Sunday’s Full Moon in Libra

“Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among the mysteries.” Theodore Roethke

“What is this darkness? What is its name? Call it an aptitude for sensitivity. Call it a rich sensitivity which will make you whole. Call it your potential for vulnerability.” Meister Eckhart

The Moon waxes full Sunday March 28 at 2:48 PM EDT  at 8 degrees of Libra. At this time the Moon will be opposing the Sun, Venus and  Chiron at 8 degrees of Aries. In mythology Chiron was known as the Wounded Healer but what is often overlooked about him was that he was a teacher and mentor and well.

The placements of the Sun, Venus and Chiron indicate a time when personal vulnerabilities may be more apparent than usual. Mars and the North node will be making a favorable alignment to this trio indicating that there is an opportunity to move forward on your life path in an significant way by revisioning and reframing  vulnerabilities in way that leads to increased wisdom and wholeness.

It is a good time to think about bringing a better balance to relationships- all kinds of relationships.

It’s also wise to factor in patience at this time and take the long view.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


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