter/Pluto trine now in effect and exact on Sunday the 11th.  He suggests a good use of it is to write a letter to yourself describing your life (the life you would like to be living)  two years down the road. This beneficent aspect bodes well for empowering and manifesting clear goals.
Uranus will oppose the Sun on the 11th also – be open to new and expansive ideas and possibilities of who you are becoming.

Mercury Stations Direct 2015

“It later became clear to me that no matter what we do in science or any other areas, it will not help if we don’t find a way to be related to each other on a deep level.” David Bohm

This week Venus will enter the sign of Virgo on Thursday and Mercury will station direct on Friday. As Venus moves into Virgo she will move beyond the square to Saturn which has been in effect for several weeks. This aspect can put a damper on things related to finances, pleasure and love and it will be moving out of influence on the 11th and 12. Saturn can cause delays in these areas as can Mercury retrograde so a better time for moving forward and seeing results is coming- starting on the 11th and 12.
This week is a good time to be aware of revelations or new thoughts that come about as the result of the Mercury retrograde period. Mercury will station at 0 degrees of Libra – the relationship sign. It bodes well to rethink how we relate to others and how we maintain and evolve personal authenticity in that context. Pay attention to ideas which represent a culmination of information.
Retrograde Mercury has been in a challenging aspect to Neptune – this will continue through late October – meaning that adjustment in your thinking may be called for. Watch out for projection, idealized versions, and unrealistic expectations.