June’s New Moon in Cancer

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

“Everything in moderation – including moderation.” Oscar Wilde

June’s New Moon is Tuesday 6/28 at 10:52 PM EDT at 7 degrees of Cancer.  The symbol of the sign Cancer is the crab  who carries her home upon her back and retreats, when necessary, inside. The sign of Cancer rules women, children, the home, family, ancestry and those things that provide comfort and a sense of rootedness in our lives.

The goddess of love and pleasure, Venus, is aligning with  Jupiter – opening up a cycle with  more fun, pleasure, openness and adventure. Mars and Jupiter are both in Aries now providing a good time to start new things, take action and be assertive.

Neptune, the god of dreams and illusions, stations on the day of the New Moon – ushering in  a cycle of increased creativity – a good time for dreams and visions of the future.  Neptune also rules illusion and in  combination with Jupiter and Venus, it is wise to keep moderation in mind. Jupiter governs the tendency towards excess and Neptune has a boundaryless quality.

One of the symbols for this time is,” A small girl bends over a sparkling pond trying to catch a fish.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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