This Week’s Astrology with Saturn, Pluto and the South Node

“Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in wrong directions. Practice resurrection.” Wendell Berry

Last week Pluto stationed retrograde and this week Saturn will. When Saturn is stationary in the sky as it is now, things can feel more serious and sometimes burdensome.

This duo in conjunction with the South Node  is a caution about clinging to things that no longer work. This includes things like jobs or financial strategies as well outgrown patterns of thinking and feeling.

Pluto will travel retrograde through early October making this a good time frame for considering how to restructure your life in a way that feels more up to date, effective and in line with your soul’s purpose.

Mars continues to aspect Neptune this week and it bodes well to focus on what makes you feel empowered. Do keep in mind a positive view of the future.

Mercury makes a positive aspect to Mars this week indicating a good time for concentration and for working independently. It’s wise to keep doubt and self criticism at bay and focus on what needs to be done.

Do be aware that with Uranus in Taurus there can be a shift in what you value in your life  – in terms of work,  finances and relationships.

There is a powerful New Moon on Saturday at 14 degrees of Taurus.  There is wind at your back for setting new intentions related to work, home and finances with at this time. Do take advantage of it.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Saturn station is,”A hidden choir singing during a religious service.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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